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Effect of nitrogen management and seedling raising methods on the productivity of Aus rice under tidal ecosystem of Bangladesh
Corresponding Author(s) : Gopal Saha
International Journal of Applied Biology,
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): International Journal of Applied Biology
- Ahmed, M., Islam, Md. M & Paul S.K. 2005: Effect of nitrogen on yield and other plant characters of local T. aman rice, var. jatai. Research journal of agriculture and biological sciences. 1(2): 158-161.
- Bandaogo, A., Bidjokazo, F., Youl, S., Safo, E., Abaidoo, R. & Andrews, O. 2015. Effect of fertilizer deep placement with urea supergranule on nitrogen use efficiency in Sourou Valley (Burkina Faso). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 102: 79–89.
- BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) 2013: Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics of Bangladesh. Ministry of Planning.Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. p. 136–140.
- BRRI. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Joydebpur, Gazipur; 2011.
- Chaturvedi, I. (2005). Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Central European Agriculture. 6(4): 611-618.
- Das, K.P.B. 2011: Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on the growth and yield of Boro rice cv. BRRI dhan45, MS Thesis, Dept. Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
- De Datta, S.K. 1989. Fertilizer management for efficient use in wetland rice soils. International Rice Research Institute. Soils and Rice. Los Banos Laguna, Philippines. Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. IRRI Conference. International Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box. 933, Manila, Philippine.
- Fageria, N.K. 2009. The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 20–50.
- Fageria, N.K & Santos, A.B. 2014. Lowland rice genotypes evaluation for nitrogen use. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 37 (9): 1410–1423.
- FAO. Rice Market Monitor; Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations: Rome, Italy, 2018.
- Giroux, M. 1984. Effects d’application d’uree au sol et au feuillage sur le redement, le poids spe´cifique et la nutrition azote´e de la pomme de terre. Le Naturaliste canadien. 111: 157-166.
- Gomez, K. A & Gomez A. A. 1984: Statistical Procedure for Agricultural Research. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons. New York. 64.
- Gregory, D.I., Haefele, S.M., Buresh, R.J. & Singh U. 2010. Fertilizer use, markets, and management. In: Pandey, S., Byerlee, D., Dawe, D., Dobermann, A., Mohanty, S., Rozelle, S., Hardy, B. (Eds.), Rice in the Global Economy: Strategic research and policy issues for food security. Int. Rice Research Inst, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, pp. 231–263.
- Haider I.K. 2018. Appraisal of biofertilizers in rice: To supplement inorganic chemical fertilizer. Rice Science. 25: 357–362.
- Halder, A. 2013: Effect of PU, USG and NPK Briquette on Yield and Nitrogen Uptake by T. Aus Rice (BRRI dhan27). MS Thesis, Dept. soil sci., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
- Hasegawa, T., Koroda, Y & Eligman, N.G. 1994. Response to spikelet number of plant nitrogen concentration and dry weight in paddy. Agronomy Journal. 86: 673–676.
- Hassan, M.S., Khair, A., Haque, M.M., Azad, A.K & Hamid, A. 2009. Genotypic variation in traditional rice varieties for chlorophyll content, SPAD value and nitrogen use efficiency. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34 (3): 505–515.
- Hossain, S.M.A & Islam, M.S. 2008: Fertilizer Management in Bangladesh. Advances in Agronony Research in Joydebpur, Gazipur. p. 48-54.
- Ilaga, L. G. & Dayag, A. M. 1989. Study on the use of four locally processed organic fertilizer in combination with chemical fertilizer on lowland rice. R and D Philippines (Philippines).
- Lam H.M, Coschigano, K.T., Oliveira, I.C., Melo-Oliveira, R. & Coruzzi G.M. 1996. The molecular-genetics of nitrogen assimilation into amino acids in higher plants. Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology. 47: 569-593.
- Liu, X., Wang, H., Zhou, J., Hu, F., Zhu, D., Chen, Z. & Liu, Y. 2016. Effect of N Fertilization Pattern on Rice Yield, N Use Efficiency and Fertilizer-N Fate in the Yangtze River Basin, China. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166002
- Miah., M.M.M., Shah, A. L. & Ishaque M. 2006. Nutrient management for different rice ecosystem. In proceeding of the workshop on modern Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh. 12-21 April 2004. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh. 182-83.
- Millard, P & Robinson D. 1990. Effect of the timing and rate of nitrogen-fertilization on the growth and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen within the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Fertilizer research. 21: 133-140.
- Mohanty, S.K., Singh, U., Balasubramanian, V & Jha K. P. 1999. Nitrogen deep-placement technologies for productivity, profitability, and environmental quality of rainfed lowland rice systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 53:43–57.
- Nicoulaud, B.A.L & Bloom A. J. 1996. Absorption and assimilation of foliarly applied urea in tomato. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 121: 1117-1121.
- Nori H, Halim R. A & Ramlan M. F. 2008: Effect of nitrogen fertilizer management practice on the yield and straw nutritional quality of commercial Rice Varieties. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2(2): 61-71.
- Parvin, S. 2012: Improving yield of T. Aman rice (cv. BRRI dhan52 ) through integrated use of nitrogen. MS Thesis, Dept.Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh. p. 23-33.
- Rahman, M., Sarker, M. N. H., Akter, F. M. F & Masood M. M. 2005: Comparative yield performance of two high yielding rice varieties to different nitrogens levels. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science. 16(1): 73-78.
- Rahman, M. M., Samanta, S. C., Rashid, M. H., Abuyusuf, M., Hassan, M. Z & Sukhi K. F. N. 2016. Urea super granule and NPK briquette on growth and yield of different varieties of aus rice in tidal ecosystem. Asian Journal of Crop Science. 8: 1-12.
- Rajarathinam, P & Balasubramaniyan, P. 1999: Effect of plant population and nitrogen on yield attributes and yield of rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 44(4): 717-721.
- Rochette, P., Angers, D.A., Chantigny, M.H., Gasser, M.O., Mac-Donald, J.D., Pelster, D.E & Bertrand, N. 2013. Ammonia volatilization and nitrogen retention: How deep to incorporate urea? J. Journal of environmental quality. 42: 1635–1642.
- Russel, D.F. 1986: MSTAT-C package program. Crop and Soil Sci. Dept, Michigan State Uni, USA.
- Savant, N.K. & Stangel P. J. 1990. Deep placement of urea supergranules in transplanted rice: Principles and practices. Fertilizer Research. 25:1–83.
- Shah, A.L., Sarker, A. B. S., Islam, S. M. M & Mridha A. J. 2013: Deep placement of NPK briquette: Environment friendly technology for rice production. Paper presented at the National Workshop on deep placement of NPK briquette, held at BARC, Dhaka on March 28, 2013 in collaboration with IFDC.
- Tahura, S. 2011: Effect of PM and Nitrogenous Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Transplant Aman Rice, MS Thesis, Depart. Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
- UNB. United News of Bangladesh. Govt launches Tk 336 m incentive to boost Aus production. The Financial Express. http://www. (2016). Accessed 02 Oct 2017.
- Wittwer, S.H., Bukovac, M. J & Tukey H. B. 1963. Advances in foliar feeding of plant nutrients. In MH McVickar, ed, Fertilizer Technology and Usage. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, pp: 429-455.
- Xiong, J., Ding, C. Q., Wei, G. B., Ding, Y.F & Wang S. H. 2013. Characteristic of Dry-Matter Accumulation and Nitrogen-Uptake of Super-High-Yielding Early Rice in China. Agronomy Journal. 105(4):1142±50.
- Yoshida, S., Cock, J. H & Parao F. T. 1972. Physiological aspects of high yield. Int. Rice Res. Inst. Rice breeding, pp. 455-469.
Ahmed, M., Islam, Md. M & Paul S.K. 2005: Effect of nitrogen on yield and other plant characters of local T. aman rice, var. jatai. Research journal of agriculture and biological sciences. 1(2): 158-161.
Bandaogo, A., Bidjokazo, F., Youl, S., Safo, E., Abaidoo, R. & Andrews, O. 2015. Effect of fertilizer deep placement with urea supergranule on nitrogen use efficiency in Sourou Valley (Burkina Faso). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 102: 79–89.
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) 2013: Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics of Bangladesh. Ministry of Planning.Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. p. 136–140.
BRRI. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Joydebpur, Gazipur; 2011.
Chaturvedi, I. (2005). Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Central European Agriculture. 6(4): 611-618.
Das, K.P.B. 2011: Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on the growth and yield of Boro rice cv. BRRI dhan45, MS Thesis, Dept. Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
De Datta, S.K. 1989. Fertilizer management for efficient use in wetland rice soils. International Rice Research Institute. Soils and Rice. Los Banos Laguna, Philippines. Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. IRRI Conference. International Rice Research Institute, P.O. Box. 933, Manila, Philippine.
Fageria, N.K. 2009. The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 20–50.
Fageria, N.K & Santos, A.B. 2014. Lowland rice genotypes evaluation for nitrogen use. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 37 (9): 1410–1423.
FAO. Rice Market Monitor; Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations: Rome, Italy, 2018.
Giroux, M. 1984. Effects d’application d’uree au sol et au feuillage sur le redement, le poids spe´cifique et la nutrition azote´e de la pomme de terre. Le Naturaliste canadien. 111: 157-166.
Gomez, K. A & Gomez A. A. 1984: Statistical Procedure for Agricultural Research. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons. New York. 64.
Gregory, D.I., Haefele, S.M., Buresh, R.J. & Singh U. 2010. Fertilizer use, markets, and management. In: Pandey, S., Byerlee, D., Dawe, D., Dobermann, A., Mohanty, S., Rozelle, S., Hardy, B. (Eds.), Rice in the Global Economy: Strategic research and policy issues for food security. Int. Rice Research Inst, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, pp. 231–263.
Haider I.K. 2018. Appraisal of biofertilizers in rice: To supplement inorganic chemical fertilizer. Rice Science. 25: 357–362.
Halder, A. 2013: Effect of PU, USG and NPK Briquette on Yield and Nitrogen Uptake by T. Aus Rice (BRRI dhan27). MS Thesis, Dept. soil sci., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
Hasegawa, T., Koroda, Y & Eligman, N.G. 1994. Response to spikelet number of plant nitrogen concentration and dry weight in paddy. Agronomy Journal. 86: 673–676.
Hassan, M.S., Khair, A., Haque, M.M., Azad, A.K & Hamid, A. 2009. Genotypic variation in traditional rice varieties for chlorophyll content, SPAD value and nitrogen use efficiency. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research. 34 (3): 505–515.
Hossain, S.M.A & Islam, M.S. 2008: Fertilizer Management in Bangladesh. Advances in Agronony Research in Joydebpur, Gazipur. p. 48-54.
Ilaga, L. G. & Dayag, A. M. 1989. Study on the use of four locally processed organic fertilizer in combination with chemical fertilizer on lowland rice. R and D Philippines (Philippines).
Lam H.M, Coschigano, K.T., Oliveira, I.C., Melo-Oliveira, R. & Coruzzi G.M. 1996. The molecular-genetics of nitrogen assimilation into amino acids in higher plants. Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology. 47: 569-593.
Liu, X., Wang, H., Zhou, J., Hu, F., Zhu, D., Chen, Z. & Liu, Y. 2016. Effect of N Fertilization Pattern on Rice Yield, N Use Efficiency and Fertilizer-N Fate in the Yangtze River Basin, China. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166002. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166002
Miah., M.M.M., Shah, A. L. & Ishaque M. 2006. Nutrient management for different rice ecosystem. In proceeding of the workshop on modern Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh. 12-21 April 2004. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh. 182-83.
Millard, P & Robinson D. 1990. Effect of the timing and rate of nitrogen-fertilization on the growth and recovery of fertilizer nitrogen within the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Fertilizer research. 21: 133-140.
Mohanty, S.K., Singh, U., Balasubramanian, V & Jha K. P. 1999. Nitrogen deep-placement technologies for productivity, profitability, and environmental quality of rainfed lowland rice systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 53:43–57.
Nicoulaud, B.A.L & Bloom A. J. 1996. Absorption and assimilation of foliarly applied urea in tomato. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 121: 1117-1121.
Nori H, Halim R. A & Ramlan M. F. 2008: Effect of nitrogen fertilizer management practice on the yield and straw nutritional quality of commercial Rice Varieties. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2(2): 61-71.
Parvin, S. 2012: Improving yield of T. Aman rice (cv. BRRI dhan52 ) through integrated use of nitrogen. MS Thesis, Dept.Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh. p. 23-33.
Rahman, M., Sarker, M. N. H., Akter, F. M. F & Masood M. M. 2005: Comparative yield performance of two high yielding rice varieties to different nitrogens levels. Bangladesh Journal of Crop Science. 16(1): 73-78.
Rahman, M. M., Samanta, S. C., Rashid, M. H., Abuyusuf, M., Hassan, M. Z & Sukhi K. F. N. 2016. Urea super granule and NPK briquette on growth and yield of different varieties of aus rice in tidal ecosystem. Asian Journal of Crop Science. 8: 1-12.
Rajarathinam, P & Balasubramaniyan, P. 1999: Effect of plant population and nitrogen on yield attributes and yield of rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agronomy. 44(4): 717-721.
Rochette, P., Angers, D.A., Chantigny, M.H., Gasser, M.O., Mac-Donald, J.D., Pelster, D.E & Bertrand, N. 2013. Ammonia volatilization and nitrogen retention: How deep to incorporate urea? J. Journal of environmental quality. 42: 1635–1642.
Russel, D.F. 1986: MSTAT-C package program. Crop and Soil Sci. Dept, Michigan State Uni, USA.
Savant, N.K. & Stangel P. J. 1990. Deep placement of urea supergranules in transplanted rice: Principles and practices. Fertilizer Research. 25:1–83.
Shah, A.L., Sarker, A. B. S., Islam, S. M. M & Mridha A. J. 2013: Deep placement of NPK briquette: Environment friendly technology for rice production. Paper presented at the National Workshop on deep placement of NPK briquette, held at BARC, Dhaka on March 28, 2013 in collaboration with IFDC.
Tahura, S. 2011: Effect of PM and Nitrogenous Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Transplant Aman Rice, MS Thesis, Depart. Agron., Bangladesh Agril. Univ., Mymensingh.
UNB. United News of Bangladesh. Govt launches Tk 336 m incentive to boost Aus production. The Financial Express. http://www. (2016). Accessed 02 Oct 2017.
Wittwer, S.H., Bukovac, M. J & Tukey H. B. 1963. Advances in foliar feeding of plant nutrients. In MH McVickar, ed, Fertilizer Technology and Usage. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, pp: 429-455.
Xiong, J., Ding, C. Q., Wei, G. B., Ding, Y.F & Wang S. H. 2013. Characteristic of Dry-Matter Accumulation and Nitrogen-Uptake of Super-High-Yielding Early Rice in China. Agronomy Journal. 105(4):1142±50.
Yoshida, S., Cock, J. H & Parao F. T. 1972. Physiological aspects of high yield. Int. Rice Res. Inst. Rice breeding, pp. 455-469.