Total Asset, Return On Asset, Financial Distress, Intrinsict Firm ValueAbstract
Abstract Company's intrinsic value is the cash value that the company has to invest and operate. By increasing assets and profits, it is hoped that the intrinsic value will be even higher, but if large assets are dominated by loans, they have the potential to experience financial distress. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the potential for financial distress is able to mediate the effect of assets and profitability on the intrinsic value of companies in the property and real estate sub-sector for the 2019-2021 period. This study uses a causal associative method with a sample of 31 companies. The data analysis technique uses Path Analysis with the LISREL program. Based on the results of the study it was found that financial distress is able to mediate the influence of assets and profitability on the company's intrinsic value. ABSTRAK Nilai intrinsik perusahaan adalah nilai aliran kas yang dimiliki perusahaan untuk reinvestasi dan beroperasi. Dengan meningkatkan aset dan keuntungan diharapkan nilai intrinsik akan semakin tinggi, namun jika aset yang besar didominasi dari pinjaman maka akan berpotensi mengalami financial distress. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis apakah potensi financial distress mampu memediasi pengaruh aset dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai intrinsik perusahaan subsektor properti dan real estate periode 2019-2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asosiatif kausal dengan sampel sebanyak 31 perusahaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Path Analysis dengan program LISREL. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa financial distress mampu memediasi pengaruh aset dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai intrinsik perusahaan.Downloads
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