Drought Analysis in Ketapang District using the Keetch-Byram Drought Index Method


  • Lusyndatul Massuro
  • Riza Adriat Tanjungpura University
  • Muliadi Muliadi
  • Andi Ihwan Tanjungpura University
  • Yuris Sutanto Tanjungpura University




Drought, ENSO, KBDI, Ketapang Regency


Ketapang Regency is one of the areas in West Kalimantan that is prone to drought. Drought can trigger forest and land fires. In this research, the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) method was used to determine the level of drought in Ketapang Regency. The KBDI method relies on annual rainfall accumulation, daily rainfall, and maximum air temperature. The KBDI values obtained were correlated with the number of hotspots using Pearson correlation. This research was conducted throughout 2018-2022. Based on the monthly average KBDI value, the highest drought in Ketapang Regency occurred in August and September, while the lowest drought occurred in December and January. In terms of the annual average, the highest drought occurred in 2019. During the ENSO phenomenon in 2019, the El Niño phase experienced higher drought than the La Niña phase and normal years. In the El Niño phase, drought levels reach high to extreme categories. The correlation value between annual KBDI and the number of hotspots is 0.88, indicating a solid relationship. An increase in the KBDI value will be followed by an increasing number of hotspots.


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How to Cite

Massuro, L., Adriat, R., Muliadi, M., Ihwan, A., & Sutanto, Y. (2024). Drought Analysis in Ketapang District using the Keetch-Byram Drought Index Method. JURNAL GEOCELEBES, 8(2), 151 -. https://doi.org/10.20956/geocelebes.v8i2.36474


