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- Acharya, A. (2011). Dialogue and Discovery: In Search of International Relations Theories Beyond the West. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 1-19.
- Acharya, A. (2014). Global International Relations and Regional Worlds. International Studies Quarterly.
- Acharya, A., & Buzan, B. (2007). Why is there no non-Western international relations theory? An introduction. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 7, 287-312.
- Amin, S. (2009). Eurosentrisme. New York: Monthly Review Press.
- Anderson, B. (2002). Hantu Komparasi: Nasionalisme, Asia Tenggara, dan Dunia.
- Yogyakarta: Qalam.
- Arsuka, N. A. (2000). Bumi Langit Karaeng Pattingalloang. In J. Kristanto, 1000 Tahun
- Nusantara. Jakarta: Kompas.
- Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. L. (1966). The Social Construction of Reality. London:
- Penguin Books.
- Bilgin, P. (2008). Thinking past ‘Western’ IR? Third World Quarterly, 29(1), 5-23.
- Brown, C., & Ainley, K. (2005). Understanding International Relations (3 ed.). Hampshire: Palgrave.
- Buzan, B., & Acharya, A. (2010). Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
- Chong, A. (2010). Southeast Asia: Theory between modernization and tradition? In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
- Chun, C. (2010). Why is there no non-Western international relations theory? Reflections on and from Korea. In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
- Cox, R. (1981). Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond International Relations Theory. Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 10(2), 126-155.
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- UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN Volume 3 No. 3. Desember 2017
- Cummings, W. (2015). Penciptaan Sejarah: Makassar di Awal Era Modern. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.
- Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man's Burden. New York: Penguin Press.
- Elias, J., & Sutch, P. (2007). International Relations: The Basics. Oxon: Routledge.
- Fisher, C. G. (1962). Southeast Asia : The Balkans of The Orient? A Study in Continuity and Change. Geography, 47(4), 347-367.
- Hall, S., & Gieben, B. (1992). Formations of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Hamid, A. F. (2012). Religion, Secularism, and State in Southeast Asia. In A. B. Tickner, & D. Blaney, Thinking International Relations Differently. Oxon: Routledge.
- Hani, C. G. (2008). Toward a Post-Western IR: The Umma, Khalsa Panth, and Critical International Relations Theory. International Studies Review, 10, 347-367.
- Hobson, J. M. (2004). Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hoffman, S. (1977). An American Social Science: International Relations. Daedalus, 1, 41-60.
- Huntington, S. (1996). Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simor & Schuster.
- Jackson, R. H. (2000). The Global Covenant: Human Conduct in a World of States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jones, B. G. (2006). Decolonizing International Relations. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Karan, P. P. (2004). The non-Western World: Development, Environment, and Human Rights. Oxon: Routledge.
- Leonard, A. (2004). Warisan Arung Palakka: Sejarah Sulawesi Selatan Abad ke-17. Makassar: Ininnawa.
- Mahbubani, K. (2008). The New Asian Hemisphere. New York: Public Affairs. Mahbubani, K., & Sng, J. (2017). Keajaiban ASEAN: Penggerak Perdamaian. Jakarta:
- Gramedia.
- Mattulada. (2011). Menyusuri Jejak Kehadiran Makassar dalam Sejarah (1510-1700). Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.
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- UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN Volume 3 No. 3. Desember 2017
- Mehmet, O. (1999). Westernizing the Third World (2nd Edition ed.). London & New York: Routledge.
- Osiander, A. (2001). Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth. International Organization, 55(2), 251-287.
- Puchala, D. J. (1997). Some Non-Western Perspectives on International Relations. Journal of Peace Research, 34(2), 129-134.
- Reid, A. (1980). The Structure of Cities in Southeast Asia, Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 11(2), 235-250.
- Reid, A. (1999). Asia Tenggara dalam Kurun Niaga 1450-1680 Jilid 2: Jaringan Perdagangan Global. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
- Reid, A. (2004). Sejarah Modern Awal Asia Tenggara. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
- Reid, A. (2009). Pluralisme dan Kemajuan Makassar Abad ke-17. In R. Tol, K. Van Dijk, & G. Accioli, Kuasa dan Usaha di Masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan. Makassar: Ininnawa.
- Reid, A. (n.d.). The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in Southeast Asia. Modern Asian Studies, 24(4), 639-659.
- Sebastian, L. C., & Lanti, I. G. (2010). Perceiving Indonesian Approaches to International Relations Theory. In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
- Sen, A. (2006). Identity and Violence. New York: WW Norton.
- Severino, R. C. (2008). ASEAN. Singapura: ISEAS.
- Tickner, A. B. (2003). Hearing Latin American Voices in International Relations Studies. International Studies Perspectives, 4, 325-350.
- Tickner, A. B. (2003). Seeing IR Differently: Notes from the Third World. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 32(2), 295-324.
- Tickner, A. B., & Blaney, D. L. (2012). Thinking International Relations Differently. Oxon: Routledge.
- Tickner, A. B., & Waever, O. (2009). International Relations Scholarship Around the World. Oxon: Routledge.
- Wolf, E. R. (2010). Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley & Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.
Acharya, A. (2011). Dialogue and Discovery: In Search of International Relations Theories Beyond the West. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 1-19.
Acharya, A. (2014). Global International Relations and Regional Worlds. International Studies Quarterly.
Acharya, A., & Buzan, B. (2007). Why is there no non-Western international relations theory? An introduction. International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 7, 287-312.
Amin, S. (2009). Eurosentrisme. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Anderson, B. (2002). Hantu Komparasi: Nasionalisme, Asia Tenggara, dan Dunia.
Yogyakarta: Qalam.
Arsuka, N. A. (2000). Bumi Langit Karaeng Pattingalloang. In J. Kristanto, 1000 Tahun
Nusantara. Jakarta: Kompas.
Berger, P. L., & Luckmann, T. L. (1966). The Social Construction of Reality. London:
Penguin Books.
Bilgin, P. (2008). Thinking past ‘Western’ IR? Third World Quarterly, 29(1), 5-23.
Brown, C., & Ainley, K. (2005). Understanding International Relations (3 ed.). Hampshire: Palgrave.
Buzan, B., & Acharya, A. (2010). Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
Chong, A. (2010). Southeast Asia: Theory between modernization and tradition? In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
Chun, C. (2010). Why is there no non-Western international relations theory? Reflections on and from Korea. In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
Cox, R. (1981). Social Forces, States and World Order: Beyond International Relations Theory. Millennium - Journal of International Studies, 10(2), 126-155.
| P a g e
UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN Volume 3 No. 3. Desember 2017
Cummings, W. (2015). Penciptaan Sejarah: Makassar di Awal Era Modern. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.
Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man's Burden. New York: Penguin Press.
Elias, J., & Sutch, P. (2007). International Relations: The Basics. Oxon: Routledge.
Fisher, C. G. (1962). Southeast Asia : The Balkans of The Orient? A Study in Continuity and Change. Geography, 47(4), 347-367.
Hall, S., & Gieben, B. (1992). Formations of Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Hamid, A. F. (2012). Religion, Secularism, and State in Southeast Asia. In A. B. Tickner, & D. Blaney, Thinking International Relations Differently. Oxon: Routledge.
Hani, C. G. (2008). Toward a Post-Western IR: The Umma, Khalsa Panth, and Critical International Relations Theory. International Studies Review, 10, 347-367.
Hobson, J. M. (2004). Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoffman, S. (1977). An American Social Science: International Relations. Daedalus, 1, 41-60.
Huntington, S. (1996). Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order. New York: Simor & Schuster.
Jackson, R. H. (2000). The Global Covenant: Human Conduct in a World of States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jones, B. G. (2006). Decolonizing International Relations. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Karan, P. P. (2004). The non-Western World: Development, Environment, and Human Rights. Oxon: Routledge.
Leonard, A. (2004). Warisan Arung Palakka: Sejarah Sulawesi Selatan Abad ke-17. Makassar: Ininnawa.
Mahbubani, K. (2008). The New Asian Hemisphere. New York: Public Affairs. Mahbubani, K., & Sng, J. (2017). Keajaiban ASEAN: Penggerak Perdamaian. Jakarta:
Mattulada. (2011). Menyusuri Jejak Kehadiran Makassar dalam Sejarah (1510-1700). Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak.
| P a g e
UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN Volume 3 No. 3. Desember 2017
Mehmet, O. (1999). Westernizing the Third World (2nd Edition ed.). London & New York: Routledge.
Osiander, A. (2001). Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth. International Organization, 55(2), 251-287.
Puchala, D. J. (1997). Some Non-Western Perspectives on International Relations. Journal of Peace Research, 34(2), 129-134.
Reid, A. (1980). The Structure of Cities in Southeast Asia, Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 11(2), 235-250.
Reid, A. (1999). Asia Tenggara dalam Kurun Niaga 1450-1680 Jilid 2: Jaringan Perdagangan Global. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Reid, A. (2004). Sejarah Modern Awal Asia Tenggara. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.
Reid, A. (2009). Pluralisme dan Kemajuan Makassar Abad ke-17. In R. Tol, K. Van Dijk, & G. Accioli, Kuasa dan Usaha di Masyarakat Sulawesi Selatan. Makassar: Ininnawa.
Reid, A. (n.d.). The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in Southeast Asia. Modern Asian Studies, 24(4), 639-659.
Sebastian, L. C., & Lanti, I. G. (2010). Perceiving Indonesian Approaches to International Relations Theory. In B. Buzan, & A. Acharya, Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and beyond Asia. Oxon: Routledge.
Sen, A. (2006). Identity and Violence. New York: WW Norton.
Severino, R. C. (2008). ASEAN. Singapura: ISEAS.
Tickner, A. B. (2003). Hearing Latin American Voices in International Relations Studies. International Studies Perspectives, 4, 325-350.
Tickner, A. B. (2003). Seeing IR Differently: Notes from the Third World. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 32(2), 295-324.
Tickner, A. B., & Blaney, D. L. (2012). Thinking International Relations Differently. Oxon: Routledge.
Tickner, A. B., & Waever, O. (2009). International Relations Scholarship Around the World. Oxon: Routledge.
Wolf, E. R. (2010). Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley & Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.