Multinomial Logistic Regression To Model The Combination Of Phdi Status And Hdi Status Of Districts/Cities In Kalimantan Island


  • Yusrian Paliling Mulawarman University
  • M. Fathurahman
  • Sri Wahyuningsih



PHDI, HDI, LRT, MLE, Newton-Raphson, MLR, Wald test


Multinomial Logistics Regression (MLR) is a regression model developed from the Binary Logistics Regression (BLR) model. The response variable of the RLM model has three or more categories and has a multinomial distribution, with the data scale being nominal. The response variable in this study is a combination of the Public Health Development Index (PHDI) status and the Human Development Index (HDI) status of districts/cities in Kalimantan Island, 2018, divided into four categories with category one as a comparison. The predictor variables used were the number of the public health center, the percentage of poor people, economic growth, the pure junior high school participation rate, and the percentage of the population with a minimum of junior high school education. The MLR parameter model was estimated using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method and Newton-Raphson iteration. The hypothesis testing of the MLR model was used by the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) method and the Wald test. The best model selection in this study uses the backward method, and the interpretation of the best MLR model uses the odds ratio value. The results showed that the best MLR model is a model that has three predictor variables. The factors that significantly influenced the combination of PHDI status and the HDI status of districts/cities in Kalimantan Island in 2018 were the percentage of poor people, economic growth, and the percentage of people with the minimum level of education in junior high school.


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How to Cite

Paliling, Y., Fathurahman, M., & Wahyuningsih, S. . (2023). Multinomial Logistic Regression To Model The Combination Of Phdi Status And Hdi Status Of Districts/Cities In Kalimantan Island. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 19(3), 460-472.



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