Studi Struktur Komunitas Meiofauna dan Kualitas Perairan Zona Pesisir Losari Makassar
The coastal zone of Losari Beach is located in a strategic position and rich in potential coastal resources, but the high density of human activities has decreased the quality of the surrounding waters. This study aimed to assesment of the meiofauna ecological index and important value index as a bioindicator of water quality in the coastal zone of Losari, Makassar. The study employed a quantitative descriptive approach with purposive sampling method. The measurement of interstitial meiofauna diversity value it is based on the Shannon-Wiener index from the ecological index results analysis (Diversity Index, Evenness Index, Dominance Index) which was first carried out the identification process using a binocular microscope and refers to the book Higgins & Thiel (1988); Giere (2009). The waters quality in the coastal zone of Losari Beach is categorized as heavily polluted (highly polluted), it is based on the interstitial meiofauna species diversity level which are lowest and mostly inhabited by meiofauna are be able to adapt to polluted aquatic environment. Ostracoda has a high influence on the structure of benthic organism community in the Losari coastal ecosystem, this type of meiofauna has high resources and ecological role in the bottom waters sedimentary environment, such as cleaning of seabed.
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Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019a. Abundance and diversity of meiofauna as water quality bioindicator in Losari Coast, Makassar, Indonesia. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 25(2): 589-598.
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Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019c. Water quality study based on meiofauna abundance and pollution index in the coastal zone of Losari Beach, Makassar. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 17(1): 172-180.
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019d. Analisis Ekologis Meiofauna Sebagai Bioindikator di Pesisir Pantai Losari, Makassar. Bionature. 19(1):15-22
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019e. The Ecological Analysis of Meiofauna as a Water Quality Bioindicator in the Coast of Losari Beach, Makassar. International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 256 (2019) 012024. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/256/1/012024.
Giere, O., 2009. Meiobenthology. The Microscopic Motile Fauna of Aquatic Sediment. 2nd edition, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Higgins, R.P., and Thiel, H., 1988. Introduction to the Study of Meiofauna. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Odum, E.P., 1994. Fundamentals of ecology, Yogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 51 Tahun 2004 tentang Penetapan Status Baku Mutu Air. Jakarta
Krebs, C.J., 1989. Ecological Methodology, New York: University of British Colombia Press.
Yusal, M.S., 2012. Analisis Kualitas Perairan Berdasarkan Indeks Ekologis Meiofauna Interstisial Ekosisitem Manggrove di Pantai Batu Gosok Kecamatan Komodo Kabupaten Manggarai Barat Nusa Tenggara. Jurnal Ilmiah Pena. 1(1).
Yusal, M.S., and Hasyim, A., 2017. Pemeriksaan Kualitas Perairan Berdasarkan Analisa Biodiversitas Fitoplankton (Studi Kasus pada Pembuangan Limbah Cair Hasil Buangan PT. Kima Makassar). Jurnal Ilmiah Pena. 7(1).
Yusal, M.S., 2019. Kajian Kualitas Perairan Berdasarkan Keanekaragaman Meiofauna Interstisial, Kandungan Fosfor, dan Parameter Fisik Lingkungan di Zona Pesisir Pantai Losari Makassar. Disertasi: Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019a. Abundance and diversity of meiofauna as water quality bioindicator in Losari Coast, Makassar, Indonesia. Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 25(2): 589-598.
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019b. Abundance of meiofauna and physical-chemical parameters as water quality indicator. Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences. 24(2): 81-90
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019c. Water quality study based on meiofauna abundance and pollution index in the coastal zone of Losari Beach, Makassar. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan. 17(1): 172-180.
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019d. Analisis Ekologis Meiofauna Sebagai Bioindikator di Pesisir Pantai Losari, Makassar. Bionature. 19(1):15-22
Yusal, M.S., Marfai, M.A., Hadisusanto, S., Khakhim, N., 2019e. The Ecological Analysis of Meiofauna as a Water Quality Bioindicator in the Coast of Losari Beach, Makassar. International Conference on Environmental Resources Management in Global Region. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 256 (2019) 012024. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/256/1/012024.
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