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Sejak tahun 2011 konflik Suriah sampai saat ini dan belum ada tanda – tanda akan selesai. Dalam konflik yang terjadi tersebut, terjadi berbagai pelanggaran yang dilakukan baik kelompok pemberontak maupun pemerintahan Suriah sendiri. Berbagai aktor internasional sudah berkontribusi dalam konflik tersebut, baik dalam proses mediasi, mengirimkan bantuan kemanusiaan atau melakukan kecaman terhadap pelanggaran yang terjadi, namun hal itu tidak bisa menghentikan konflik yang terjadi. Tulisan ini akan mencoba menganalisa peran PBB dalam konflik Suriah dengan membatasi pada tahun 2013 – 2018. Dalam tulisan ini konsep yang dilakukan dalam menanggapi upaya penegakan yang dilakukan oleh PBB di konflik Suriah adalah menggunakan peranan organisasi internasional atau PBB dalam penegakan hak asasi manusia melalui proses pengawasan, dukungan, dan implementasi HAM internasional.
Article Details
- Adita, Fanny. 2017. “Peran PBB Dalam Menanggulangi Violence Against Women (VAW) Oleh Kelompok Ekstrimis ISIS di Negara Konflik Suriah Tahun 2013- 2016.” JOM FISIP, Vol. 4, No. 2 1-17.
- Fahham, A. Muchaddam, dan A.M. Kartaatmaja. 2014. “Konflik Suriah: Akar Masalah dan Dampaknya.” Politica Vol. 5 No. 1 37-60.
- Karns, M. P., Mings, K. A., & Stiles, K. W. (2015). International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner Publisher.
- Price, M., Gohdes, A., Ball, P., Dukich, M., Dukich, C., Kheir, A., Mohamed, A., Osman, M., & Qtiesh, A. (2014). Updated Statistical Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Arab Republic.
- SNHR. (2016). The Killing of 1378 Civilians in February 2016, 382 amongst which were killed by Russian Forces - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.
- SNHR. (2017). 876 Civilians Killed in February 2017Including 489 at the hands of the Syrian-Russian Regime.
- SNHR. (2019). Documenting the Death of 6,964 Civilians in Syria in 2018Including 108 in December.
- United Nations Security Council. (2013). S/RES/2118 (2013) Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) Adopted by the Security Council at its 7038th meeting, on 27 September 2013 The Security Council, Recalling the Statements of its President of.
- United Nations Security Council. (2014a). Resolution 2139 (2014).
- United Nations Security Council. (2014b). S/RES/2170 (2014) | United Nations Security Council.
- United Nations Security Council. (2015). Resolution 2235 (2015).
- United Nations Security Council. (2016). Security Council Resolution 2268 - UNSCR.
- United Nations Security Council. (2017). Resolution 2393 (2017) .
- United Nations Security Council. (2018). Security Council Resolution 2401 - UNSCR.
- VOA. 2013. PBB: Dampak Senjata Kimia di Suriah "Gawat Bagi Manusia". VOA.
Adita, Fanny. 2017. “Peran PBB Dalam Menanggulangi Violence Against Women (VAW) Oleh Kelompok Ekstrimis ISIS di Negara Konflik Suriah Tahun 2013- 2016.” JOM FISIP, Vol. 4, No. 2 1-17.
Fahham, A. Muchaddam, dan A.M. Kartaatmaja. 2014. “Konflik Suriah: Akar Masalah dan Dampaknya.” Politica Vol. 5 No. 1 37-60.
Karns, M. P., Mings, K. A., & Stiles, K. W. (2015). International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance. Lynne Rienner Publisher.
Price, M., Gohdes, A., Ball, P., Dukich, M., Dukich, C., Kheir, A., Mohamed, A., Osman, M., & Qtiesh, A. (2014). Updated Statistical Analysis of Documentation of Killings in the Syrian Arab Republic.
SNHR. (2016). The Killing of 1378 Civilians in February 2016, 382 amongst which were killed by Russian Forces - Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb.
SNHR. (2017). 876 Civilians Killed in February 2017Including 489 at the hands of the Syrian-Russian Regime.
SNHR. (2019). Documenting the Death of 6,964 Civilians in Syria in 2018Including 108 in December.
United Nations Security Council. (2013). S/RES/2118 (2013) Security Council Resolution 2118 (2013) Adopted by the Security Council at its 7038th meeting, on 27 September 2013 The Security Council, Recalling the Statements of its President of.
United Nations Security Council. (2014a). Resolution 2139 (2014).
United Nations Security Council. (2014b). S/RES/2170 (2014) | United Nations Security Council.
United Nations Security Council. (2015). Resolution 2235 (2015).
United Nations Security Council. (2016). Security Council Resolution 2268 - UNSCR.
United Nations Security Council. (2017). Resolution 2393 (2017) .
United Nations Security Council. (2018). Security Council Resolution 2401 - UNSCR.
VOA. 2013. PBB: Dampak Senjata Kimia di Suriah "Gawat Bagi Manusia". VOA.