PengujianAktivitas Sitotoksik dan Penenentuan Spesies Bakteri Simbion Spons Haliclona sp


  • Warsidah Warsidah Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Tanjungpura University



An investigation of cytotoxic activity from bacterial symbiont of sponge found in West Kalimantan upon shrimp larvae, with Brine Shrimp Lethality Test BSLT, was carried out. Sponge sample of haliclona sp was taken in 10-m depth from West Kalimantan waters. It was concluded that one type of bacteria that actively cytotoxic with LC50 in methanol extract was 55 ppm. Taxonomical examination and biochemical test showed that the identified bacteria is Serratia sp. More sponge species will be required for this kind of test in the future.


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