Differences in Help-Seeking Behavior in Adolescents with Anxiety Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Adolescents represent one of the vulnerable groups that could suffer from mental and psychosocial health during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze behavioral differences in adolescents who have experienced anxiety disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a cross-sectional design on 122 adolescents in East Java during the pandemic. Data was collected through a questionnaire via Google Forms in May 2021. Data analysis in this study used the Mann–Whitney test on SPSS Statistics 26. The current study found that male respondents (80%) show a higher tendency to have anxiety disorders compared with female respondents (74%). Meanwhile, there was no difference in the help-seeking behavior based on the gender of adolescent respondents’ who experienced anxiety disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic (p=0.291). The current study also found that there is no difference in help-seeking behavior between adolescents who experience anxiety disorders or those who do not experience anxiety disorder (p=0.449). Most adolescents with anxiety disorders tend to discuss their issues with friends and family to relieve anxiety, whereas some do not seek help because they can cope with anxiety disorders on their own, they think they do not really need help, they feel that no one cares about their problems, and there is a lack of supporting health facilities in the youth environment. Teenagers in East Java are advised to consult their mental health problems with experts to find relevant solutions.
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11. AlAzzam M, Abuhammad S, Abdalrahim A, Hamdan-Mansour AM. Predictors of Depression and Anxiety Among Senior High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Context of Home Quarantine and Online Education. The Journal of School Nursing. 2021;37(4):241–248.
12. Chen X, Qi H, Liu R, Feng Y, Li W, Xiang M, et al. Depression, Anxiety and Associated Factors Among Chinese Adolescents During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sectional Studies. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):1–8.
13. Magson NR, Freeman JYA, Rapee RM, Richardson CE, Oar EL, Fardouly J. Risk and Protective Factors for Prospective Changes in Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2021;50(1):44–57.
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16. Racine N, McArthur BA, Cooke JE, Eirich R, Zhu J, Madigan S. Global Prevalence of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents during COVID-19: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics. 2021;175(11):1142–1150.
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19. Maba, A. P., M., Kholili, M. I., Cahyani, A. I., Kushendar., Zahro, I. F., Subandi, et al. Help-Seeking Intention During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Web-Based Survey in Indonesia. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020.
20. Abdullah I. COVID-19: Threat and Fear in Indonesia. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2020;12(5):488–490.
21. Liang S-W, Chen R-N, Liu L-L, Li X-G, Chen J-B, Tang S-Y, et al. The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Guangdong College Students: The Difference Between Seeking and Not Seeking Psychological Help. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020;11(9):1–10.
22. Mukminina M, Abidin Z. High School Students’ Anxiety Coping in Facing the 2019 Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK). Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Humaniora. 2020;5(3):110.
23. Alfianto AG, Safitri A. Self-Efficacy of Students with Early Psychotic Symptoms in Seeking Help Through Mental School Health Efforts. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan. 2019;3(1):7–11.
24. Clark LH, Hudson JL, Rapee RM, Grasby KL. Investigating The Impact Of Masculinity on the Relationship Between Anxiety Specific Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health Help-Seeking in Adolescent Males. Journal of Anxiety Disorder. 2020;76:1–8.
25. Thai TT, Vu NLLT, Bui HHT. Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Preferences in High School Students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. School Mental Health. 2020;12(2):378–387.
26. Suharweny M, Wahyuningtyas F, Anindya P, Dumpratiwi AN. Students Seeking Help Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference Psychology. 2021;1(1):3–7.
27. Bird MD, Chow GM, Cooper BT, Bird MD, Chow GM, Student- BTC. Student-Athletes’ Mental Health Help-Seeking Experiences : A Mixed Methodological Approach Student-Athletes’ Mental Health Help-Seeking. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 2018;1–19.
28. Mawarpury M, Sari K, Safrina L. Layanan Kesehatan Mental di Puskesmas : Apakah Dibutuhkan?. Insight : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitisn Psikologi. 2017;13(1):1–10.
29. Hafstad GS, Sætren SS, Wentzel-Larsen T, Augusti EM. Adolescents’ Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Before and During the Covid-19 Outbreak – A Prospective Population-Based Study of Teenagers in Norway. The Lancet Regional Health Europe. 2021;5:1-8.
2. Kemenkes RI. Media Informasi Resmi Terkini Penyakit Infeksi Emerging: Penyakit Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 01 Januari 2021. [Report]. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit, Direktorat Surveilans dan Karantina Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI; 2021.
3. CNN Indonesia. Kasus Corona Melonjak, Jatim Tertinggi Per 9 Mei. [News]. CNN Indonesia News; 2020. Available at: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20200510011524-20-501685/kasus-corona-melonjak-jatim-tertinggi-per-9-mei.
4. Kaligis F, Indraswari MT, Ismail RI. Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic: Mental Health Condition In Indonesia. Medical Journal of Indonesia. 2020;29(4):436–441.
5. Banerjee D. The COVID-19 Outbreak: Crucial Role the Psychiatrists Can Play. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020;50: 102014.
6. Vibriyanti D. Kesehatan Mental Masyarakat: Mengelola Kecemasan di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Kependudukan Indonesia. 2020;(Special Edition);69-74.
7. Aulia Iskandarsyah, Yudiana W. Information Provision About Covid-19, Health Behaviors and Mental Health in Indonesia: Results from a Survey among 3,686 respondents; 2020.
8. PDSKJI. Survei Kesehatan Mental. Jakarta: Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Jiwa Indonesia; 2020.
9. Heerde JA, Hemphill SA. Examination of Associations Between Informal Help-Seeking Behavior, Social Support, and Adolescent Psychosocial Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Developmental Review.2018;47: 44–62.
10. Guessoum SB, Lachal J, Radjack R, Carretier E, Minassian S, Benoit L, et al. Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdown. Psychiatry Research. 2020;291:1-6.
11. AlAzzam M, Abuhammad S, Abdalrahim A, Hamdan-Mansour AM. Predictors of Depression and Anxiety Among Senior High School Students During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Context of Home Quarantine and Online Education. The Journal of School Nursing. 2021;37(4):241–248.
12. Chen X, Qi H, Liu R, Feng Y, Li W, Xiang M, et al. Depression, Anxiety and Associated Factors Among Chinese Adolescents During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sectional Studies. Translational Psychiatry. 2021;11(1):1–8.
13. Magson NR, Freeman JYA, Rapee RM, Richardson CE, Oar EL, Fardouly J. Risk and Protective Factors for Prospective Changes in Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2021;50(1):44–57.
14. Estikasari P, Pudjiati SRR. Gambaran Psikologis Remaja Selama Sekolah dari Rumah Akibat Pandemi Covid-19. Psikobuletin: Buletin Ilmu Psikologi. 2021;2(1):23.
15. Fitria L, Ifdil I. Adolescent Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Education. 2020;6(1):1–4.
16. Racine N, McArthur BA, Cooke JE, Eirich R, Zhu J, Madigan S. Global Prevalence of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents during COVID-19: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatrics. 2021;175(11):1142–1150.
17. Chi X, Liang K, Chen ST, Huang Q, Huang L, Yu Q, et al. Mental Health Problems Among Chinese Adolescents During the COVID-19: The Importance of Nutrition and Physical Activity. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2021;21(3):1-10.
18. Mubasyiroh R, Yunita I, Putri S. Mental Emotional Symptoms’ Determinants Of Junior-Senior High School Student in Indonesia 2015. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan. 2017;45(2):103–12.
19. Maba, A. P., M., Kholili, M. I., Cahyani, A. I., Kushendar., Zahro, I. F., Subandi, et al. Help-Seeking Intention During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Web-Based Survey in Indonesia. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020.
20. Abdullah I. COVID-19: Threat and Fear in Indonesia. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2020;12(5):488–490.
21. Liang S-W, Chen R-N, Liu L-L, Li X-G, Chen J-B, Tang S-Y, et al. The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Guangdong College Students: The Difference Between Seeking and Not Seeking Psychological Help. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020;11(9):1–10.
22. Mukminina M, Abidin Z. High School Students’ Anxiety Coping in Facing the 2019 Computer-Based Writing Exam (UTBK). Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Humaniora. 2020;5(3):110.
23. Alfianto AG, Safitri A. Self-Efficacy of Students with Early Psychotic Symptoms in Seeking Help Through Mental School Health Efforts. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan. 2019;3(1):7–11.
24. Clark LH, Hudson JL, Rapee RM, Grasby KL. Investigating The Impact Of Masculinity on the Relationship Between Anxiety Specific Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health Help-Seeking in Adolescent Males. Journal of Anxiety Disorder. 2020;76:1–8.
25. Thai TT, Vu NLLT, Bui HHT. Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Preferences in High School Students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. School Mental Health. 2020;12(2):378–387.
26. Suharweny M, Wahyuningtyas F, Anindya P, Dumpratiwi AN. Students Seeking Help Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Proceding of Inter-Islamic University Conference Psychology. 2021;1(1):3–7.
27. Bird MD, Chow GM, Cooper BT, Bird MD, Chow GM, Student- BTC. Student-Athletes’ Mental Health Help-Seeking Experiences : A Mixed Methodological Approach Student-Athletes’ Mental Health Help-Seeking. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 2018;1–19.
28. Mawarpury M, Sari K, Safrina L. Layanan Kesehatan Mental di Puskesmas : Apakah Dibutuhkan?. Insight : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitisn Psikologi. 2017;13(1):1–10.
29. Hafstad GS, Sætren SS, Wentzel-Larsen T, Augusti EM. Adolescents’ Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Before and During the Covid-19 Outbreak – A Prospective Population-Based Study of Teenagers in Norway. The Lancet Regional Health Europe. 2021;5:1-8.
Mustikawati, E. I., & Ernawaty, E. (2021). Differences in Help-Seeking Behavior in Adolescents with Anxiety Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 17(3), 110-115. https://doi.org/10.30597/mkmi.v17i3.13827

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