Sleep Quality Profile of Mining Workers Based on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)
The number of work accidents in Indonesia and in the world is quite high, particularly in the mining sector. One of the factors that cause occupational accidents is poor sleep quality. Therefore good quality sleep is needed to reduce the risk of accidents. This study aims to describe the sleep quality of mining workers based on age, occupational category, and Body Mass Index (BMI). The research uses a descriptive design with a cross-sectional method. Data was collected from PT Borneo Indobara in 2020, as many as 120 workers. PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) is used as an instrument. Then, sleep quality was reported in age, BMI, and occupational categories. The result shows that workers at PT Borneo Indobara are dominated by the age range of 21-40 years old (80%), working as operators (70.83%), and having normal BMI (56.67%). Most of the poor sleep quality is experienced by the worker with age range 18-20 years old (90.91%), working as a leader/officer (100%), and obesity as a BMI category (88.89%). Most of PT. Borneo Indobara employees have poor sleep quality based on the PSQI score, so that the management of PT. Borneo Indobara can use this research as employee evaluation data and can prepare treatment for the employees.
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2. Chaput JP, Dutil C, Sampasa-Kanyinga H. Sleeping hours: What is the ideal number and how does age impact this? Nat Sci Sleep. 2018;10:421–30. 10.2147/NSS.S163071
3. Farah NMF, Yee TS, Rasdi HFM. Self-reported sleep quality using the malay version of the pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI-M) in Malaysian adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(23):1–10. 10.3390/ijerph16234750
4. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res. 1989;28:193–213. 10.1016/0165-1781(89)90047-4
5. Potter, PA; Perry, AG; Stockert, PA; Hall A. Fundamentals of nursing. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc; 2020.
6. Gharibi V, Mokarami H, Cousins R, Jahangiri M, Eskandari D. Excessive daytime sleepiness and safety performance: comparing proactive and reactive approaches. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2020;11(2):95–107.
7. Of USB, Statistics L. Injuries, illnesses, and fatal injuries in mining in 2010. 2013;2(1):1–8.
8. Kementerian ESDM. Laporan Kinerja DJMB Tahun 2019. 2020; Available from:
9. Fletcher A. Staying safe in the jungles of borneo: Five studies of fatigue and cultural issues in remote mining projects. Ind Health. 2010;48(4):406–15. 10.2486/indhealth.mssw-04
10. Mutifasari RS, Ramdhan DH. Association Between Sleep Quantity and Quality with Occupational Stress Among Truck Driver. Malaysian J Med Heal Sci. 2019;15(SP4):153– 158.
11. Widanarko B, Modjo R, Rantetampang J. Risk Factors Associated with Work-Related Fatigue Among Indonesian Mining Workers [Internet]. Vol. 825, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing; 2019. 1029–1037 p. Available from:
12. International Labour Organisation. Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work. Building on 100 years of experience. 2019. 75 p.
13. Song TJ, Yun CH, Cho SJ, Kim WJ, Yang KI, Chu MK. Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality among migraineurs: A population-based study. Cephalalgia. 2018;38(5):855–864. 10.1177/0333102417716936
14. Das-Friebel A, Perkinson-Gloor N, Brand S, Dewald-Kaufmann JF, Grob A, Wolke D, et al. A Pilot Cluster-Randomised Study to Increase Sleep Duration by decreasing Electronic Media Use at Night and Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents. Sleep Med. 2019;60:109–115. 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.11.010
15. Pham HT, Chuang HL, Kuo CP, Yeh TP, Liao WC. Electronic Device Use Before Bedtime and Sleep Quality Among University Students. Healthc. 2021;9(9):1–12. 9032/9/9/1091
16. Songkham W, Deeluea J, Suksatit B, Chaiard J. Sleep quality among industrial workers: related factors and impact. J Heal Res. 2019;33(2):119–26.
17. Dong X, Wang Y, Chen Y, Wang X, Zhu J, Wang N, et al. Poor Sleep Quality and influencing Factors Among Rural Adults in Deqing, China. Sleep Breath. 2018;22(4):1213–1220. 10.1007/s11325-018-1685-8
18. Gadie A, Shafto M, Leng Y, Kievit RA, Cam-CAN. How are age-related differences in sleep quality associated with health outcomes? An epidemiological investigation in a UK cohort of 2406 adults. BMJ Open. 2017;7(7). 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014920
19. Ostrin LA. Ocular and Systemic Melatonin and the Influence of Light Exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 2019;102(2):99–108.
20. Aulinas A. Physiology of the Pineal Gland and Melatonin. Endotext. 2000.
21. Bubenik GA, Konturek SJ. Bubenik and Konturek, 2011. 2011;13–9.
22. Arslan M, Aydemir İ. Relationship between emotional appetite, eating attitudes, sleep quality, and body mass index in healthcare workers: a multi-centre study. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol. 2019;29(3):346–53. 694
23 . Mirdha M, Nanda R, Sharma HB, Mallick HN. Study of association between body mass index and sleep quality among Indian college students. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019;63(1):8–15. 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.11.724
24. Park SK, Jung JY, Oh CM, McIntyre RS, Lee JH. Association between sleep duration, quality and body mass index in the Korean population. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018;14(8):1353–1360. 10.5664/jcsm.7272
25. Dong Z, Xu X, Wang C, Cartledge S, Maddison R, Shariful Islam SM. Association of Overweight and Obesity with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Obes Med. 2020;17(January):100185. 185
26. Sekhar Reddy, Parvaiz A. Koul, Moomin Hussain Bhat, Sanaullah Shah, Ganie MA. Comparison of Clinical, Biochemical, and Polysomnographic Parameters Between Obese and Nonobese Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Lung India. 2022;39(3):261–266. 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_699_21
27. Tuomilehto H, Seppä J, Uusitupa M. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea - Clinical significance of weight loss. Sleep Med Rev [Internet]. 2013;17(5):321–9. Available from:
28. Kim B, Yoon S, Kim J, Woo K-H, Cho S, Lee H, et al. Factors Related with Quality on Sleep of Daytime Workers. Ann Occup Environ Med. 2018;30(1):1–9. 10.1186/s40557-018- 0271-7
29. Dedele A, Miskinyte A, Andrušaitytė S, Stress Among Different Occupational Groups and the Interaction with Sedentary Behaviour. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(23).10.3390/ijerph16234595
30. Gu B, Tan Q, Zhao S. The Association Between Occupational Stress and Psychosomatic Wellbeing Among Chinese Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Med (United States). 2019;98(22):1–6. 10.1097/MD.0000000000015836
31. Xiao H, Zhang Y, Kong D, Li S, Yang N. The Effects of Social Support on Sleep Quality of Medical Staff Treating Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in January and February 2020 in China. Med Sci Monit. 2020;26:1–8. 10.12659/MSM.923549
2. Chaput JP, Dutil C, Sampasa-Kanyinga H. Sleeping hours: What is the ideal number and how does age impact this? Nat Sci Sleep. 2018;10:421–30. 10.2147/NSS.S163071
3. Farah NMF, Yee TS, Rasdi HFM. Self-reported sleep quality using the malay version of the pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI-M) in Malaysian adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(23):1–10. 10.3390/ijerph16234750
4. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res. 1989;28:193–213. 10.1016/0165-1781(89)90047-4
5. Potter, PA; Perry, AG; Stockert, PA; Hall A. Fundamentals of nursing. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc; 2020.
6. Gharibi V, Mokarami H, Cousins R, Jahangiri M, Eskandari D. Excessive daytime sleepiness and safety performance: comparing proactive and reactive approaches. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2020;11(2):95–107.
7. Of USB, Statistics L. Injuries, illnesses, and fatal injuries in mining in 2010. 2013;2(1):1–8.
8. Kementerian ESDM. Laporan Kinerja DJMB Tahun 2019. 2020; Available from:
9. Fletcher A. Staying safe in the jungles of borneo: Five studies of fatigue and cultural issues in remote mining projects. Ind Health. 2010;48(4):406–15. 10.2486/indhealth.mssw-04
10. Mutifasari RS, Ramdhan DH. Association Between Sleep Quantity and Quality with Occupational Stress Among Truck Driver. Malaysian J Med Heal Sci. 2019;15(SP4):153– 158.
11. Widanarko B, Modjo R, Rantetampang J. Risk Factors Associated with Work-Related Fatigue Among Indonesian Mining Workers [Internet]. Vol. 825, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer International Publishing; 2019. 1029–1037 p. Available from:
12. International Labour Organisation. Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work. Building on 100 years of experience. 2019. 75 p.
13. Song TJ, Yun CH, Cho SJ, Kim WJ, Yang KI, Chu MK. Short sleep duration and poor sleep quality among migraineurs: A population-based study. Cephalalgia. 2018;38(5):855–864. 10.1177/0333102417716936
14. Das-Friebel A, Perkinson-Gloor N, Brand S, Dewald-Kaufmann JF, Grob A, Wolke D, et al. A Pilot Cluster-Randomised Study to Increase Sleep Duration by decreasing Electronic Media Use at Night and Caffeine Consumption in Adolescents. Sleep Med. 2019;60:109–115. 10.1016/j.sleep.2018.11.010
15. Pham HT, Chuang HL, Kuo CP, Yeh TP, Liao WC. Electronic Device Use Before Bedtime and Sleep Quality Among University Students. Healthc. 2021;9(9):1–12. 9032/9/9/1091
16. Songkham W, Deeluea J, Suksatit B, Chaiard J. Sleep quality among industrial workers: related factors and impact. J Heal Res. 2019;33(2):119–26.
17. Dong X, Wang Y, Chen Y, Wang X, Zhu J, Wang N, et al. Poor Sleep Quality and influencing Factors Among Rural Adults in Deqing, China. Sleep Breath. 2018;22(4):1213–1220. 10.1007/s11325-018-1685-8
18. Gadie A, Shafto M, Leng Y, Kievit RA, Cam-CAN. How are age-related differences in sleep quality associated with health outcomes? An epidemiological investigation in a UK cohort of 2406 adults. BMJ Open. 2017;7(7). 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014920
19. Ostrin LA. Ocular and Systemic Melatonin and the Influence of Light Exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 2019;102(2):99–108.
20. Aulinas A. Physiology of the Pineal Gland and Melatonin. Endotext. 2000.
21. Bubenik GA, Konturek SJ. Bubenik and Konturek, 2011. 2011;13–9.
22. Arslan M, Aydemir İ. Relationship between emotional appetite, eating attitudes, sleep quality, and body mass index in healthcare workers: a multi-centre study. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol. 2019;29(3):346–53. 694
23 . Mirdha M, Nanda R, Sharma HB, Mallick HN. Study of association between body mass index and sleep quality among Indian college students. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2019;63(1):8–15. 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.11.724
24. Park SK, Jung JY, Oh CM, McIntyre RS, Lee JH. Association between sleep duration, quality and body mass index in the Korean population. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018;14(8):1353–1360. 10.5664/jcsm.7272
25. Dong Z, Xu X, Wang C, Cartledge S, Maddison R, Shariful Islam SM. Association of Overweight and Obesity with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Obes Med. 2020;17(January):100185. 185
26. Sekhar Reddy, Parvaiz A. Koul, Moomin Hussain Bhat, Sanaullah Shah, Ganie MA. Comparison of Clinical, Biochemical, and Polysomnographic Parameters Between Obese and Nonobese Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Lung India. 2022;39(3):261–266. 10.4103/lungindia.lungindia_699_21
27. Tuomilehto H, Seppä J, Uusitupa M. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea - Clinical significance of weight loss. Sleep Med Rev [Internet]. 2013;17(5):321–9. Available from:
28. Kim B, Yoon S, Kim J, Woo K-H, Cho S, Lee H, et al. Factors Related with Quality on Sleep of Daytime Workers. Ann Occup Environ Med. 2018;30(1):1–9. 10.1186/s40557-018- 0271-7
29. Dedele A, Miskinyte A, Andrušaitytė S, Stress Among Different Occupational Groups and the Interaction with Sedentary Behaviour. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(23).10.3390/ijerph16234595
30. Gu B, Tan Q, Zhao S. The Association Between Occupational Stress and Psychosomatic Wellbeing Among Chinese Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Med (United States). 2019;98(22):1–6. 10.1097/MD.0000000000015836
31. Xiao H, Zhang Y, Kong D, Li S, Yang N. The Effects of Social Support on Sleep Quality of Medical Staff Treating Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in January and February 2020 in China. Med Sci Monit. 2020;26:1–8. 10.12659/MSM.923549
Lubis, L., Kusumawiyanti, T., Nasution, G. T. D., & Dwirahmadi, F. (2022). Sleep Quality Profile of Mining Workers Based on Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) . Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 18(4), 140-146.

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