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This paper aims to analyze actors interaction in the South Sulawesi DPRD's inquiry rights. This right is one of the rights owned by the legislature but tends to be rarely used. The South Sulawesi Provincial Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in 2019 used the right of inquiry related to the administration of the Provincial Government. Based on research conducted in 2020, the DPRD's right of inquiry was carried out based on the tendency of violations of administrative aspects, abuse of authority and the performance of local governments which were considered less than optimal. The right of inquiry proposed by the DPRD was first proposed by the Golkar faction which was later supported by six other factions where the faction supporting the right of inquiry was a non-supporting party. This condition then led to the opinion that the right of inquiry proposed by the DPRD was full of political interests where there was a tendency that the right of inquiry proposed was one of the political revenge efforts taken by non-supporting parties. But on the other hand, supporters of the right to inquiry try to show that the DPRD's right to inquiry is really based on efforts to realize the constitutional rights of DPRD which are motivated by the problems that occur


Actor Interaction Inquiry Right Regional House of Representatives Sulawesi Selatan

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How to Cite
Yunus, A., Armin, & Rusdi. (2022). Peran Aktor dalam Pembentukan Hak Angket di DPRD Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2019. Politics and Humanism, 1(1), 21-28.