Potensi Bakteri Dari Limbah Kotoran Ternak Dalam Mendegradasi Selulosa
Many wastes in nature made from cellulose cause problems because it is difficult to degrade, it is needs to be treated biologically by utilizing cellulase enzymes from bacteria. Some bacteria are able to degrade a cellulose compound to be used as a source of energy, there is a lot of cattle farm. The purpose of this study was to obtain bacteria that have the potential to degrade cellulose. Isolation of cellulolytic bacteria from cattle fam waste using selective carboxymethyl cellulose media, and semi-quantitative degradation of cellulose compounds was tested. The results obtained by two cellulolytic bacteria marked the formation of inhibitory zones, in BS1 is 3.2 cm and in BS2 is 2.9 cm. From the index of inhibitory values formed, these two isolates have the ability to degrade cellulose in the average category.
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Arifin, Z., Ida, B.W.G., Nyoman, S.A., Yohanes. S., 2019. Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik Pendegradasi Selulosa Dari Kompos. Jurnal Rekayasa dan Manajemen Agroindustri. 7(1): 39-37.
Dar, M.A., Pawar, K.D., Jadhav J.P., and Pandit R.S. 2015. Isolation of Cellulolytic Bacteria from the Gastro-intestinal Tract of Achatina Fulica (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) and their Evaluation for Cellulose Biodegradation. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 98: 73–80.
Gupta, P., Samant, K., and Sahu, A., 2012. Isolation of Cellulose-Degrading Bacteria and Determination of Their Cellulolytic Potential. International Journal of Microbiology. 2:1–5.
Hidayah, M., Hazmi, M., 2017. Isolasi Dan Uji Aktivitas Enzim Selulase Pada Bakteri Selulolitik Asal Tanah Sampah. Agritrop. 15(2): 293 – 308.
Irfan, M., Safdar, A., Syed, Q., and Nadeem, M. 2012. Isolation and Screening of Cellulolytic Bacteria from Soil and Optimization of Cellulase Production and Activity. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Journal Biochem. 37(3): 287–293.
Klemm, D., Schuman, D., Kramer, F., Hebler, N., Hornung, M., Schmauder, H.P., and Marsch, S., 2006. Nanocelluloses as Innovative Polymers in Research and Aplication. Adv Polym Sci. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 205. 49-96.
Meryandini, A., Wahyu, Besty, W., Titi, M., Nisa, C.S., Hasrul, R., 2009. Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik dan Karakterisasi Enzimnya. Jurnal Makara Sains. 13(1): 33-38.
Milala, M.A., Shugaba, A., Gidado, A., Ene. A.C., Wafar, J.A., 2005. Studies On The Use Of Agricultural Wastes For Cellulase Enzyme Production By Aspergillus niger. J Agric Biol Sci. 1: 325-328.
Nofa, K., Siti, K., Irwan, L., 2014. Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Selulosa pada Ampas Tebu Kuning (Bagasse). Jurnal Protobiont. 3(1): 25-33.
Rahayu, A.G., Yuli, H., Fifi, P., 2014. Uji Aktivitas Selulolitik Dari Tiga Isolat Bakteri Bacillus.sp. Jurnal Jom Fmipa. 1(2): 33-36.
Saratale, G.D., Saratale, R.G., Oh, S.E., 2012. Production and Characterization of Multiple Cellulolytic Enzymes By Isolated Streptomyces sp. MDS. Biomass and Bioenergy. 47: 302 -315.
Vaz-Moreira, l. Figueira, V. Lopes, A.R. and Rudiger, P. 2010. Paenibacillus Residui sp. Nov. Isolated from Urban Waste Compost. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 60: 2415–2419.
Andriany, Fahruddin, Abdullah, A., 2018. Pengaruh Jenis Bioaktivator Terhadap Laju Dekomposisi Seresah Daun Jati Tectona Grandis L.F., Di Wilayah Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Bioma. Jurnal Biologi Makassar. 3(2): 31-42.
Arifin, Z., Ida, B.W.G., Nyoman, S.A., Yohanes. S., 2019. Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik Pendegradasi Selulosa Dari Kompos. Jurnal Rekayasa dan Manajemen Agroindustri. 7(1): 39-37.
Dar, M.A., Pawar, K.D., Jadhav J.P., and Pandit R.S. 2015. Isolation of Cellulolytic Bacteria from the Gastro-intestinal Tract of Achatina Fulica (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) and their Evaluation for Cellulose Biodegradation. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 98: 73–80.
Gupta, P., Samant, K., and Sahu, A., 2012. Isolation of Cellulose-Degrading Bacteria and Determination of Their Cellulolytic Potential. International Journal of Microbiology. 2:1–5.
Hidayah, M., Hazmi, M., 2017. Isolasi Dan Uji Aktivitas Enzim Selulase Pada Bakteri Selulolitik Asal Tanah Sampah. Agritrop. 15(2): 293 – 308.
Irfan, M., Safdar, A., Syed, Q., and Nadeem, M. 2012. Isolation and Screening of Cellulolytic Bacteria from Soil and Optimization of Cellulase Production and Activity. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Journal Biochem. 37(3): 287–293.
Klemm, D., Schuman, D., Kramer, F., Hebler, N., Hornung, M., Schmauder, H.P., and Marsch, S., 2006. Nanocelluloses as Innovative Polymers in Research and Aplication. Adv Polym Sci. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 205. 49-96.
Meryandini, A., Wahyu, Besty, W., Titi, M., Nisa, C.S., Hasrul, R., 2009. Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik dan Karakterisasi Enzimnya. Jurnal Makara Sains. 13(1): 33-38.
Milala, M.A., Shugaba, A., Gidado, A., Ene. A.C., Wafar, J.A., 2005. Studies On The Use Of Agricultural Wastes For Cellulase Enzyme Production By Aspergillus niger. J Agric Biol Sci. 1: 325-328.
Nofa, K., Siti, K., Irwan, L., 2014. Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Selulosa pada Ampas Tebu Kuning (Bagasse). Jurnal Protobiont. 3(1): 25-33.
Rahayu, A.G., Yuli, H., Fifi, P., 2014. Uji Aktivitas Selulolitik Dari Tiga Isolat Bakteri Bacillus.sp. Jurnal Jom Fmipa. 1(2): 33-36.
Saratale, G.D., Saratale, R.G., Oh, S.E., 2012. Production and Characterization of Multiple Cellulolytic Enzymes By Isolated Streptomyces sp. MDS. Biomass and Bioenergy. 47: 302 -315.
Vaz-Moreira, l. Figueira, V. Lopes, A.R. and Rudiger, P. 2010. Paenibacillus Residui sp. Nov. Isolated from Urban Waste Compost. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 60: 2415–2419.
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