Gambaran Asupan Cairan Berdasarkan Status Gizi Pada Remaja Putri Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman Gombara Makassar


  • Aulia Maghfirah Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Rahayu Indriasari
  • veni Hadju
  • Sabaria Manti
  • Healthy Hidayanty



Introduction: Teenage girls belong to the nutritional vulnerable group. Nutritional intake in adolescent age is crucial to support their physical growth. Nutritional problems that occur in adolescents are generally caused by a factor that is a less precise diet related to fluid intake that affects the state of nutritional status, especially in teenagers who attend school like in islamic boarding school. Purpose: This study aims to know the description of fluid intake based on adolescent nutritional status in Darul Aman Gombara islamic boarding school. Materials and methods: the type of this study is survey design. Sample This study of 96 teenagers using total sampling. Retrieval of intake data using 24 hours recall method for 3 days IE day on school day and public holiday. Determination of nutritional status obtained from parameters Z-Score IMT/U. Processing and analysis of data on this research using SPSS. Result : The results of the analysis are known that the intake of adolescent drinks with skinny nutritional status as much as 100% are in the category of less fluid intake. For normal nutritional status 87,5% of teenagers are in the category of intake of less drinks and other 12,5% insufficient. And fat nutritional status 91,7% of respondents were in the category of less fluid intake and another 8,3% was sufficient. While the nutritional status of respondents is normal as much as 83.3%, fat nutrition status as much as 12.5%, and lean nutritional status as much as 4.2%. Conclusion: The Most intake of adolescent fluid are lacking in the status of Fat nutrition, and the nutritional status of respondents is a nutritional status of good/normal.


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How to Cite

Maghfirah, A., Indriasari, R. ., Hadju, veni, Manti, S., & Hidayanty, H. . (2022). Gambaran Asupan Cairan Berdasarkan Status Gizi Pada Remaja Putri Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Aman Gombara Makassar . Jurnal Gizi Masyarakat Indonesia (The Journal of Indonesian Community Nutrition), 9(2), 93-103.