Corresponding Author(s) : ARIF RAHMAN JABAL
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)
- Daftar Pustaka
- Acha PN and Szyfres B. 2003. Zoonosis and Communicable Disease Common to Man and Animals Parasitoses. Pan American Health Organization. Washington DC.
- Affandi R. 2005. Strategi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Sidat, Anguilla spp. di Indonesia. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, (5)2.
- Afrianto E. dan Liviawaty E. 1992. Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan. Kanisius Yogyakarta.
- Aguilar A, Alvarez MF, Leiro JM, Sanmartın M.L.. 2005. Parasite populations of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the river Ulla and Tea (Galicia, Northwest Spain). Aquac. 294:85-94.
- Amrullah, Rosyida E, Ardiansyah, Hartinah, Wahidah. 2019. Parasites and Fungi Characteristics on Short Finned Eel Anguilla marmorata in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. doi:10.20944/preprints201906.0066.v1.
- Audicana MT and Kennedy MW. 2008. Anisakis simplex: from obscure infectious worm to inducer of immune hypersensitivity. Clin. Microbiol. Rev.21(2): 360.
- Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, and Shostak AW. 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. Parasitol.83: 575–583.
- Chambers CB, Carlisle MS, Dove ADM, Cribb TH. 2001. A description of Lecithocladium invisorn (Digenea: Hemiuridae) and the pathology associated with Two Species of Hemiuridae in Acanthurid Fish. J. Parasitol. Res.87(8): 666–673.
- Cribb TH, Chisholm LA, Bray RA. 2002. Invited review diversity in the Monogenea and Digenea: does lifestyle matter. Int. Parasitol.32(3): 321–328.
- El-ashram, AMM. 2007. Studies on parasitic disease among wild and cultured eel fish (Anguilla Anguilla).Suez. Canal. Vet. Med. J.12(2).
- El-dosoky EA. 2001. Studies on Some Factors Affecting the Health and Survival of Eel. Fish Disease and Management Dept. Thesis. Veterinary Medicine Faculty Zagazig Univ. Egypt.
- Faesta CH, KR. Jonscher MM, Dooper WB, Jacobsen WE, Moen A, Daschner A, Egaas E, Christians U. Characterisation of petensial novell allergens in the fish parasite Anisakis simplex. Protomics.4: 140-155.
- Giaria L, Ruehleb B, Fanoa EA, Castaldellia G. 2020. Poulinb R. Temporal dynamics of species associations in the parasite community of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, from a coastal lagoon. IJP: Parasites and Wildlife. 12 (2020) 67–75.
- Jabal AR, Cahyaningsih U, Tiuria R. 2015. Protozoa parasitic pada ikan sidat (Anguilla spp.) Asal Danau Lindu, Sulawesi Tengah. Vol. 20 (2): 103-107. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia.
- Miyazaki I. 1991. An Illustrated Book of Helmintic Zoonosis. Tokyo: International Medical Foundation of Japan.
- Moravec F, Taraschewski H, Appelhoff D, Weyl O. 2012. A new species of Hysterothylacium (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in South Africa. Helminthologia 49, 3: 174 – 180.
- Nagasawa K, Katahira H. 2017. A revised and updated checklist of the parasites of eels (Anguilla spp.) (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan (1915-2017). Biosphere Sci. 56: 33-69.
- Nieuwenhuizen NE, Lopata AL. Anisakis – A food-borne parasite that triggers allergic host defences. Int. J. Parasitol. 43;12-13.
- Ndobe, S. 2010. Struktur ukuran glass eel ikan sidat (Anguilla marmorata) di muara sungai Palu, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Media. Litbang. Sulteng.3(2):144-150.
- Paperna. 1996. Parasites infections and disease of fish in Africa Committee for inland fisheries of Africa. FAO Tehnical Papers. 13:122-143.
- Laetsch DR, Heitlinger EG, Taraschewski H, Nadler SA, Mark L Blaxter ML. 2012. The phylogenetics of Anguillicolidae (Nematoda:Anguillicoloidea), swimbladder parasites. of eels. MC Evolutionary Biology12:60 : 1-16.
- Larizza, A, and Vovlas N. 1995. Morphological observations on third-stage larvae of Anisakissimplex A (Anisakidae: Nematoda) from Adriatic and Ionian Waters.J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 62(2): 260-264.
- Lee GF, Jones RF. Saleh G. Mariani D. Homer, Butler J, Bandyopadhyay MP. 1978. Final report: Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Predicting Contaminant Release during Open Water Disposal of Dredged Sediment and Environmental Impact of Open Water Dredged Material Disposal.University Texas at Dallas,United State of America.
- Taraschewski HF. Moravec L. Theophile K. Anders. 1987. Distribution and morphology of two helminthes recently introduced into European eel populations: Angullicola crassus (Nematoda, Drancunculoidea) and Paratenuisentis ambiguous (Acanthocephala, Tenuisentidae). Dis. Aquat. Org.3:167-178.
- Pratama I, Prayitno SB, Syakuri H. 2019. Identification and Prevalence of Parasites in Eel (Anguilla bicolor) Captured Along Migration Pathway at Serayu River, Central Java. Omni-Akuatika, 15 (1): 81–92.
- (WHO) World Health Organization. 2012. Soil-transmitted Helminths. World Health Organization. Accessed on 31-03-2019 from.
- William EH. And William LB. 1996. Parasites of offhore big game fishes of Puerto Rico and the Western Atlantic. Antillean College Press. Puerto Rico.
- Woo PTK. 1995. Fish diseases and Disorders. London (UK): CABI Publish.
Daftar Pustaka
Acha PN and Szyfres B. 2003. Zoonosis and Communicable Disease Common to Man and Animals Parasitoses. Pan American Health Organization. Washington DC.
Affandi R. 2005. Strategi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Ikan Sidat, Anguilla spp. di Indonesia. Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, (5)2.
Afrianto E. dan Liviawaty E. 1992. Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Ikan. Kanisius Yogyakarta.
Aguilar A, Alvarez MF, Leiro JM, Sanmartın M.L.. 2005. Parasite populations of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in the river Ulla and Tea (Galicia, Northwest Spain). Aquac. 294:85-94.
Amrullah, Rosyida E, Ardiansyah, Hartinah, Wahidah. 2019. Parasites and Fungi Characteristics on Short Finned Eel Anguilla marmorata in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. doi:10.20944/preprints201906.0066.v1.
Audicana MT and Kennedy MW. 2008. Anisakis simplex: from obscure infectious worm to inducer of immune hypersensitivity. Clin. Microbiol. Rev.21(2): 360.
Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, and Shostak AW. 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. Parasitol.83: 575–583.
Chambers CB, Carlisle MS, Dove ADM, Cribb TH. 2001. A description of Lecithocladium invisorn (Digenea: Hemiuridae) and the pathology associated with Two Species of Hemiuridae in Acanthurid Fish. J. Parasitol. Res.87(8): 666–673.
Cribb TH, Chisholm LA, Bray RA. 2002. Invited review diversity in the Monogenea and Digenea: does lifestyle matter. Int. Parasitol.32(3): 321–328.
El-ashram, AMM. 2007. Studies on parasitic disease among wild and cultured eel fish (Anguilla Anguilla).Suez. Canal. Vet. Med. J.12(2).
El-dosoky EA. 2001. Studies on Some Factors Affecting the Health and Survival of Eel. Fish Disease and Management Dept. Thesis. Veterinary Medicine Faculty Zagazig Univ. Egypt.
Faesta CH, KR. Jonscher MM, Dooper WB, Jacobsen WE, Moen A, Daschner A, Egaas E, Christians U. Characterisation of petensial novell allergens in the fish parasite Anisakis simplex. Protomics.4: 140-155.
Giaria L, Ruehleb B, Fanoa EA, Castaldellia G. 2020. Poulinb R. Temporal dynamics of species associations in the parasite community of European eels, Anguilla anguilla, from a coastal lagoon. IJP: Parasites and Wildlife. 12 (2020) 67–75.
Jabal AR, Cahyaningsih U, Tiuria R. 2015. Protozoa parasitic pada ikan sidat (Anguilla spp.) Asal Danau Lindu, Sulawesi Tengah. Vol. 20 (2): 103-107. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia.
Miyazaki I. 1991. An Illustrated Book of Helmintic Zoonosis. Tokyo: International Medical Foundation of Japan.
Moravec F, Taraschewski H, Appelhoff D, Weyl O. 2012. A new species of Hysterothylacium (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in South Africa. Helminthologia 49, 3: 174 – 180.
Nagasawa K, Katahira H. 2017. A revised and updated checklist of the parasites of eels (Anguilla spp.) (Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) in Japan (1915-2017). Biosphere Sci. 56: 33-69.
Nieuwenhuizen NE, Lopata AL. Anisakis – A food-borne parasite that triggers allergic host defences. Int. J. Parasitol. 43;12-13.
Ndobe, S. 2010. Struktur ukuran glass eel ikan sidat (Anguilla marmorata) di muara sungai Palu, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah. Media. Litbang. Sulteng.3(2):144-150.
Paperna. 1996. Parasites infections and disease of fish in Africa Committee for inland fisheries of Africa. FAO Tehnical Papers. 13:122-143.
Laetsch DR, Heitlinger EG, Taraschewski H, Nadler SA, Mark L Blaxter ML. 2012. The phylogenetics of Anguillicolidae (Nematoda:Anguillicoloidea), swimbladder parasites. of eels. MC Evolutionary Biology12:60 : 1-16.
Larizza, A, and Vovlas N. 1995. Morphological observations on third-stage larvae of Anisakissimplex A (Anisakidae: Nematoda) from Adriatic and Ionian Waters.J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 62(2): 260-264.
Lee GF, Jones RF. Saleh G. Mariani D. Homer, Butler J, Bandyopadhyay MP. 1978. Final report: Evaluation of the Elutriate Test as a Method of Predicting Contaminant Release during Open Water Disposal of Dredged Sediment and Environmental Impact of Open Water Dredged Material Disposal.University Texas at Dallas,United State of America.
Taraschewski HF. Moravec L. Theophile K. Anders. 1987. Distribution and morphology of two helminthes recently introduced into European eel populations: Angullicola crassus (Nematoda, Drancunculoidea) and Paratenuisentis ambiguous (Acanthocephala, Tenuisentidae). Dis. Aquat. Org.3:167-178.
Pratama I, Prayitno SB, Syakuri H. 2019. Identification and Prevalence of Parasites in Eel (Anguilla bicolor) Captured Along Migration Pathway at Serayu River, Central Java. Omni-Akuatika, 15 (1): 81–92.
(WHO) World Health Organization. 2012. Soil-transmitted Helminths. World Health Organization. Accessed on 31-03-2019 from.
William EH. And William LB. 1996. Parasites of offhore big game fishes of Puerto Rico and the Western Atlantic. Antillean College Press. Puerto Rico.
Woo PTK. 1995. Fish diseases and Disorders. London (UK): CABI Publish.