Writing Guidelines
1.Original Articles
Lenght maximum 5000 words
Abstract maximum 300 words with minimum 5 keywords
The script is typed 2 spaces (except abstract: 1 space) with Maiandra GD letter size 11. Each script consists of a minimum of 10-20 pages with A4 page size (297x 210 mm).
The manuscripts are arranged according to JVRI format in the following order:
1. Title: Must be concise and informative, written in English. The title is no more than 14 words.
2. Author's identity: Contains the author's full name (avoid abbreviations). The author's address is written complete and accompanied by a fax or email number. Complete with correspondence email.
3. Introduction: Contains a background that contains the significance and purpose of the study, and ends with the usefulness and/or expectations of the research results
5. Material and Method: Written without subtitle Material and Method subtitle. Material and equipment described the name and State manufacturer, chemical name. The way the study is written briefly and accompanied by way of analysis.
6. Results and Discussion: Described in detail and clear, ending the conclusion of research in the last paragraph.
7. Acknowledgments: If necessary, the ones listed are the institutions/individuals who are really helpful so that the research can take place. At the end of the thank-you note, the author should include a statement of no conflict of interest as follows: "The author states there is no conflict of interest with the parties concerned in this research".
8. How to cite by writing the author's name and year. Use of connecting words for 2 authors with words and or and 3 or more authors. Or et al. depending on the language of the article used.
9. Bibliography: According to the alphabet without the serial number, the name of the journal should be abbreviated in accordance with applicable international rules. The number of references recommended for journal articles is 30 references. Literature should last 5-10 years. The book reference library is limited to only 20% of the total bibliography.
Rossi, CN., Takabayashi, CR., Ono, MA., Bordini, JG., Kawamura, O., Vizoni, E., … Ono, EYS. 2013. Assessment of exposure of broiler chicken in Brazil to mycotoxins through naturally contaminated feed. Food Security, 5(4): 541–550.
Chandler, PJ. 2014. “Purification and Characterization of Antibodies”, in Making and Using Antibodies: A practical handbook, 2 nd edition. Edited by Gary C. Howard and Matthew R. Kaser. USA. CRC Press. Pp: 67-96.
Chapter in Book:
Hunt, B., Zola, H., Goddard, C. 2000. “Hybridoma technology: making monoclonal antibodies”, in Monoclonal Antibodies. Edited by Zola, H. Oxford: BIOS Scientific Publisher Ltd.
Bagatin, AK. 2014. Aflatoxin contamination and risk assessment of Brazilian maize and poultry feed. Kagawa University. Faculty of Agriculture. Master thesis.
US Food and Drug Administration. 2000. Guidance for Industry: Action Level for Poisonous or Deleterious Substances in Human Food and Animal Feed. Accessed on January th11, 2015. http://www.fda.gov/food/guidanceregulation/guidancedocumentsregulatoryinformation/ucm077969.htm
2.Short Communication
Length maximum: 2,500 words
Abstract maximum 250 words with 5 keywords
Same formatting as Standard Paper.
JRVI publishes short mmunications. Short communications will no longer be labelled as such in the Journal and will not be allocated a separate section. However, the guidelines for formatting and length still apply. This section is the same format as specified for standard articles (see above). This section is meant to accommodate reports of small completed investigations or new techniques.
Short communications usually have the same priority for publication as standard manuscripts.
3.Case Reports
Length maximum: 2,500 words
Same formatting as Standard Paper, except where noted below.
The abstract should be no longer than 150 words and should provide: Rationale for reporting the case; the reason for examination (clinical signs, owner complaint); pertinent interventions (diagnostic tests, treatment); outcomes; and conclusions of clinical relevan. JRVI will accommodate case descriptions of newly recognized clinical entities, cases in which findings or clinical outcome are unique or unexpected, cases that increase our depth of understanding of a disease process, or cases in which new diagnostic methods or treatments have been used. In order to be considered for publication, case reports must clearly indicate the novel nature of the disease or condition being reported, how reporting the case will alter conventional diagnosis or treatment of the condition, or how reporting the case will advance fundamental understanding of the disease.
Authors should be aware that the acceptance rate for case reports submitted to JRVI is low with many submissions rejected after editorial review.
Case reports include a detailed description of each animal in the report. The report should focus on the novel aspects of the case and not include a detailed description of routine clinical management. Avoid chronological descriptions of animal care and detailed descriptions of routine treatment.
The number of animals in a case report is usually 3 or fewer, except for farm animal case. For case series including more than 5 animals, the report should be formatted as a standard article using the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion format. Results for articles in the standard format should be reported as measures of central tendency and variance or range. Values for individual animals should not be reported in this format. Note that the JRVI does not publish tables with results from individual animals.
4.Review Articles (narrative)
Length maximum: 7,500 words
Same formatting as Standard Paper, except where noted below.
Narrative and not structured as are abstracts for standard articles. No more than 250 words. The use of color illustrations, line drawings and figures in review articles is encouraged. Review articles, which may be solicited by the editorial board or submitted unsolicited by the authors, are meant to provide the reader with an overview of the state of the art in a specialized area of veterinary internal medicine. They should be submitted by individuals who are actively working in the area, and not by those who have reviewed the literature as a prelude to beginning a project in the area. One of the authors must be a recognized expert in the field based on documented research activity and scientific publications. The review should be informative and of value to generalists as well as specialists.
Manuscript Content
The content of the manuscript is the responsibility of the author.