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- Cool, P., Vansant, E.F., 1998, Pillared Clays: Preparation, Characterization and Applications, Catal. Rev., Sci. Eng., 3, 265-285.
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- Widihati, I.A.G., 2002, Sintesis Lempung Montmorillonit Terpilar Fe2O3 dan Kajian Sifat-sifat Kimia Fisiknya, Tesis S2, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Cool, P., Vansant, E.F., 1998, Pillared Clays: Preparation, Characterization and Applications, Catal. Rev., Sci. Eng., 3, 265-285.
Ding, Z., Kloprogge, J.T., Frost, R.L., Lu, G.Q., Zhu, H.Y., 2001, Porous Clays and Pillared Clays-Based Catalyst. Part 2: A Review of the Catalytic and Molecular Sieve Applications, Journal of Porous Materials, 8, 273-293.
Goenadi, D.H., 1982, Dasar-Dasar Tanah, Terjemahan dari Tan, Kimia K.H., Indonesia Chimica Acta, ISSN 2085-014X Vol. 1. No. 1, Desember 2008 32 Edisi Pertama, 93-193, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.
Ogawa, M., 1992, Preparation of Clay-Organic Intercalation Compounds by Solid -solid Reaction and Their Application to Photo-Functional Material, Dissertation, Waseda University, Tokyo.
Rightor, E.G., Tzou Ming-Shin, Pinnavaia,T.J., 1991, Iron Oxide Pillared Clay with Large Gallery Height: Synthesis and Properties as a Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst, Journal of Catalysis, 130, 29-40.
Riyanto, A., 1994, Bahan Galian Industri Bentonit, 1-15, Direktorat Jendral Pertambangan Umum, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral, Bandung.
West, A.R., 1984, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, 117-123, 153-156, 177-178, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., New York.
Widihati, I.A.G., 2002, Sintesis Lempung Montmorillonit Terpilar Fe2O3 dan Kajian Sifat-sifat Kimia Fisiknya, Tesis S2, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.