Zonalaut’s New Edition: English Publications from 2024


Starting from 2024, Zonalaut will accept and publish articles in English. This decision has been made to broaden the readership and authorship from various parts of the world, as well as to enhance the quality and relevance of the research published.

Therefore, we urge all authors who wish to submit their manuscripts to Zonalaut to ensure that the manuscript is written in proper English. We greatly appreciate your attention and cooperation in this matter.

We understand that this change may require adjustments from the authors. However, we believe that this step will help Zonalaut to continue to grow and make a significant contribution to the scientific community.

To assist authors in this transition, we will provide resources and guidelines for writing in English. We also encourage authors to utilize professional editing services if needed.

We are committed to maintaining high publication standards and we believe that with your help, we can achieve this goal. We hope that you will continue to support Zonalaut in our mission to advance knowledge and understanding through high-quality research.

For more information, please visit the Zonalaut contact [here]. Thank you for your support and contribution to Zonalaut. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.