Smoking Cessation Experience and Socioeconomic Status of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Surabaya
Online motorcycle taxi drivers are at risk of experiencing exposure to air pollution, and smoking habits can exacerbate the risk of decreased lung function. The success of smoking cessation could be influenced by the experience of cessation and socioeconomic status. In this regard, the study aimed to investigate the success of smoking cessation of online motorcycle taxi drivers in Surabaya, Indonesia, using a cross-sectional design from May–December 2020. A questionnaire was used to collect data through interviews, and the data were analyzed using a chi-square test. The number of respondents was 92. Among the respondents, 43.5% failed to quit smoking, while 56.5% of them succeeded. The chi-square test results demonstrated a relationship between all experience factors and the success of smoking cessation. Additionally, a relationship between education level (p<0.001) and income level (p<0.001) with socioeconomic status was observed. Further research is needed to observe how other factors such as knowledge, motivation, and environmental factors affect smoking cessation.
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2. Ferusgel A, Widya A. Keluhan Kesehatan Pernapasan Pada Driver Ojek Online di Me-dan. VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2019;18(2):1–8.
3. Lorensia A, Suryadinata RV, Diputra INY. Risk Factors and Early Symptoms Related to Respiratory Disease in Pedicab Drivers in Surabaya. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2019;15(2):224-235.
4. Manisalidis I, Stavropoulou E, Stavropoulos A, Bezirtzoglou E. Environmental and Health Impacts of Air Pollution: A Review. Front Public Health. 2020;8:14.
5. Chen X, Gu X, Li T, et al. Factors Influencing Smoking Behaviour of Online Ride-Hailing Drivers in China: a Cross-Sectional Analysis. BMC Public Health. 2021;1326. Available at:
6. Park EY, Lim MK, Hong SY, Oh JE, Jeong BY, Yun EH, Yang W, Lee DH. Towards Smoke-Free Cars in the Republic of Korea: Evidence from Environmental and Biochemical Monitoring of Third-Hand Smoke Exposure in Taxis. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16(11):1-6.
7. West R. Tobacco Smoking: Health Impact, Prevalence, Correlates and Interventions. Psychology & Health. 2017;32(8): 1018-1036.
8. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Pratama AM. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Pharmacy Student Perceptions of Cigarette Smoking of Health Awareness in Smoking Cessation. Jurnal ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal. 2016;31(4):170-179.
9. Baumeister RF. Addiction, Cigarette Smoking, and Voluntary Control of Action: Do Cigarette Smokers Lose Their Free Will?. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 2017;5:67-84.
10. Krosnick JA, Malhotra N, Mo CH, et al. Perceptions of Health Risks of Cigarette Smoking: A New Measure Reveals Widespread Misunderstanding. PLoS One. 2017;12(8):1-23.
11. Tiwari RK, Sharma V, Pandey RK, Shukla SS. Nicotine Addiction: Neurobiology and Mechanism. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2020;23(1):1-7.
12. Roh S. Scientific Evidence for the Addictiveness of Tobacco and Smoking Cessation in Tobacco Litigation. Journal of Preventive Medicine Public Health. 2018;51(1):1-5.
13. Prochaska JJ, Benowitz NL. Current Advances in Research in Treatment and Recovery: Nicotine Addiction. Science Advances. 2019;5 (10):1-23.
14. Arisona A, Ahayuwati L, Agustina HS. Smoking Behavior and the Use of Cigarette Types Among University Student. Journal of Educational and Social Research. 2020;10(5):211-224.
15. Sadarang RAI. Factors Associated with Quitting Smoking in Indonesia. Journal of Preventive Medicine Public Health. 2021;54:137-144.
16. Chezhian C, Murthy S, Prasad S, et al. Exploring Factors that Influence Smoking Initiation and Cessation among Current Smokers. Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research. 2015;9(5):8-12.
17. Bacha ZA, Layoun N, Khayat G, Hallit S. Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Success in Lebanon. Pharmacy Practice. 2018;16(1):1111.
18. Georgiadou C, Lavdaniti M, Psychogiou M, Tzenalis A, Sgantzos M, Sapountzi-Krepia D. Factors Affecting the Decision to Quit Smoking of the Participants of a Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Program in Greece. Journal of Caring Sciences. 2015;4(1):1-11.
19. Reid RD, Pritchard G, Walker K, Aitken D, Mullen KA, Pipe AL. Managing Smoking Cessation. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016;188(17-18):484-492.
20. Heckman BW, Cummings KM, Stoltman JJK, Dahne J, Borland R, Fong GT, Carpenter MJ. Longer Duration of Smoking Abstinence is Associated with Waning Cessation Fatigue. Behaviour Research Therapy. 2019;115:12-18.
21. Wang J, Geng L. Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Physical and Psychological Health: Lifestyle as a Mediator. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(2):281.
22. BPS. Provinsi Jawa Timur Dalam Angka. Surabaya: Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur; 2013.
23. Levy DT, Zavala-Arciniega L, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Fleischer NL, Yuan Z, Li Y, Sanchez-Romero LM, Lau YK, Meza R, Thrasher JF. Measuring Smoking Prevalence in a Middle Income Nation: An Examination of the 100 Cigarettes Lifetime screen. Global Epidemiology. 2019;1:100016:1-7.
24. Dewi IAA, Rai IBN, Suryana IK. The Relationship Between Smoking Degree Based on the Brinkman Index with the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio, Lymphocyte Platelet Ratio and Serum MPV/Platelet Values in Healthy Adult Smokers. International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2020;8(4):119-125.
25. Li G, Wang H, Wang K, et al. The Association Between Smoking and Blood Pressure in Men: a Cross-Sectional Study. BMC Public Health. 2017;17(1):797.
26. Zera T, Moraes DJA, Silva MP, Fisher JP, Pa-ton JFR. The Logic of Carotid Body Connectivity to the Brain. Physiology. 2019;34:264-82.
27. Howes S, Hartmann-Boyce J, Livingstone-Banks J, Hong B, Lindson N. Antidepressants for Smoking Cessation. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020;4(4):CD000031.
28. Gómez-Coronado N, Walker AJ, Berk M, Dodd S. Current and Emerging Pharmacotherapies for Cessation of Tobacco Smoking. Pharmacotherapy. 2018;38(2):235-258.
29. Dalton K, Byrne S. Role of the Pharmacist in Reducing Healthcare Costs: Current Insights. Integrated Pharmacy Research & Practice. 2017;6:37-46.
30. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Herwansyah FR. Persepsi, Efektifitas dan Keamanan Penggunaan Rokok Elektrik (E-Cigarette) oleh Perokok Aktif sebagai Terapi Dalam Smoking Cessation: Mixed Methods dengan Pendekatan Studi Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Jurnal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry. 2017;4(2):66-78.
31. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Arrahmah R. Evaluation of Knowledge and Perception of Self-Medication for Cough by Smokers. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia. 2018;14(4):395-405.
32. Suryadinata RV, Lorensia A, Sari RK. Perbedaan Asupan Nutrisi Makanan dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Antara Perokok Aktif dengan Non-Perokok pada Usia Dewasa. Indonesia journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2017;6(3):171-180.
33. Hamzeh B, Farnia V, Moradinazar M. et al. Pattern of Cigarette Smoking: Intensity, Cessation, and Age of Beginning: Evidence From a Cohort Study in West of Iran. Subst Abuse Treatment Prevention, and Policy. 2020;15:83.
34. Hiscock R, Bauld L, Amos A, Fidler JA, Munafo M. Socioeconomic status and Smoking: a Review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2021;1248:107-123.
35. Garcia-Gomez L, Hernandez-Perez A, Noe-Diaz V, Riesco-Miranda JA, Jimenez-Ruiz C. Smoking Cessation Treatments: Current Psychological and Pharmacological Options. Revista de Investigacion Clinica. 2019:71:7-16.
36. Hashemzadeh M, Rahimi A, Zare-Farashbandi F, Alavi-Naeini AM, Daei A. Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior-al Change: A Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2019;24(2):83-90.
2. Ferusgel A, Widya A. Keluhan Kesehatan Pernapasan Pada Driver Ojek Online di Me-dan. VISIKES: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2019;18(2):1–8.
3. Lorensia A, Suryadinata RV, Diputra INY. Risk Factors and Early Symptoms Related to Respiratory Disease in Pedicab Drivers in Surabaya. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2019;15(2):224-235.
4. Manisalidis I, Stavropoulou E, Stavropoulos A, Bezirtzoglou E. Environmental and Health Impacts of Air Pollution: A Review. Front Public Health. 2020;8:14.
5. Chen X, Gu X, Li T, et al. Factors Influencing Smoking Behaviour of Online Ride-Hailing Drivers in China: a Cross-Sectional Analysis. BMC Public Health. 2021;1326. Available at:
6. Park EY, Lim MK, Hong SY, Oh JE, Jeong BY, Yun EH, Yang W, Lee DH. Towards Smoke-Free Cars in the Republic of Korea: Evidence from Environmental and Biochemical Monitoring of Third-Hand Smoke Exposure in Taxis. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2018;16(11):1-6.
7. West R. Tobacco Smoking: Health Impact, Prevalence, Correlates and Interventions. Psychology & Health. 2017;32(8): 1018-1036.
8. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Pratama AM. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Pharmacy Student Perceptions of Cigarette Smoking of Health Awareness in Smoking Cessation. Jurnal ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal. 2016;31(4):170-179.
9. Baumeister RF. Addiction, Cigarette Smoking, and Voluntary Control of Action: Do Cigarette Smokers Lose Their Free Will?. Addictive Behaviors Reports. 2017;5:67-84.
10. Krosnick JA, Malhotra N, Mo CH, et al. Perceptions of Health Risks of Cigarette Smoking: A New Measure Reveals Widespread Misunderstanding. PLoS One. 2017;12(8):1-23.
11. Tiwari RK, Sharma V, Pandey RK, Shukla SS. Nicotine Addiction: Neurobiology and Mechanism. Journal of Pharmacopuncture. 2020;23(1):1-7.
12. Roh S. Scientific Evidence for the Addictiveness of Tobacco and Smoking Cessation in Tobacco Litigation. Journal of Preventive Medicine Public Health. 2018;51(1):1-5.
13. Prochaska JJ, Benowitz NL. Current Advances in Research in Treatment and Recovery: Nicotine Addiction. Science Advances. 2019;5 (10):1-23.
14. Arisona A, Ahayuwati L, Agustina HS. Smoking Behavior and the Use of Cigarette Types Among University Student. Journal of Educational and Social Research. 2020;10(5):211-224.
15. Sadarang RAI. Factors Associated with Quitting Smoking in Indonesia. Journal of Preventive Medicine Public Health. 2021;54:137-144.
16. Chezhian C, Murthy S, Prasad S, et al. Exploring Factors that Influence Smoking Initiation and Cessation among Current Smokers. Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research. 2015;9(5):8-12.
17. Bacha ZA, Layoun N, Khayat G, Hallit S. Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Success in Lebanon. Pharmacy Practice. 2018;16(1):1111.
18. Georgiadou C, Lavdaniti M, Psychogiou M, Tzenalis A, Sgantzos M, Sapountzi-Krepia D. Factors Affecting the Decision to Quit Smoking of the Participants of a Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Program in Greece. Journal of Caring Sciences. 2015;4(1):1-11.
19. Reid RD, Pritchard G, Walker K, Aitken D, Mullen KA, Pipe AL. Managing Smoking Cessation. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016;188(17-18):484-492.
20. Heckman BW, Cummings KM, Stoltman JJK, Dahne J, Borland R, Fong GT, Carpenter MJ. Longer Duration of Smoking Abstinence is Associated with Waning Cessation Fatigue. Behaviour Research Therapy. 2019;115:12-18.
21. Wang J, Geng L. Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Physical and Psychological Health: Lifestyle as a Mediator. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(2):281.
22. BPS. Provinsi Jawa Timur Dalam Angka. Surabaya: Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur; 2013.
23. Levy DT, Zavala-Arciniega L, Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Fleischer NL, Yuan Z, Li Y, Sanchez-Romero LM, Lau YK, Meza R, Thrasher JF. Measuring Smoking Prevalence in a Middle Income Nation: An Examination of the 100 Cigarettes Lifetime screen. Global Epidemiology. 2019;1:100016:1-7.
24. Dewi IAA, Rai IBN, Suryana IK. The Relationship Between Smoking Degree Based on the Brinkman Index with the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio, Lymphocyte Platelet Ratio and Serum MPV/Platelet Values in Healthy Adult Smokers. International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 2020;8(4):119-125.
25. Li G, Wang H, Wang K, et al. The Association Between Smoking and Blood Pressure in Men: a Cross-Sectional Study. BMC Public Health. 2017;17(1):797.
26. Zera T, Moraes DJA, Silva MP, Fisher JP, Pa-ton JFR. The Logic of Carotid Body Connectivity to the Brain. Physiology. 2019;34:264-82.
27. Howes S, Hartmann-Boyce J, Livingstone-Banks J, Hong B, Lindson N. Antidepressants for Smoking Cessation. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2020;4(4):CD000031.
28. Gómez-Coronado N, Walker AJ, Berk M, Dodd S. Current and Emerging Pharmacotherapies for Cessation of Tobacco Smoking. Pharmacotherapy. 2018;38(2):235-258.
29. Dalton K, Byrne S. Role of the Pharmacist in Reducing Healthcare Costs: Current Insights. Integrated Pharmacy Research & Practice. 2017;6:37-46.
30. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Herwansyah FR. Persepsi, Efektifitas dan Keamanan Penggunaan Rokok Elektrik (E-Cigarette) oleh Perokok Aktif sebagai Terapi Dalam Smoking Cessation: Mixed Methods dengan Pendekatan Studi Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Jurnal of Tropical Pharmacy and Chemistry. 2017;4(2):66-78.
31. Lorensia A, Yudiarso A, Arrahmah R. Evaluation of Knowledge and Perception of Self-Medication for Cough by Smokers. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia. 2018;14(4):395-405.
32. Suryadinata RV, Lorensia A, Sari RK. Perbedaan Asupan Nutrisi Makanan dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Antara Perokok Aktif dengan Non-Perokok pada Usia Dewasa. Indonesia journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2017;6(3):171-180.
33. Hamzeh B, Farnia V, Moradinazar M. et al. Pattern of Cigarette Smoking: Intensity, Cessation, and Age of Beginning: Evidence From a Cohort Study in West of Iran. Subst Abuse Treatment Prevention, and Policy. 2020;15:83.
34. Hiscock R, Bauld L, Amos A, Fidler JA, Munafo M. Socioeconomic status and Smoking: a Review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2021;1248:107-123.
35. Garcia-Gomez L, Hernandez-Perez A, Noe-Diaz V, Riesco-Miranda JA, Jimenez-Ruiz C. Smoking Cessation Treatments: Current Psychological and Pharmacological Options. Revista de Investigacion Clinica. 2019:71:7-16.
36. Hashemzadeh M, Rahimi A, Zare-Farashbandi F, Alavi-Naeini AM, Daei A. Transtheoretical Model of Health Behavior-al Change: A Systematic Review. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2019;24(2):83-90.
Lorensia, A., & Virlando Suryadinata, R. (2021). Smoking Cessation Experience and Socioeconomic Status of Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Surabaya. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 17(3), 80-87.

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