Jurnal Ecosolum
<div><strong>Jurnal Ecosolum (JES) </strong>adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin. JES mulai terbit pada tahun 2012 dan menjadi <em>open accsess journal </em>(OJS) sejak tahun 2018. JES terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember. JES merupakan sarana publikasi bagi para akademisi dan peneliti untuk menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian (<em>original research article</em>) di bidang ilmu tanah dan lingkungan. Jurnal ini menjadi media dalam menjembatani para peneliti maupun akademisi untuk memberikan solusi dalam segala permasalahan yang terdapat dalam bidang pertanian maupun lingkungan. Selain itu, jurnal ini akan menambah khasanah perkembangan ilmu pengetahun khususnya di bidang ilmu yang terkait.</div> <div> </div> <div><strong>Download:</strong></div> <p><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sh5ncHtcXXO6hcOUC86O2Lz_IGsPWaZY/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>AUTHOR GUIDELINES</strong></a></p> <p><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sh5ncHtcXXO6hcOUC86O2Lz_IGsPWaZY/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://journal.unhas.ac.id/public/site/images/ecosolum/images1.png" alt="" /></a></p> <p><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fqDWKXifFMtSqrVaVgjWNIJvAlV16E4q/view" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>JES TEMPLATE</strong></a></p> <p><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fqDWKXifFMtSqrVaVgjWNIJvAlV16E4q/view" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://journal.unhas.ac.id/public/site/images/ecosolum/word-doc-icon2.png" alt="" /></a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ISSN Online: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit?search=2654-430X" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2654-430X</a> |</strong><strong>ISSN Print: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit?search=2252-7923" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2252-7923</a></strong></p>Universitas Hasanuddinen-USJurnal Ecosolum2252-7923Accurate Nitrogen and Water Deficit Trigger Flavonoid and Proline Accumulation in Celery (Apium graveolens L.)
<p style="font-weight: 400;">Celery is a plant that produces secondary metabolites, known as flavonoids, with distinctive taste and smell. Flavonoids are synthesized in leaves and mainly accumulate in vacuoles of cells. Water deficit is one of the abiotic stress factors that affect the increase of several amino acids as cofactors that form secondary metabolites. Moreover, nitrogen nutrients have an essential role in the formation of amino acids and chlorophyll. The research results show that the total fresh weight increased at around 450 g by applying 200 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> under 100% field capacity (FC). Consequently, there was an increase in fresh weight, followed by the biomass of celery, which was 1/15 of fresh weight. Meanwhile, the accumulated flavonoid concentration was higher at 50% field capacity and 100 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>. Surprisingly, the content of proline and flavonoids in leaves of the same age had higher concentrations at 100 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> and 50% FC compared to the concentration of proline and flavonoids at 200 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> in the form of urea fertilizer, namely 0.25 µmol g<sup>-1</sup> and 67.84 ppm, respectively. At 50% FC and 100 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>, it is slightly higher on proline and flavonoids than the application of 100% FC and 200 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>. The highest accumulation of phosphorus in leaves is interestingly at around 0.51 ppm at 50% FC, compared to the application of 100% FC at 100 and 200 kg N ha<sup>-1 </sup>half bellows at around 0.3.</p>Andi KurniawanCicik UdayanaNadya Inri Meiana MSalvia SalsabilaNunun Barunawati
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2024-06-102024-06-1013111310.20956/ecosolum.v13i1.33280Studi Integrasi Seed Coating Fe dan Inkubasi Pupuk Organik Limbah Sagu dalam Pengoptimalan Pertumbuhan Padi
<p>Rice (<em>Oryza sativa</em>) production in Indonesia has declined due to low iron (Fe) availability in alkaline soils, impacting plant growth and yield. Integrating Fe seed coating with sago (<em>Metroxylon</em> sp.) waste organic fertilizer may improve Fe availability and soil quality, offering a potential solution to enhance rice production. Our objective was to examine the effects of Fe seed coating and the incubation of sage waste organic fertilizer on rice growth. The study employed a factorial 2-factor randomized block design. The first factor was the concentration of Fe seed coating, with four levels: 0 g, 55 g with 2.5 g gypsum, 110 g with 5 g gypsum, and 275 g with 12.5 g gypsum. The second factor was the incubation time of organic fertilizer, with four durations: 0 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, and 5 weeks. The interaction between Fe seed coating and sago waste organic fertilizer incubation significantly impacted plant height (153.33 cm), leaf color chart scale (4), chlorophyll a (254.73 μmol.m<sup>-2</sup>), chlorophyll b (96.90 μmol.m<sup>-2</sup>), with the most notable effects observed at a Fe seed coating concentration of 275 g with 12.5 g of gypsum and a 5-week incubation period. The application of Fe seed coating at a concentration of 275 g with 12.5 gypsum, combined with a 5-week of sago waste organic fertilizer, effectively enhances plant height, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and the leaf color chart scales.</p>Emmy FadhilaBurhanuddin RasyidMuh. Jayadi
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2024-07-292024-07-29131143810.20956/ecosolum.v13i1.23444Kompetisi Akar Kakao dan Langsat Dalam Serapan Nitrogen Pada Sistem Agroforestri Sederhana: Evaluasi Setahun Setelah Aplikasi Pupuk
<p>Sistem agroforestri di Dusun Lemo Baru Kabupaten Polewali Mandar memerlukan perhatian khusus mengenai persaingan antar tanaman terhadap serapan hara dan pertumbuhan akar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari respon akar dan serapan hara kakao dan langsat terhadap dosis nitrogen yang berbeda. Pada kebun agroforestri dilakukan pemupukan nitrogen dengan empat dosis yaitu perlakuan kontrol; pemupukan Urea dosis 354 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>; Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>; dan Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> + Urea 190 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> diletakkan di <em>ingrowth hole </em>diantara pohon kakao dan langsat. Setelah setahun pemupukan dilakukan pengambilan sampel tanah, akar dan daun. Sampel tanah dan daun dianalisis serapan hara, analisis keragaman dan <em>Independent Sampel T-Tes(2-tailed)</em> dengan taraf kepercayaan 5%. Sampel akar dilakukan perhitungan panjang akar menggunakan software ImageJ, kerapatan panjang akar dan panjang akar spesifik<sub>. </sub>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai SRL langsat tertinggi pada perlakuan kontrol dan nilai RLD tertinggi pada Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>. Aplikasi pupuk berpengaruh nyata terhadap SRL kakao dan tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap RLD. Perlakuan kontrol berbeda nyata dengan pemupukan Urea dengan dosis 354 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>, Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> dan Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> + Urea 190 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>. Pemupukan Urea 354 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> berbeda nyata dengan Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> + Urea 190 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>. Nilai tertinggi RLD terdapat pada perlakuan Urea 354 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>. Serapan hara jaringan langsat dan kakao tertinggi pada pemupukan Phonska Plus 500 g pohon<sup>-1</sup> + Urea 190 g pohon<sup>-1</sup>. Akar langsat mampu menyerap hara lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan akar kakao.</p>Bhernika Bunga Beby NarthimSikstus GusliSartika Laban
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2024-07-312024-07-31131395310.20956/ecosolum.v13i1.32890Mycorrhiza Arbuscular's Morpho-Species Identification in The Post- Nickel Mining Soil
<p>Using biological agent microorganisms such as Arbuscular Vesicular Mycorrhiza (AVM) is needed to improve post-mining soil fertility. This research aimed to explore and identify morpho species of AVM in the post-nickel mining areas Soil samples were taken from the tree rhizosphere at each representative point. The soil samples have been isolated using Brundrett's method of wet sieving and decanting; AVM spore density is determined for each 20 g soil sample; and spores are grouped based on morphological traits up to the morphogenic stage of the species. The results showed that there are four mycorrhizal species found in the rhizosphere of plants in the nickel post-mining soil of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk., namely <em>Gigaspora</em> sp, <em>Acaulospora</em> sp, <em>Glomus</em> sp, and <em>Scutellospora</em> sp. <em>Gigaspora</em> sp, <em>Acaulospora</em> sp, <em>Glomus</em> sp, and <em>Scutellospora</em> sp obtained 18, 8, 8, and 7 morpho species, respectively. The highest spore density is 34 spores of <em>Gigaspora</em> sp4 found in the rhizosphere of <em>Casuarina rumphiana</em>, 57 spores of <em>Acaulospora</em> sp1 in the rhizosphere of <em>Macaranga gigantea</em>, two spores of Glomus sp1, sp2, and sp6 each as many as two spores per 20 g of soil in rhizosphere of <em>Enterolobium cyclocarpum</em>, <em>Dillenia serrata</em>, <em>Maesopsis eminii</em>, 11 spores of <em>Scutellospora</em> sp6 in the <em>Shizigium</em> sp rhizosphere. One finding revealed that Gigaspora and Acaulospora predominated in the rhizosphere over other mycorrhizas. The results of this AVM identification will be the basis for the mass propagation of local AVM for broader use in the post-nickel mining land area in Sorowako. Widespread use of AVM is a form of post-nickel mining land management based on local resource potential, particularly the dominant trees rhizosphere and the most commonly found AVM types. This proves that AVM can colonize plant roots in this nickel post-mining soil and potentially be mass-propagated, especially species.</p>Sofyan AbdullahMuh. JayadiRisma NeswatiAndri ArdiansyahErlin HarriAhmad Fauzan Adzima
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2024-08-152024-08-15131546710.20956/ecosolum.v13i1.36267Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis Applied for Geological Mapping: A Case Study in Palopo, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
<p>In searching for a track record of earth formation, people tend to interpret field data in a way that limits the potential of history and explanation, which is often less influenced by theory and available facts, this requires valid data gathered intellectually. Geocomputing, which is the digital processing of geographic data, is a relatively recent field that reflects a wide range of research methodologies and their application to help solve problems in machine learning, geostatistics, image processing, and spatial analysis, among other areas. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of using geocomputational methods with Avenza Map and ArcGIS. This study uses geocomputation and spatial analysis to carry out geological mapping at a scale of 1:25,000 located in the Battang area, West Wara District, Palopo City, South Sulawesi. Two aspects are the main focus in implementing this research method, namely when mapping by relying on Avenza with a base map sourced from the Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) map and on data management using the ArcGIS application to become a 3D map. Lithological of the study area showed basalt, porphyry basalt, and phyllite. The geological structure that develops in the research area is joint and fault. Avenza Map work with spatial analysis in ArcGIS is obtained cognitively, involving the relationship between individual conditions, tools, and terrain conditions. It can be stated that the use of avenza on smartphones in this modernization condition is more effective. This research allows for a review of the practical level of use of computer methods ranging from mapping to data management. Regarding implementing cognitive mapping, Avenza Map and ArcGIS can be recommended tools in geo-computation techniques as more effective support for recording and managing data while still paying attention to noise that may occur as a barrier to data accuracy.</p>Rohaya LangkokeAsmita AhmadMeinarni ThamrinRatna HusainMuhammad Iqbal
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2024-08-252024-08-25131688110.20956/ecosolum.v13i1.33157Dinamika Pola Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Kabupaten Gowa Berdasarkan Jarak dari Kota Makassar
<p>Pertumbuhan penduduk merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi dinamika penggunaan lahan melalui hubungan yang kompleks antara kebutuhan manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sebagai tempat tinggal dan kebutuhan produksi pertanian. Kabupaten Gowa mengalami perubahan lahan sangat signifikan dari tahun ke tahun disebabkan karena pertumbahan penduduk Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Gowa sendiri. Perubahan penggunaan lahan menyebabkan konversi lahan dan tekanan pada sumber daya lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika pola perubahan penggunaan lahan produktif terhadap perkembangan kawasan urbanisasi dari Kota Makassar ke arah transek jarak wilayah Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Gowa yang mencakup wilayah Kecamatan Manggala, Pattalasang, Parangloe hingga Tinggimoncong. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dilihat dengan menggunakan metode klasifikasi terbimbing berdasarkan data citra satelit pada tahun 2000, 2010 dan 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan secara pesat pada tahun 2000, 2010 dan 2020 di wilayah Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Gowa. Dinamika pola perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap perkembangan kawasan urbanisasi Kota Makassar ke arah wilayah Kabupaten Gowa berdasarkan transek jarak pada setiap penggunaan lahan sawah, kebun campur, pemukiman, lahan kering, lahan badan air terus meningkat,sehingga menyebabkan penurunan jumlah hutan yang semakin menurun.</p>Alfin KogoyaZulkarnain ChairuddinRisma Neswati
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