Bensin merupakan salah satu produk migas yang mengandung senyawa benzene (C6H6) yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan nilai oktan. Paparanbenzene secara kronis menyebabkan penurunan produksi sel-sel darahdi sumsum tulang trans, trans-Muconic Acid (ttMA) merupakan metabolitbenzene yang dapat digunakan sebagai indikator yang lebih sensitif dan spesifik untuk biomonitoring biologi, terutama untuk paparan benzenedengan konsentrasi rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat korelasi paparan benzene melalui pemeriksaan kadar ttMA dalam urin dengan gambaran Complete Blood Count (CBC) pada karyawan di Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum X dan Y PT. Pertamina Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional study. Responden penelitian ini adalah karyawan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) PT. Pertamina Medan (n=43) dengan masa kerja ≥6 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 9 dari 43 responden memiliki kadar ttMA lebih dari 500 μg/g creatinin. Korelasi kadar ttMA dengan CBC tidak signifikan (p>0,05), ttMA berkorelasi negatif dengan semua parameter CBC. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa perbedaan rata-rata kadar ttMA pada masa kerja ≤1 tahun dan masa kerja >1 tahun tidak signifikan (p=0,45), dan perbedaan rata-rata kadar ttMA pada subjek yang merokok dan tidak merokok tidak signifikan (p=0,559).
1. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. Benzene Toxicity. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Education and Promotion; 2000.
2. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
3. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Toxicological Profiles for Benzene (Draft for Public Comment). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.; 2005.
4. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
5. Pudyoko, S. Hubungan Pajanan Benzene dengan kadar Phenol dalam Urin dan Gangguan Sistem Hematopoietik pada Pekerja Instalasi BBM [Tesis]. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro; 2010.
6. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
7. Udonwa, N.E, Uko, E.K, Ikpeme, B.M, Ibange, I.A. and Okon, B.O. Exposure of Petrol Station Attendants and Auto Mechanics to Premium Motor Sprit Fumes in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2009;ID 281876:1-5.
8. Tanasorn, T, Panthira, K, Wattasit, S, Anusorn, R. and Kalaya, Z. Benzene Exposure and its Association with Sickness Exhibited in Gasoline Station Workers. Columbia International Publishing: Journal of Environmental Pollution and Solutions. 2012;1:1-8.
9. Young, M.B, Byoung, Y.A, Hwang, S.C, Ji, H.K, Kyoung, A.K, Young, L. Aplastic Anemia in a Petrochemical Factory Worker. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1999;107(10):851-853.
10. Shan, P.T, Erin, E.F, Jerry, D.R, Judy, K.W, Louis, C.W, Robin, P.D. A Hematology Surveillance Study of Petrochemical Workers Exposed to Benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2004;40:67-73.
11. Yoko, H, Byung-Il, Y, Guang-Xun, L, Yoshiaki, F, Toyozo, K, Jun, K, Tohru, I. Benzene-Induced Hematopoietic Toxicity Transmitted by Ahr in Wild-Type Mouse and Nullified by Repopulation with Ahr-deficient Bone Marrow cells: Time after Benzene Treatment and Recovery. Chemosphere. 2008;73:S290-S294.
12. Zuliyawan. Analisis Resiko Kesehatan Pajanan Benzene melalui Penentuan Level Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid dalam Urin pada Karyawan di SPBU ‘X’ Jakarta Utara 2010 [Skripsi]. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia; 2010.
13. Tunsaringkarn, T, Soogarun, S, Palasuwan, A. Occupational Exposure to Benzene and Changes in Hematological Parameters and Urinary Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2012;4:45-49.
14. Eni, M, Suhartono, Nurjazuli. Hubungan Antara kadar Fenol dalam Urine dengan Kadar Hb, Eritrosit, Trombosit dan Leukosit (Studi pada Tenaga Kerja di Industri Karoseri CV Laksana Semarang. Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia. 2006;5(1):1-5.
15. Jorunn, K. Benzene Exposure and Hematological Effect among Offshore Workers Exposed to Crude Oil [Dissertation] Norway: Degree Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Bergan; 2007.
16. Ramon, A. Anlisis Paparan Benzene terhadap Profil Darah pada Pekerja Industri Pengolahan Minyak Bumi [Tesis]. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro; 2007.
17. Robert, S. and Christine, C.H. An Overview of Benzene Metabolism. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104:1165-1171.
18. Sungkyoon, K. Benzene Metabolism in Humans: Dose-dependent Metabolism and Interindividual Variability [Dissertation]. Chapel Hill: Departement of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Public Health; 2006.
19. Stephan, M.R., Sungkayoon, K, Qing, L, Guilan, L, Roel, V, Suramya, W, Luoping, Z., Songnian, Y, Martyn, T.S., Nathaniel, R. Human Benzene Metabolism Following Occupational and Environmental Exposures. Chemico- Biological Interactions. 2010;184:189-195.
20. Scoot, M.A, Juergan, A, Peter, J.B, Michael, F.H, Raegan, B.O, Steven, H.R. and A Robert, S. The Use of Biomonitoring Data in Exposure and Human Health Risk Assessment: Benzene Case Study. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2012;43(2):119-153.
21. Suramya, W, Nathaniel, R, Silvia, F, Marthyn, T.S, Richard, B.H, William, B, Mustafa, D, Li, G, Songnian, Y. and Stephen, M.R. Urinary Benzene as Biomarker of Exposure among Occupationaly Exposed and Unexposed Subjects. Carcinogenesis. 2001;22(2):279-286.
22. Suramya, W, Nathaniel, R, Guilan, L, Marthyn, T.S, Singnian, Y. and Stephan, M.R. Rapid Determination of Six Urinary Benzene Metabolites in Occupationally Exposed and Unexposed Subjects. Analytical Biochemistry. 2004;327:184-199.
23. Karen, H.W, Frederic, Y.B, Joan, M.D, David, M.A, Robert, C.S. Benzene toxicokinetics in humans: exposure of bone marrow to metabolite. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1994;51:414-420.
24. Martinez-Velazquez, M, Maldonado, V, Ortega, A, Melendez-Zajgla, J, Albores, A. Benzene Metabolites Induce Apoptosis in Lymphocytes. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. 2006;58:65-70.
25. Richard, D.I. and Wayne, S.S. Impact of Benzene Metabolites on Differentiation of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104:1247-1250.
26. Patrik, R, Ulf, R, Lars, O. Prediction of Activation Energies for Aromatic Oxidation by Cytochrome P450.J Phys Chem. 2008;112:13058-13065.
27. Giovanna, S, Salvatore, S, Francesco, C, Daniela, S, Paolina, Q, Mariella, C, Mario, B, Antonella, S, Sebastiano, G. Increased Serum Level of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products and Glycation end Products in Subjects Exposed to Low-Dose Benzene. International Journa of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2012;215:389-392.
28. Prema, K, Vangala, V.S, Kathlen, B.M, Luoping, Z. and Marthyn, T.S. Benzene and its Phenolic Metabolites Produce Oxidative DNA Damage in HL60 Cells in Vitro and in the Bine Marrow in vivo. American Associaton for Cancer Research. 1993;53:1023-1026.
29. Jeffrey, S.K, Brent, d.K, Brent, F. and dennis, J.P. A Clibrated Human PBPK Model for Benzene Inhalation with Urinary Bladder and Bone Marrow Compartments. Risk Analysis.2013;33(7):1237-1251.
30. David, R, Hongfei, Z, David, S. Benzene toxicity: The Role of the Susceptibility Factor NQO1 in Bone Marrow Endothelial Cell Signaling and Function. Chemical Biological Interaction. 2011;192(1-2):145-149.
31. Nadir, G.A. Hematopoietic Effect of Benzene Inhalation Assessed by Long-term Bone Marrow Culture. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104(6):1277-1282.
32. Luoping, Z, Cliona, M.M, Nathniel, R, Guilan, L, Zhiying, J, Roel, V, Alan, E.H., Xuefeng, R, Min, S, Stephen, M.R, Matthew, N, Christine, F.S, Songnian, Y., Christopher, V, Stephen, J.C, Marthyn, T.S. and Qing, L. Systems Biology of Human Benzene Exposure. Chemical Biological Interactions. 2010;184(1-2):86-93.
33. Marthyn, T.S. Advances in Understanding Benzene Health Effects and Susceptibility. The Annual Review of Public Health. 2010;31:133-148.
34. Renner, T. Baer-Koetzle, M, Scherer, G. Determination of Sorbic Acid in Urine by Gas chromatography–mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. 1999;847:127–133.
35. Virginia, M. Timothy, B. John, D. Lack of Specificity of trans,trans-Muconic Acid as a Benzene Biomarker after Ingestion of Sorbic Acid-preserved Foods. Department of Environmental Health Sciences. 2000;Vol. 9, 749–755.
36. Junchieh, J.T, Kam-Meng, T, Alissa, K.G, Harvey, P, William, N.R. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2013;33(4):1247-1256.
37. Udonwa, N.E, Uko, E.K, Ikpeme, B.M, Ibange, I.A. and Okon, B.O. Exposure of Petrol Station Attendants and Auto Mechanics to Premium Motor Sprit Fumes in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2009;ID 281876:1-5.
38. Wiwanitkit, V, Jamsai, S, Suphan, S. Monitoring of Urine Trans, Trans-muconic Acid Level among Smokers and Non-smokers. Respiratory Medicine. 2005;99:788-791.
2. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
3. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Toxicological Profiles for Benzene (Draft for Public Comment). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.; 2005.
4. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
5. Pudyoko, S. Hubungan Pajanan Benzene dengan kadar Phenol dalam Urin dan Gangguan Sistem Hematopoietik pada Pekerja Instalasi BBM [Tesis]. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro; 2010.
6. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry. ToxGuide for Benzene C6H6. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine Applied Toxicology Branch; 2007.
7. Udonwa, N.E, Uko, E.K, Ikpeme, B.M, Ibange, I.A. and Okon, B.O. Exposure of Petrol Station Attendants and Auto Mechanics to Premium Motor Sprit Fumes in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2009;ID 281876:1-5.
8. Tanasorn, T, Panthira, K, Wattasit, S, Anusorn, R. and Kalaya, Z. Benzene Exposure and its Association with Sickness Exhibited in Gasoline Station Workers. Columbia International Publishing: Journal of Environmental Pollution and Solutions. 2012;1:1-8.
9. Young, M.B, Byoung, Y.A, Hwang, S.C, Ji, H.K, Kyoung, A.K, Young, L. Aplastic Anemia in a Petrochemical Factory Worker. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1999;107(10):851-853.
10. Shan, P.T, Erin, E.F, Jerry, D.R, Judy, K.W, Louis, C.W, Robin, P.D. A Hematology Surveillance Study of Petrochemical Workers Exposed to Benzene. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2004;40:67-73.
11. Yoko, H, Byung-Il, Y, Guang-Xun, L, Yoshiaki, F, Toyozo, K, Jun, K, Tohru, I. Benzene-Induced Hematopoietic Toxicity Transmitted by Ahr in Wild-Type Mouse and Nullified by Repopulation with Ahr-deficient Bone Marrow cells: Time after Benzene Treatment and Recovery. Chemosphere. 2008;73:S290-S294.
12. Zuliyawan. Analisis Resiko Kesehatan Pajanan Benzene melalui Penentuan Level Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid dalam Urin pada Karyawan di SPBU ‘X’ Jakarta Utara 2010 [Skripsi]. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia; 2010.
13. Tunsaringkarn, T, Soogarun, S, Palasuwan, A. Occupational Exposure to Benzene and Changes in Hematological Parameters and Urinary Trans, Trans-Muconic Acid. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2012;4:45-49.
14. Eni, M, Suhartono, Nurjazuli. Hubungan Antara kadar Fenol dalam Urine dengan Kadar Hb, Eritrosit, Trombosit dan Leukosit (Studi pada Tenaga Kerja di Industri Karoseri CV Laksana Semarang. Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia. 2006;5(1):1-5.
15. Jorunn, K. Benzene Exposure and Hematological Effect among Offshore Workers Exposed to Crude Oil [Dissertation] Norway: Degree Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Bergan; 2007.
16. Ramon, A. Anlisis Paparan Benzene terhadap Profil Darah pada Pekerja Industri Pengolahan Minyak Bumi [Tesis]. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro; 2007.
17. Robert, S. and Christine, C.H. An Overview of Benzene Metabolism. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104:1165-1171.
18. Sungkyoon, K. Benzene Metabolism in Humans: Dose-dependent Metabolism and Interindividual Variability [Dissertation]. Chapel Hill: Departement of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Public Health; 2006.
19. Stephan, M.R., Sungkayoon, K, Qing, L, Guilan, L, Roel, V, Suramya, W, Luoping, Z., Songnian, Y, Martyn, T.S., Nathaniel, R. Human Benzene Metabolism Following Occupational and Environmental Exposures. Chemico- Biological Interactions. 2010;184:189-195.
20. Scoot, M.A, Juergan, A, Peter, J.B, Michael, F.H, Raegan, B.O, Steven, H.R. and A Robert, S. The Use of Biomonitoring Data in Exposure and Human Health Risk Assessment: Benzene Case Study. Critical Reviews in Toxicology. 2012;43(2):119-153.
21. Suramya, W, Nathaniel, R, Silvia, F, Marthyn, T.S, Richard, B.H, William, B, Mustafa, D, Li, G, Songnian, Y. and Stephen, M.R. Urinary Benzene as Biomarker of Exposure among Occupationaly Exposed and Unexposed Subjects. Carcinogenesis. 2001;22(2):279-286.
22. Suramya, W, Nathaniel, R, Guilan, L, Marthyn, T.S, Singnian, Y. and Stephan, M.R. Rapid Determination of Six Urinary Benzene Metabolites in Occupationally Exposed and Unexposed Subjects. Analytical Biochemistry. 2004;327:184-199.
23. Karen, H.W, Frederic, Y.B, Joan, M.D, David, M.A, Robert, C.S. Benzene toxicokinetics in humans: exposure of bone marrow to metabolite. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1994;51:414-420.
24. Martinez-Velazquez, M, Maldonado, V, Ortega, A, Melendez-Zajgla, J, Albores, A. Benzene Metabolites Induce Apoptosis in Lymphocytes. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology. 2006;58:65-70.
25. Richard, D.I. and Wayne, S.S. Impact of Benzene Metabolites on Differentiation of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104:1247-1250.
26. Patrik, R, Ulf, R, Lars, O. Prediction of Activation Energies for Aromatic Oxidation by Cytochrome P450.J Phys Chem. 2008;112:13058-13065.
27. Giovanna, S, Salvatore, S, Francesco, C, Daniela, S, Paolina, Q, Mariella, C, Mario, B, Antonella, S, Sebastiano, G. Increased Serum Level of Advanced Oxidation Protein Products and Glycation end Products in Subjects Exposed to Low-Dose Benzene. International Journa of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2012;215:389-392.
28. Prema, K, Vangala, V.S, Kathlen, B.M, Luoping, Z. and Marthyn, T.S. Benzene and its Phenolic Metabolites Produce Oxidative DNA Damage in HL60 Cells in Vitro and in the Bine Marrow in vivo. American Associaton for Cancer Research. 1993;53:1023-1026.
29. Jeffrey, S.K, Brent, d.K, Brent, F. and dennis, J.P. A Clibrated Human PBPK Model for Benzene Inhalation with Urinary Bladder and Bone Marrow Compartments. Risk Analysis.2013;33(7):1237-1251.
30. David, R, Hongfei, Z, David, S. Benzene toxicity: The Role of the Susceptibility Factor NQO1 in Bone Marrow Endothelial Cell Signaling and Function. Chemical Biological Interaction. 2011;192(1-2):145-149.
31. Nadir, G.A. Hematopoietic Effect of Benzene Inhalation Assessed by Long-term Bone Marrow Culture. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1996;104(6):1277-1282.
32. Luoping, Z, Cliona, M.M, Nathniel, R, Guilan, L, Zhiying, J, Roel, V, Alan, E.H., Xuefeng, R, Min, S, Stephen, M.R, Matthew, N, Christine, F.S, Songnian, Y., Christopher, V, Stephen, J.C, Marthyn, T.S. and Qing, L. Systems Biology of Human Benzene Exposure. Chemical Biological Interactions. 2010;184(1-2):86-93.
33. Marthyn, T.S. Advances in Understanding Benzene Health Effects and Susceptibility. The Annual Review of Public Health. 2010;31:133-148.
34. Renner, T. Baer-Koetzle, M, Scherer, G. Determination of Sorbic Acid in Urine by Gas chromatography–mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography. 1999;847:127–133.
35. Virginia, M. Timothy, B. John, D. Lack of Specificity of trans,trans-Muconic Acid as a Benzene Biomarker after Ingestion of Sorbic Acid-preserved Foods. Department of Environmental Health Sciences. 2000;Vol. 9, 749–755.
36. Junchieh, J.T, Kam-Meng, T, Alissa, K.G, Harvey, P, William, N.R. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor and Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2013;33(4):1247-1256.
37. Udonwa, N.E, Uko, E.K, Ikpeme, B.M, Ibange, I.A. and Okon, B.O. Exposure of Petrol Station Attendants and Auto Mechanics to Premium Motor Sprit Fumes in Calabar, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2009;ID 281876:1-5.
38. Wiwanitkit, V, Jamsai, S, Suphan, S. Monitoring of Urine Trans, Trans-muconic Acid Level among Smokers and Non-smokers. Respiratory Medicine. 2005;99:788-791.
Sipayung, L. P., Suryanto, D., & Megawati, E. R. (2016). KORELASI PAPARAN BENZENE DENGAN GAMBARAN COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT KARYAWAN SPBU X DAN Y. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 12(2), 81-90. https://doi.org/10.30597/mkmi.v12i2.924
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