
  • Bahtiar Bahtiar Balai Pelestarian Nilai budaya Sulawesi Selatan



Abstract  This study aims to explain how Andi Azis's role at that time led a movement to capture and kidnap several TNI officials, with the aim that the top TNI leadership prevented and canceled the landing of the Worang Battalion to secure South Sulawesi. In this study using the method, namely the historical method, through four stages such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the study showed that in South Sulawesi demonstrators were rife to disperse the NIT (Negara Indonesia Timur), Andi Azis, triggered by Soumokil to immediately carry out his action, then in the early morning Wednesday, April 5, 1950 arrested and abducted several members of the TNI (Indonesian National Army). Andi Azis wishes to keep the NIT  standing, besides that there are other ambitions from Andi Azis in the TNI. Because with the continued existence of the NIT, the desire of a number of NIT officials or officials to form a federation (federalist) country continues. Thus it was opposed by supporters of the unitary state (unitarist), namely from the nobility and civilians. The Andi Azis incident only lasted one day, because the TNI quickly took over security in Makassar. This incident caused Andi Azis to be asked to surrender, then the trial process took quite a long time.  Keywords: Events, Andi Azis, South Sulawesi.


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