Management Dynamics Conference 8
<div>Management Dynamics Conference 8 yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Hasanuddin</div>FPJMen-USManagement Dynamics Conference 8PENGARUH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, DAN LEVERAGE TERHADAP AGRESIVITAS PAJAK
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and leverage on tax aggressiveness. Tax aggressiveness is proxied by the effective tax rate. The corporate governance variables are proxied by independent commissioners, independent audit committees, educational background of the board of directors and board experience. The research object in this study is a banking company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021. The sampling method in this study is purposive sampling, with a final sample size of 159 during 2017-2021. The data analysis method in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 25.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this study indicate that independent commissioners and leverage have a positive and significant effect on tax aggressiveness, independent audit committee has a negative and significant effect on tax aggressiveness, board education, board experience and corporate social responsibility have no effect on tax aggressiveness.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Abstrak</strong></em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, dan leverage terhadap agresivitas pajak Agresivitas pajak diproksikan menggunakan effective tax rate. Variabel corporate governance diproksikan dalam komisaris independen, komite audit independen, latar belakang pendidikan dewan direksi dan pengalaman dewan direksi. Objek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017-2021. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel akhir sebanyak 159 sampel selama 2017-2021. Mtode analisis data dalam penelitan ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 25. </em></p> <p><em>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komisaris independen dan Leverage berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap agresivitas pajak, komite audit independen berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap agresivitas pajak, latar belakang pendidikan dewan dewan direksi, pengalaman dewan direksi dan corporate social responsibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas pajak. </em></p>Eklesia Sandopa Butar ButarSurifah
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Analysis of Factors Affecting Purchasing Decisions for Toyota Rush Cars at PT Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Alauddin Branch aims to explain the influence of factors on purchasing decisions for Toyota Rush cars. This study uses quantitative methods with survey techniques and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS for Windows V21. The variables considered are Price (X1), Advertising (X2), Brand Image (X3), Product Quality (X4), and Consumer Satisfaction (X5) on the Purchase Decision variable (Y). The population of this study were 74 consumers who bought Toyota Rush cars at PT Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Alauddin Branch between 2015-2019. The results showed that price, advertising, brand image, product quality, and customer satisfaction partially and simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em><em>Keywords: tax aggressiveness, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, leverage.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Toyota Rush di PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Cabang Alauddin bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh faktor-faktor terhadap keputusan pembelian mobil Toyota Rush. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik survey dan analisis regresi linear berganda menggunakan SPSS for Windows V21. Variabel yang dipertimbangkan adalah Harga (X1), Periklanan (X2), Citra Merek (X3), Kualitas Produk (X4), dan Kepuasan Konsumen (X5) terhadap variabel Keputusan Pembelian (Y). Populasi penelitian ini adalah 74 konsumen yang membeli mobil Toyota Rush di PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Cabang Alauddin antara tahun 2015-2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harga, periklanan, citra merek, kualitas produk, dan kepuasan konsumen secara parsial maupun simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. </em></p>Alifah Awaliah Ananda
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281547556Pengaruh Green Human Resource Management terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada Karyawan Kantor Pusat PT Bank DKI
<p><em>This study aims to analyse the effect of Green Competence Building Practices, Green Motivation Enhancing Practices, Green Employee Involvement Practices to Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward on employees of Head Office PT Bank DKI. The sample used in this study were 135 respondents using purposive sampling are employees of Head Office PT Bank DKI. Hypothesis testing is done by calculating descriptive statistics using the simple linear regression with the help of SPSS software version 22. The results of this study support hypotheses regarding Green Competence Building Practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment, support hypotheses regarding Green Motivation Enhancing Practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment, and support the hypotheses regarding Green Employee Involvement Practices on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment. This study has implications for human resource managers on how to increase and maintain Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment to the company.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Green Competence Building Practices, Green Motivation Enhancing Practices, dan Green Employee Involvement Practices terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment pada Karyawan Kantor Pusat PT Bank DKI. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 135 responden dengan menggunakan metode penarikan sampel purposive sampling adalah para Karyawan Kantor Pusat PT Bank DKI. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan perhitungan statistik deskriptif menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 22. Hasil dari penelitian ini mendukung hipotesis mengenai Green Competence Building Practices terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment, mendukung hipotesis mengenai Green Motivation Enhancing Practices terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment , dan mendukung hipotesis mengenai Green Employee Involvement terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi bagi manajer sumber daya manusia bagaimana meningkatkan dan mempertahankan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment pada karyawan.</em></p>Amalia Anggraeni NurhakimTiara Puspa
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281758770Work Discipline on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation at Hospitals with Plenary Accreditation in Makassar
<p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />This study aims to determine the influence of work discipline on employee performancethrough work motivation at a hospital with plenary status in Makassar. The population in thisstudy were hospital employees with plenary status in Makassar. The number of samples used was 94 respondents using a random sampling technique with the slovin formula to determine the sample. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observation and questionnaire methods. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 26 version. The results showed that the work discipline variable had a positive, direct significant effect on employee performance, as evidenced by the statistical output value which stated a sig value <0.05, work motivation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a statistical output value which stated a sig value <0.05, work discipline had a positive and significant effect on work motivation with a statistical output value which states a sig value <0.05. This study also states the results that work motivation is able to mediate the effect of work discipline on employee performance followed by an indirect effect value of 0.4212 which is greater than the direct effect value. </p> <p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui motivasi kerja pada rumah sakit berstatus paripurna dikota Makassar. Populasi dalam Penelitian ini adalah pegawai rumahsakit berstatus paripurna dikota Makassar Jumlah<br />sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 94 orang dengan menggunakan Teknik random sampling dengan rumus slovin untuk penentuan sampel nya Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunkan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) v.26. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari variable Disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif, signifikan secara langsung terhadap kinerja pegawai, dibuktikan dengan nilai output statistic yang menyatakan nilai sig < 0,05 , motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan nilai output statistic yang menyatakan nilai sig <0,05 , disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja dengan nilai<br />output statistic yang menyatakan nilai sig < 0,05 penelitian ini juga menyataklan hasil bahwa motivasi kerja mampu memediasi pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai dikutikan dengan nilai pengaruh tidak langsung sebesar 0,4212 dimana lebih besar dari nilai pengaruh langsungnya.</p>A. Nur Ummah AshlihaHaris Maupa Andi Bau Massepe
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281319336Optimal Portfolio Formation Analysis Using Single Index Model based on Cigarette company image listed on the IDX
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study was to find out whether the company's image affects the stock price forming the optimal portfolio. The sample of this research is the sample in the research. there are 4 cigarette companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, namely (GGRM, WIIM, HMSP and ITIC), in the period June 2021-2022 Data analysis uses steps to form an optimal portfolio with the Single Index Model. The results of the study show that the company's image in the optimal portfolio on stock prices has a significant impact on the decline in stock prices of cigarette companies in Indonesia.</em></p>Andi Kabila T SoseRakhman LabaAndi Aswan
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-22818288Pengaruh Person Organization Fit dan Person Job Fit Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Komitmen Organisasi PT. PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Performance is a matter of great concern, especially in large companies such as PLN which is a large BUMN and the only provider of electricity in Indonesia. This study was to determine the effect of Person Organization Fit and Person Job Fit on employee performance through organizational commitment at PT. PLN (UIKL Sulawesi). This research is quantitative using survey method. Respondents in this study were employees of PT. PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi. The respondents of this research were 112 employees. The results showed that Person Organization Fit had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, Person Job Fit had a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, Person Organization Fit had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, Person Job Fi had a positive and significant effect, Organizational commitment had a positive effect and significant effect on employee performance, Person Organization Fit has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through organizational commitment and the effect of Person Job Fit on employee performance through employee organizational commitment at PT. PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Kinerja merupakan hal yang sangat diperhatikan terutama di perusahaan besar seperti PLN yang merupakan BUMN yang besar dan satu-satunya penyedia tenaga listrik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh Person Organization Fit dan Person Job Fit terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui komitmen organisasi pada PT. PLN (UIKL Sulawesi). Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survey. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah pegawai PT. PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi. Responden penelitian ini 112 pegawai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi, Person Job Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap komitmen organisasi, Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, Person Job Fi perpengaruh positif dan signifikan, komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, Person Organization Fit berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui komitmen organisasi dan pengaruh Person Job Fit terhadap kinerja Pegawai melalui komitmen organisasi pegawai PT. PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi. </em></p>KarmilaMuhammad AliWahda
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>This study examines the impact of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) through the mediating role of organizational commitment. The participants were 135 employees from the Kudus Regency Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar Kudus). Data was collected using a Likert scale questionnaire, and convenience sampling was employed to select 65 respondents based on the Slovin formula. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.3. The findings reveal that in the context of the local government, organizational justice indirectly influences OCB through organizational commitment. Additionally, a direct relationship between organizational justice and OCB was observed. To enhance future research, it is suggested to include participants with longer service tenure, involve multiple agencies for broader generalization, and incorporate additional variables like organizational satisfaction and trust in leadership when investigating OCB.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambah bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh keadilan organisasi terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasi melalui komitmen organisasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 135 karyawan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Kudus (Disbudpar Kudus). Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang diukur dengan skala Likert. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan convenience sampling. Sampel ditentukan sebanyak 65 responden berdasarkan formula Slovin. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SEM dengan bantuan SmartPLS 3.3. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasi publik dalam konteks pemerintah setempat di Disbudpar Kudus menemukan adanya pengaruh tidak langsung dari keadilan organisasi terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasi yang dimediasi oleh komitmen organisasi. Juga ditemukan adanya pengaruh langsung dari keadilan organisasi terhadap perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasi. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah penelitian di masa depan sebaiknya memilih objek dengan masa kerja yang lebih lama, melibatkan objek dari beberapa lembaga agar hasil penelitian dapat digeneralisasi secara lebih luas, dan menggunakan variabel-variabel yang berbeda untuk pengembangan penelitian mengenai perilaku kewarganegaraan organisasi seperti kepuasan organisasi dan kepercayaan pada pimpinan.</em></p>Alan Ragil MaulanaVitradesie Noekentkris Brantas AbiprayuSyam Widia
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The objective of this task was to create an optimal portfolio using shares from companies listed in the LQ-45 Index for the period between June 2020 and June 2022. The portfolio was formed using the Single Index Model and considered four consistently active companies during 2021-2022: Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, Medco Energi International Tbk, Mitra Keluarga Karya Sehat Tbk, and Media Nusantara Citra Tbk. The results revealed that, for the period between June 2020 and June 2021, three of the sample companies—Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk, Medco Energi International Tbk, and Media Nusantara Citra Tbk—met the optimal criteria. Furthermore, portfolios created using the Single Index Model exhibited higher returns compared to market returns in both periods and lower portfolio risk compared to market risks during 2021-2022..</em></p>Nia Nanda Nugrayani SetiyonoMuhammad AliMursalim Nohong
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281290302Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran dan Pengalaman Merek terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Pengguna Spotify Premium di Makassar
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of Marketing Mix and Brand Experience on Repurchase Intention through Customer Satisfaction. The research used a quantitative research method with a case study approach to Spotify Premium users in Makassar city. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to Spotify Premium users in Makassar city. The sample for this survey consisted of 100 respondents. The data analysis method was path analysis using the SPSS version 25 application. The results showed that Marketing Mix and Brand Experience have a significant impact on Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction and Brand Experience have a significant impact on Repurchase Intention, and Marketing Mix has a significant impact on Repurchase Intention. The better brand experience, marketing mix, and customer satisfaction, the higher Repurchase Intention.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh bauran pemasaran dan pengalaman merek terhadap minat beli ulang melalui kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada pengguna Spotify Premium di Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada pengguna Spotify Premium di Kota Makassar. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 100 responden. Metode analisis data adalah analisis jalur dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran dan pengalaman merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan dan pengalaman merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang, serta bauran pemasaran berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli ulang. Semakin baik bauran pemasaran, pengalaman merek, dan kepuasan pelanggan maka semakin tinggi minat beli ulang.</em></p>Muhammad Rezha Zada Insany Fitri NurqamarNuraeni Kadir
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-22815876Citra Merek Produk Wuling Terhadap Minat Membeli Melalui Harga Produk Sebagai Variabel Intervening
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on the intention to buy Wuling products with price satisfaction as the intervening variable. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling. The number of respondents in this study were 102 people. Data analysis in this study used SmartPLS software. The results of this study are brand image on purchase intention has a positive and significant effect, brand image has a positive and significant effect on price, price has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention, and price is able to mediate brand image on purchase intention. The conclusion in this study is that brand image can influence directly or indirectly the interest in buying Wuling products for the people of Makassar city.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh citra merek terhadap minat membeli produk Wuling dengan kepuasan harga sebagai variabel intervening. Pendekatan yang digunakan penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah non-probability sampling. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 102 orang. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini adalah citra merek terhadap minat membeli berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, citra merek terhadap harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, harga terhadap minat membeli berpengaruh positif dan signifikan, dan harga mampu memediasi citra merek terhadap minat membeli. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah, bahwa citra merek mampu berpengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada minat membeli produk Wuling bagi masyarakat kota Makassar.</p> <p> </p>Dita HaritzaAbdul MunirFauziah Umar
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Firm value is a reflection of the performance of a company that is able to influence investor perceptions. A high company value means that the level of welfare of its shareholders is also high. This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, liquidity, activity, leverage, dividend policy, and investment decisions on firm value. The population of this research is the mining sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2021 with a total of 66 companies, while the sample is 12 companies using purposive sampling technique, so the number of observations was 60 data. The data analysis method used data panel regression analysis with an analytical tool in the form of Eviews 10. The results of this study indicate that profitability (ROA) and dividend policy (DPR) have a positive and significant effect on firm value (PBV). Meanwhile, liquidity (CR) and investment decisions (TANG) have a negative and insignificant effect on firm value, and firm activity (TATO) and leverage (DER) have a positive and insignificant effect on firm value</p> <p><em>Nilai perusahaan merupakan cerminan dari kinerja suatu perusahaan yang mampu mempengaruhi persepsi investor. Nilai perusahaan yang tinggi berarti tingkat kesejahteraan pemegang sahamnya juga tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh profitabilitas, likuiditas, aktivitas, leverage, kebijakan dividen, dan keputusan investasi terhadap nilai perusahaan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2021 dengan jumlah sebanyak 66 perusahaan, sedangkan sampel sebanyak 12 perusahaan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, sehingga jumlah observasi sebanyak 60 data. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi data panel dengan alat analisis berupa Eviews 10. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas (ROA) dan kebijakan dividen (DPR) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan (PBV). Sedangkan likuiditas (CR) dan keputusan investasi (TANG) berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan, dan aktivitas perusahaan (TATO) dan leverage (DER) berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan.</em></p>Siti RidloahGavida Novi WidodoDwi CahyaningdyahAnindya Ardiansari
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>A</strong><strong>bstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study examines the impact of work environment and work motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction as a mediating variable. A survey was conducted with 70 respondents using a questionnaire for data collection. Smart PLS version 4.0 was used for data analysis. The results indicate that the work environment significantly affects job satisfaction but not employee performance. Work motivation significantly affects job satisfaction but not employee performance. Job satisfaction has a significant mediating effect on the relationship between work environment and performance, as well as on the relationship between work motivation and employee performance. The implications suggest that company leaders should focus on enhancing employee job satisfaction to improve the future performance of PT. PLN's Generation Control Implementation Unit (UPDK) Tello.</em></p>Achmad Yoga IssaniyahOsman Lewangka
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>his research examines the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction The study was motivated by a substantial increase in monthly turnover from the end of 2019 to 2022. The sample consists of consumer members registered in the company's database in Makassar. Incidental random sampling was used to determine the sample size. The research employed various analytical methods, including research instrument testing, multiple regression analysis, and classical assumption testing. The findings reveal that reliability, responsiveness, and empathy positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction at PT. Eternal Noble Tirta. However, the physical evidence variable negatively and significantly affects customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the guarantee variable has a positive but insignificant impact on customer satisfaction at PT. Eternal Noble Tirta. These results contribute to understanding the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and offer insights for PT. Tirta Mulia Abadi in enhancng their service delivery.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini menguji dampak kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini dimotivasi oleh peningkatan omset bulanan yang signifikan dari akhir 2019 hingga 2022. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari anggota konsumen yang terdaftar dalam database perusahaan di Makassar. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan metode incidental random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan berbagai metode analisis, termasuk pengujian instrumen penelitian, analisis regresi berganda, dan pengujian asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keandalan, responsivitas, dan empati berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di PT. Eternal Noble Tirta. Namun, variabel bukti fisik memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Di sisi lain, variabel jaminan memiliki dampak positif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di PT. Eternal Noble Tirta. Hasil ini memberikan pemahaman tentang hubungan antara kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan serta memberikan wawasan bagi PT. Tirta Mulia Abadi dalam meningkatkan penyampaian layanan mereka..</em></p>Andi Rinda OktarianiAbdul Razak Munir Nuraeni Kadir
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>The researcher conducted an innovation on the Cahaya Soppeng chicken products to increase competitiveness and meet market demands. The study used the R&D method, consisting of idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, market testing, and commercialization. The study focused on developing packaged chicken marketing and innovation that is affordable to the community in Punggaluku Village, Konawe Selatan Regency. Several panelists were used as data sources, and a questionnaire was used for data analysis. The feasibility test showed that the average values for chicken quality, packaging, price, and customer satisfaction were 3.92, 3.88, 3.64, and 3.92, respectively. The product innovation, which involved developing a practical packaging, increased sales. In four weeks in June 2020, 440 packaged chickens were sold, generating a revenue of Rp 13,600,000 in Punggaluku Village, Laeya District, Konawe Selatan Regency, Kendari City.</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Peneliti melakukan inovasi pada produk ayam potong Cahaya Soppeng untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan memenuhi permintaan pasar. Penelitian menggunakan metode R&D, yang meliputi tahap idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, market testing, dan commercialization. Fokus penelitian adalah pengembangan pemasaran ayam potong kemasan dan inovasi yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat di Kelurahan Punggaluku, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan beberapa panelis sebagai sumber data dan borang lembar penilaian/kuesioner untuk analisis data. Hasil uji kelayakan menunjukkan nilai rata-rata kualitas daging ayam 3.92, kemasan 3.88, harga 3.64, dan kepuasan konsumen 3.92. Inovasi pengembangan produk menjadi kemasan praktis meningkatkan penjualan sehingga dalam 4 minggu pada Juni 2020, penjualan mencapai 440 pcs ayam potong kemasan dengan pendapatan Rp 13.600.000 di Kelurahan Punggaluku, Kecamatan Laeya, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Kota Kendari.</em></p>Silvia Idris
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the capital market, especially stocks. The purpose of this study is to analyze the optimal portfolio of 23 energy sector companies listed on the IDX during the Covid 19 pandemic with a single index model with an observation period from 2021 to 2022. The results of the analysis show that the optimal portfolio is formed from all existing samples with their respective weights, namely HITS (0,25%), RAJA (3,20%), INDY (3,48%), PTBA (3,55%), DSSA (4,28%), ENRG (5,06%), BUMI (5,10%), KKGI (5,11%), MEDC (5,61%), MBSS (5,73%), WINS (6,62%), ADRO (11,29%) ITMG (12,65%), MYOH (13,98%) dan PTRO (14,07%). The final results of this analysis show that during the recovery period of the Covid-19 Pandemic, portfolio formation in the energy sector is still profitable. </em></p>Eko Agustiono Bachrudin YusufAbd. Rahman KadirFauzi R. Rahim
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281245254Effect of Quality of Work Life and Empowering Leadership on Job Performance: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja dan kepemimpinan yang memberdayakan pada kinerja melalui penberdayaan psikologis. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat Rumah Sakit. Teknik Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik </em><em>simple random sampling atau pengambilan sampel acak dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 155 perawat. Metode analisis data menggunakan uji statistik deskriptif melalui aplikasi SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas kehidupan kerja berpengaruh signifikan pada kinerja. Kepemimpinan yang memberdayakan tidak berpengaruh pada kinerja. pemberdayaan psikologis berpengaruh signifikan pada kinerja. Serta, Pemberdayaan psikologis berhasil memediasi pengaruh kualitas kehidupan kerja dan kepemimpinan yang memberdayakan pada kinerja.</em></p> <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of quality of work life and empowering leadership on performance through psychological empowerment. The population in this study were nurses at Hospital. The sampling technique in this study used a simple random sampling technique or random sampling with a total sample of 155 nurses. The data analysis method uses descriptive statistical tests through the SmartPLS 3.0 application. The research results show that the quality of work life has a significant effect on performance. Empowering leadership has no effect on performance. psychological empowerment has a significant effect on performance. Also, psychological empowerment successfully mediates the effect of quality of work life and empowering leadership on job performance.</em></p>Meliani RoselaDesti RanihusnaEndah Prapti Lestari
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pertumbuhan harta dan struktur modal terhadap </em><em>profitabilitas, dengan ukuran perusahaan sebagai variabel moderasi pada perusahaan makanan </em><em>dan minuman di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel penelitian meliputi pertumbuhan harta (X1) yang </em><em>diukur dengan selisih total aktiva saat ini dan sebelumnya, serta struktur modal (X2) yang diukur </em><em>dengan rasio debt to equity (DER). Ukuran perusahaan sebagai variabel moderasi dan </em><em>profitabilitas diukur dengan return on equity (ROE) sebagai variabel dependen. Sampel terdiri </em><em>dari 10 perusahaan yang dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui </em><em>dokumentasi sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda dan pengujian hipotesis. </em><em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur modal memiliki dampak negatif dan signifikan </em><em>terhadap profitabilitas, sedangkan pertumbuhan harta memiliki dampak negatif tetapi tidak </em><em>signifikan terhadap profitabilitas. Ukuran perusahaan tidak mempengaruhi profitabilitas </em><em>perusahaan makanan dan minuman di Bursa Efek Indonesia, namun ukuran perusahaan dapat </em><em>mempengaruhi profitabilitas melalui pengaruhnya terhadap struktur modal. </em></p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p><em>This study examines the impact of asset growth and capital structure on profitability, with </em><em>company size as a moderator for food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock </em><em>Exchange. The variables include asset growth (X1), measured by the difference between current </em><em>and previous assets, and capital structure (X2), measured by the debt to equity ratio (DER). The </em><em>sample consists of 10 purposively selected companies. Data is collected from secondary sources </em><em>through documentation. Multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing are conducted. </em><em>Findings reveal that capital structure significantly influences profitability, while asset growth has </em><em>a non-significant negative effect. Company size does not directly affect profitability, but it can </em><em>indirectly influence profitability through its impact on capital structure. </em></p>Halizah Putri IrianiSyamsu AlamM Sobarsyah
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-22812228The Influence Of Customer Relationship Management On Customer Loyalty And Its Impact On Business Strategies PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.
<p><em>Abstract</em></p> <p><em>Company currently must begin to focus on delivering value and increase customer loyalty. The research goals are to test whether there is influence of Customer Relationship Management<br />(CRM) to Customer Loyalty and to test how much influence Customer Relationship Management<br />(CRM) to Customer Loyalty. To implement these objectives, a data collection technique through a<br />questionnaire was used. The analysis technique used is the validity and reliability test, path<br />analysis and T test. The results of the study found that commitment had significant influence on<br />trust, communication had no significant ef ect on trust, conflict handling had no ef ect and had no<br />significant ef ect on trust, commitment had no ef ect and had no significant ef ect on loyalty, communication had a significant ef ect on loyalty, conflict handling had no significant ef ect on<br />loyalty, trust has a significant ef ect on loyalty and customer relationship management had a<br />significant ef ect on loyalty.</em></p> <p><em>Abstrak</em></p> <p><em>Perusahaan saat ini harus mulai fokus dalam memberikan nilai dan meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguji apakah ada pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dan untuk menguji seberapa besar pengaruh Customer Relationship Management (CRM) terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan. Untuk mengimplementasikan tujuan tersebut maka digunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas dan reiabilitas, analisis jalur (path analysis) serta Uji T(Test). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa komitmen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan, komunikasi berpegaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kepercayaan, penanganan konflik tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap kepercayaan, komitmen tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas, komunikasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas, penanganan konflik berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap loyalitas, kepercayaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas dan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas.</em></p> <p> </p> Muhammad Mihdar Edy
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>This study aims to form an optimal portfolio of company shares contained in the LQ-45 Index for a two-year period, namely June 2020 - June 2022 with a closing price per month. The samples used were taken from four companies that were always active and consistently listed on the LQ-45 Index during the 2020-2022 period, namely PT. Telkom Indonesia, PT. Vale Indonesia, PT. HM. Sampoerna and PT. Gudang Garam with the method used is the Single Index Model. The results of the study show that of the four sample companies, there are two companies that are included in the optimal portfolio, namely Telkom Indonesia in the period June 2021 – June 2022 and Vale Indonesia in the period June 2020 – June 2021. Portfolios formed using the Single Index Model method are able to provide higher returns greater than market returns in the two periods and smaller portfolio risk than market risk in the 2020-2021 period.</p>Indriani MentarukCepi PahleviAndi Ratna Sari Dewi
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p class="JRMBodyText">This study aims to determine the application of the management control system, distribution procedures and performance of the management control system for the Special Assistance 1 billion 1 village government of East Luwu district.</p> <p class="JRMBodyText">This study was analyzed according to a qualitative descriptive approach by triangulating data sources, methods and time. The total number of informants is 5 people. The results showed that the management control system for the 1 billion Special Financial Assistance program for 1 village in East Luwu district was good and in accordance with the rules. Factors influencing the BKK program control system include supporting and inhibiting factors. The supporting factors are community participation in the Village Government, adequate facilities and infrastructure, and the quality of human resources, namely village officials who have the skills and loyalty to the tasks they carry out. While the inhibiting factors are the low synchronization between planning at the village and sub-district levels and the lack of socialization intensity.</p>ALYA AIDHILLAH A. BASO
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Abstract<br />This study examines the impact of price and promotion on purchasing decisions at Shopee<br />Marketplace by employees of CV Lazuna Indonesia. Multiple regression analysis is used to assess the influence of the independent variables (price and promotion) on the dependent variable (purchasing decisions). The research employed stratified random sampling with a sample size of 129 respondents. Results indicate that all independent variables have a significant correlation with the dependent variable, with price being the most dominant factor influencing purchasing decisions. The F test confirms the suitability of the independent variables for predicting the dependent variable. Furthermore, the t test demonstrates that both price and promotion significantly impact purchasing decisions. These findings highlight the importance of price management and promotional strategies in influencing consumer behavior on Shopee Marketplace. Keywords: Price, Promotion, Purchase Decision.</p> <p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh harga dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian di Marketplace Shopee oleh karyawan CV Lazuna Indonesia. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menilai pengaruh variabel independen (harga dan promosi) terhadap variabel dependen (keputusan pembelian). Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 129 responden dengan menggunakan teknik stratified random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel independen memiliki korelasi yang signifikan dengan keputusan pembelian, dengan harga sebagai faktor yang paling dominan. Uji F menegaskan bahwa variabel independen layak untuk memprediksi variabel dependen. Selain itu, uji t menunjukkan bahwa harga dan promosi secara signifikan mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian. Temuan ini menekankan pentingnya manajemen harga dan strategi promosi dalam memengaruhi perilaku konsumen di Marketplace Shopee.</p>NURFIRA SYAHRAENI
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to</em><em> analyze </em><em> the effect of return on assets (ROA) and debt equity ratio (DER) on stock prices through dividend policy as an intervening variable in manufacturing companies in </em><em>sub sector</em><em> food and bevera</em><em>ge</em><em>. This research is a type of </em><em> </em><em>hypothesis testing research with quantitative methods. </em><em>The sample consists of 11public companies</em><em>. Data collection used electronic research and library research techniques and data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, path analysis, and sobel test. The results of the study</em><em>, it can be concluded that</em><em>t return on assets (ROA) ha</em><em>s </em><em>positive and significant </em><em>effect</em><em> on dividend policy; debt equity ratio (DER) has</em> <em>negative and significant effect on dividend policy; return on assets (ROA) and debt equity ratio (DER) have positive and significant effect on stock prices; dividend policy has positive and significant</em><em> effect</em><em> on stock prices; return on assets (ROA) mediated by dividend policy has</em> <em>positive and insignificant effect and debt equity ratio (DER) mediated by dividend policy has negative and insignificant effect on stock prices.</em></p> <p><strong>A</strong><strong>bstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh </em><em>return on asset (ROA)</em><em> dan </em><em>debt equity ratio (DER )</em><em>terhadap terhadap </em><em>harga saham </em><em>melalui </em><em>kebijakan deviden</em><em> sebagai variabel intervening</em><em> pada perusahaan manufaktur sub sektor makanan dan minuman. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengujian hipotesis dengan metode kuantitatif. Diperoleh sampel sebanyak 11 emiten. </em><em>Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik electronic research</em> <em>dan library research serta analisis data menggunakan </em><em>analisis statistik deskriptif</em><em>, uji </em><em>asumsi klasik</em><em>, analisis jalur, dan uji </em><em>s</em><em>obel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa </em><em>r</em><em>eturn on </em><em>a</em><em>sset</em><em> (ROA) memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan</em> <em>terhadap </em><em>k</em><em>ebijakan </em><em>de</em><em>viden; </em><em>d</em><em>ebt</em><em> e</em><em>quit </em><em>r</em><em>atio</em><em> (DER) memberikan pengaruh</em> <em>negatif dan signifikan terhadap </em><em>k</em><em>ebijakan </em><em>de</em><em>viden; </em><em>r</em><em>eturn on </em><em>a</em><em>sset</em><em> (ROA) </em><em>dan debt equity ratio (DER) </em><em>memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap </em><em>h</em><em>arga </em><em>s</em><em>aham</em><em>; k</em><em>ebijakan </em><em>de</em><em>viden memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap </em><em>h</em><em>arga </em><em>s</em><em>aham</em><em>; r</em><em>eturn on </em><em>a</em><em>sset</em><em> (ROA) yang dimediasi oleh </em><em>k</em><em>ebijakan </em><em>de</em><em>viden memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan tidak signifikan</em> <em>dan </em><em>d</em><em>ebt </em><em>e</em><em>quity </em><em>r</em><em>atio</em><em> (DER) yang dimediasi oleh </em><em>k</em><em>ebijakan </em><em>de</em><em>viden memberikan pengaruh yang negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap </em><em>h</em><em>arga </em><em>s</em><em>aham</em><em>.</em></p>Ayu Lestari
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Company's intrinsic value is the cash value that the company has to invest and operate. By increasing assets and profits, it is hoped that the intrinsic value will be even higher, but if large assets are dominated by loans, they have the potential to experience financial distress. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the potential for financial distress is able to mediate the effect of assets and profitability on the intrinsic value of companies in the property and real estate sub-sector for the 2019-2021 period. This study uses a causal associative method with a sample of 31 companies. The data analysis technique uses Path Analysis with the LISREL program. Based on the results of the study it was found that financial distress is able to mediate the influence of assets and profitability on the company's intrinsic value.</em></p> <p><strong>A</strong><strong>BSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Nilai intrinsik perusahaan adalah nilai aliran kas yang dimiliki perusahaan untuk reinvestasi dan beroperasi. Dengan meningkatkan aset dan keuntungan diharapkan nilai intrinsik akan semakin tinggi, namun jika aset yang besar didominasi dari pinjaman maka akan berpotensi mengalami financial distress. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis apakah potensi financial distress mampu memediasi pengaruh aset dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai intrinsik perusahaan subsektor properti dan real estate periode 2019-2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asosiatif kausal dengan sampel sebanyak 31 perusahaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Path Analysis dengan program LISREL. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa financial distress mampu memediasi pengaruh aset dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai intrinsik perusahaan.</em></p>Mardiyani MardiyaniAbdul Haris
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Abstract<br />This study aims to develop a model to promote the adoption of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) for enhancing the self-suf iciency and resilience of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Wajo Regency. It utilizes informant research to investigate MSME development, incorporating primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is collected through interviews with key informants, including main and additional sources. Secondary data is gathered through the review and analysis of relevant documents concerning MSME development at both local and national levels. The findings of this research will contribute to the formulation of strategies and policies that support the growth and sustainability of MSMEs, thereby fostering economic development in Wajo Regenc</p> <p>Abstrak<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model untuk mempromosikan adopsi Business Model Canvas (BMC) untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan ketahanan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Wajo. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian informan untuk menyelidiki pengembangan UMKM, dengan menggabungkan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan informan kunci, termasuk sumber utama dan sumber tambahan. Data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui tinjauan dan analisis dokumen-dokumen yang relevan mengenai pengembangan UMKM di tingkat lokal dan nasional. Temuan dari penelitian ini akan memberikan kontribusi pada perumusan strategi dan kebijakan yang mendukung pertumbuhan dan keberlanjutan UMKM, sehingga dapat mendorong pembangunan ekonomi di Kabupaten Wajo.</p>Muhammad Rizal SyamAbd Rahman KadirNurdjannah Hamid
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281408422Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare
<p><em><strong>Abstrak</strong></em></p> <p><em>This research aim</em><em>s</em><em> to </em><em>analyze the impact</em><em> of employee motivation</em><em> and employee job satisfaction towards employee job performance</em><em>. This research took place in </em><em>Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare</em><em> and the respondent were the employees of </em><em>Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare.</em></p> <p><em>This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to </em><em>68</em><em> respondents</em><em>. Quantitative descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression were used for the data analysis method. The result of this study shows that employee work motivation affect positively and significantly towards the employee work performance of Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare and employee job satisfaction affect positively and significantly towards the employee work performance of Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja karyawan terhadap prestasi kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertempat di Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare dan respondennya adalah pegawai Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 68 responden. Analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk </em><em>metode analisis data. </em><em>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi kerja pegawai berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap </em><em>kinerja</em><em> pegawai Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare dan kepuasan kerja pegawai berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap </em><em>kinerja pegawai</em><em> Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Parepare.</em></p>Andi Desy Ramadhani PutriNurdin BrasitMuhammad Toaha
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to analyze empirical evidence in the form of Electronic Word Of Mouth variables on purchasing decisions mediated by brand trust. The population in this study were consumers of Wardah brand cosmetic in Jayapura. Sampling in the study used probability sampling, research data were obtained using a research instrument in the form of questionnaire distributed via google form to respondents containing 13 statement items as measured using an interval scale. The data analysis method used in this study is structural equation modeling (SEM). The result of the study show empirical evidence that brand trust significantly mediates electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) on purchasing decisions. The contribution of the result of this study can obtain empirical evidence regarding rhe factors that influence purchasing decisions, which can provide information to the holders of Wardah cosmetic brand so that they can maintain quality and improve the quality of Wardah brand products.</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bukti empiris berupa variabel Electronic Word Of Mouth (e-WOM) terhadap Keputusan Pembelian yang dimediasi oleh Brand Trust. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen kosmetik Brand Wardah di Jayapura. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian menggunakan Probability Sampling, data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner yang didistribusikan secara daring melalui google form kepada responden yang berisi 13 item pernyataan yang diukur dengan menggunakan skala interval. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structual Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bukti empiris bahwa Brand Trust secara signifikan memediasi Electronic Word Of Mouth (e-WOM) terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Kontribusi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai fakto-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian, yang dapat memberikan informasi kepada pihak pemegang brand kosmetik wardah agar dapat menjaga mutu serta meningkatkan kualitas produk brand Wardah.</em></p>Rini Ayu Lestari
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281586600Pengaruh Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko Terhadap Profitabilitas Dengan Rasio Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Bank Umum Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
<p>Abstract<br />This study aims to examine the ef ect of risk management certification required for all bank<br />of icials and administrators in Indonesia. Profitability is proxied by Return on Assets (ROA) withindependent variables, namely Risk Management Certification, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO), and Net ForeignExchange Position (PDN). This research uses time series data starting from 2011 – 2021 obtained from the annual banking report accessed through the bank's website and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Based on the results of the path analysis test, Risk Management Certification has a direct ef ect on NPL and BOPO. While the Risk Management Certification variables, LDRandPDN do not have a direct ef ect on ROA. Also, only BOPO variables have a direct ef ect on ROA. Interestingly, the ef ect of risk management certification variables has a positive ef ect on NPLandBOPO. This shows that the Risk Management Certification program for Bank Management andOf icers has not been able to provide good results for banking financial ratios.</p> <p> </p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh sertifikasi manajemen risiko yang diwajibkan bagi seluruh pejabat dan pengurus bank di Indonesia. Profitabilitas diproksikan dengan Return on Asset (ROA) dengan variabel independen yaitu Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko, Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Beban Operasional Terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO), dan Posisi Devisa Neto (PDN). Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series mulai dari tahun 2011 – 2021 yang diperoleh dari laporan tahunan perbankan yang diakses melalui website bank dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX). Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis jalur, Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko berpengaruh langsung terhadap NPL dan BOPO. Sedangkan variabel Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko, LDR dan PDN tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap ROA. Serta, hanya variabel BOPO yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap ROA. Menariknya, pengaruh variabel sertifikasi manajemen risiko berpengaruh positif terhadap NPL dan BOPO. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa program Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko untuk Pengurus dan Pejabat Bank belum dapat memberi hasil yang baik bagi rasio keuangan perbankan.</p>Teguh PernandaAndi Ratna Sari DewiAndi Aswan
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />This study aims to determine the ef ect of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and leverage on tax aggressiveness Tax aggressiveness is proxied using the ef ective tax rate. Corporate governance variables are proxied in independent commissioners, independent audit committees, educational background of the board of directors and experience of the board of directors. The object of research in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021. The results of this study indicate that the independent commissioner and leverage have apositive and significant ef ect on tax aggressiveness, the independent audit committee has anegative and significant ef ect on tax aggressiveness, the educational background of the board of directors, the experience of the board of directors and corporate social responsibility has no ef ect on tax aggressiveness. Keywords: tax aggressiveness, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, leverage<br /><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, dan leverage terhadap agresivitas pajak Agresivitaspajak diproksikan menggunakan effective tax rate. Variabel corporate governancediproksikan dalam komisaris independen, komite audit independen, latar belakangpendidikan dewan direksi dan pengalaman dewan direksi. Objek penelitian dalampenelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek IndonesiaID25701 Prosiding 8 th Management Dynamic Conference Makassar, 16-17 Maret 2023109tahun 2017-2021. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakanpurposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel akhir sebanyak 159 sampel selama2017-2021. Mtode analisis data dalam penelitan ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komisaris independen dan Leverageberpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap agresivitas pajak, komite audit independen berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap agresivitas pajak, latar belakang pendidikan dewan dewan direksi, pengalaman dewan direksi dancorporate social responsibility tidak berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas pajak.</p>Surifah SurifahEklesia Sandopa Butar Butar
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The research methods used in this research by using multiple linear regression analysis methods with data used in this research were obtained from questionnaires. The number of samples in this research were 50 respondents. The types and sources of data in this research are quantitative and qualitative data. </em></p> <p><em>The result showed that all variables passed the normality test. T-test results indicate a positive significant influence of communication (X1), and work environment (X3) on employee performance (Y), while the negative and unsignificant influence of motivation (X2) on employee performance (Y) </em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Metode penelitian digunakan dengan menggunkan </em><em>metode</em><em> analisis regresi linear berganda dengan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kuesioner. Adapun jumlah dalam penelitian ini </em><em>50</em><em> responden. Jenis dan sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data kuantitaf dan kualitatif. </em></p> <p><em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua variabel lolos dalam uji normalitas. Hasil uji t menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari komunikasi (X1) terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y), pengaruh negatif tidak signifikan dari motivasi (X2) terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y), sedangkan pengaruh positif tidak signifikan dari lingkungan kerja (X3) terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y) </em></p>Fatmira
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2023-06-222023-06-2281556576Kinerja Barista di Kota Tasikmalaya
<p><em>The aim of this research was to identify and analyze barista performance and the role of commitment, interpersonal skills, perceived organizational support, work systems, work culture, and quality of work life on the performance of baristas in Tasikmalaya City. The research method used was a survey method and data obtained through interview and questionnaire. The population in this study were baristas at 16 coffee shops in Tasikmalaya City and 61 people who joined the "Ngopi di Tasik" community. The sampling technique used a census technique with a sample size of 61 respondents. The data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that work culture, work systems, interpersonal skills, perceived organizational support, and commitment to performance had a positive effect on barista performance, while the quality of work life variable had a negative effect on barista performance.</em></p> <p><em>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kinerja barista serta peran komitmen, interpersonal skill, perceived organizational support, sistem kerja, budaya kerja, dan quality of work life terhadap kinerja barista di Kota Tasikmalaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah barista pada 16 Coffee Shop di Kota Tasikmalaya dan yang bergabung dalam komunitas “Ngopi di Tasik” sebanyak 61 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sensus dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 61 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan budaya kerja, sistem kerja, interpersonal skill, perceived organizational support, dan komitmen terhadap kinerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja barista, sedangkan untuk variabel quality of work life berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja barista.</em></p>Indi RamadhaniArias Rizky PratamaNadya Ayu LestariGusti Tia ArdianiDeasy Lestary Kusnandar
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Abstract </p> <p>This study aims to analyze good corporate governance that has an indirect influence on employee performance through work motivation at Perumda Water Supply Makassar City. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data used is primary data. A sample of 99 respondents. The respondent is an employee of Perumda Water Drinking Makassar City. Data collection was carried out through a survey using a questionnaire distributed to respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and path analysis using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 26. The results of the study show that good corporate governance has an indirect influence on employee performance through work motivation at the Makassar City Water Supply Perumda. This shows that when high good corporate governance is followed by high work motivation, employee performance will increase and vice versa.</p>Andi Henni HandayaniAbdul Rahman KadirMusran Munizu
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Islamic tourism has a large potential market value and will provide significant benefits to the people. This paper analyzes the perceptions of tourism stakeholders towards the potency of Islamic tourism development in the lake of Ngebel, Ponorogo East Java. The findings of the study revealed that all respondents have a good or positive perception of implementing Islamic tourism. They will likely support the implementation of the Ngebel Lake as an Islamic Tourism site. The paper suggests that local government needs to support and help business vendors fulfill administrative and business legality needs. Additionally, socialization about the importance of food, halal certification for consumer protection is needed.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Pariwisata syariah memiliki potensi pasar yang besar dan akan memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis persepsi para pemangku kepentingan pariwisata terhadap potensi pengembangan pariwisata syariah di telaga Ngebel, Ponorogo Jawa Timur. Temuan penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa semua responden memiliki persepsi yang baik atau positif terhadap penerapan pariwisata Islami. Mereka cenderung akan mendukung implementasi Danau Ngebel sebagai situs Wisata Islami. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar pemerintah daerah perlu mendukung dan membantu para pelaku usaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan administratif dan legalitas usaha. Selain itu, sosialisasi tentang pentingnya makanan, sertifikasi halal untuk perlindungan konsumen juga diperlukan.</em></p>Lathiefa RusliHartomi MaulanaAhmad SetiyonoKurnia Rahman AbadiSoritua Ahmad Harahap
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281780791Pengaruh Servicescape, Brand Image, dan Product Mix terhadap Customer Loyalty Melalui Customer Satisfaction Pada Fore Coffee di Kota Makassar
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of servicescape, brand image, and product mix on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Fore Coffee in Makassar City. This study used a quantitative method, while data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire which was distributed to 100 respondents, namely Fore Coffee consumers in Makassar City as a sample drawn from the population. The population of this research is all Fore Coffee consumers in Makassar City. The data analysis technique is using Partial Least Square.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this study indicate that: (1) servicescape has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Fore Coffee in Makassar City. (2) Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Fore Coffee in Makassar City. (3) Product Mix has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Fore Coffee in Makassar City. So it can be said that Customer Satisfaction is able to mediate servicescape, brand image, and product mix to customer loyalty.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian</em><em> </em><em>ini</em><em> </em><em>bertujuan</em><em> </em><em>untuk</em><em> </em><em>mengentahui</em><em> </em><em>pengaruh</em><em> </em><em>servicescape,</em><em> </em><em>brand</em><em> </em><em>image, dan product mix terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction</em><em> </em><em>pada</em><em> </em><em>Fore</em><em> </em><em>Coffee</em><em> </em><em>di</em><em> </em><em>Kota</em><em> </em><em>Makassar.</em><em> </em><em>Penelitian</em><em> </em><em>ini</em><em> </em><em>menggunakan</em><em> </em><em>metode</em><em> </em><em>kuantitatif, sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara kuesioner yang</em><em> </em><em>dibagikan kepada 100 responden yaki konsumen Fore Coffee di Kota Makassar</em><em> </em><em>sebagai</em><em> </em><em>sampel</em><em> </em><em>yang ditarik</em><em> </em><em>dari</em><em> </em><em>populasi.</em><em> </em><em>Populasi</em><em> </em><em>dari</em><em> </em><em>penelitian</em><em> </em><em>ini</em><em> </em><em>adalah</em><em> </em><em>seluruh konsumen Fore Coffee di Kota Makassar. Adapun teknik analisis datanya</em><em> </em><em>yakni</em><em> </em><em>menggunakan Partial</em><em> </em><em>Least Square.</em></p> <p><em>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) servicescape berpengaruh positif</em><em> </em><em>dan signifikan terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction pada Fore</em><em> </em><em>Coffee di Kota Makassar. (2) Brand Image berpengaruh positif dan signifikan</em><em> </em><em>terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction pada Fore Coffee di Kota</em><em> </em><em>Makassar. (3) Product Mix berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer</em><em> </em><em>loyalty melalui customer satisfaction pada Fore Coffee di Kota Makassar. Maka</em><em> </em><em>dapat dikatakan bahwa Customer Satisfaction mampu memediasi servicescape,</em><em> </em><em>brand</em><em> </em><em>image, dan product mix</em><em> </em><em>terhadap</em><em> </em><em>customer loyalty.</em></p>Nur Fadilah Ayu SandiraAbd. Rahman KadirAndi Nur Baumassepe
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>This study aims to analyze the effect of Good Corporate Governance which is proxied by managerial ownership and institutional ownership on company financial performance which is proxied by ROA using company size and asset growth as control variables. The population is manufacturing sector issuers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2013-2020, totaling 204 listed company. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method, obtained a sample of 13 companies. The results of the study show that the influence of GCG in terms of managerial ownership has a negative and significant effect on the company's financial performance. Meanwhile, institutional ownership has a positive and significant effect on the company's financial performance. The control variables of company size and asset growth have a significant positive effect on ROA.</p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Good Corporate Governance yang diproksikan dengan kepemilikan manajerial dan kepemilikan institusional terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang diproksikan dengan ROA dengan menggunakan ukuran perusahaan dan pertumbuhan aset sebagai variabel kontrol. Populasi adalah emiten sektor manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2013-2020 yang berjumlah 204 emiten. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, diperoleh sampel sebanyak 13 perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh GCG ditinjau dari kepemilikan manajerial berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Sedangkan kepemilikan institusional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Variabel kontrol ukuran perusahaan dan pertumbuhan aset berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap ROA.</em></p>Ervina Dwi SeptianiVitradesie NoekentSiti RidloahErisa Aprilia Wicaksari
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281734757Pengaruh Penerapan Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) pada Kinerja Supply Chain Management Proyek PLTA PT. POSO ENERGI
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Today In development of companies, especially Supply Chain divisions or departments, many have implemented applications based on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), but not many have experienced difficulties in their applications and questioned the contribution of these applications to Supply Chain Management. PLTA Poso is a company engaged in the field of hydropower that has implemented an ERP application, the name of the application is Oracle. This application has many application modules, one of which is the Supply Chain application module. PLTA Poso – PT. Poso Energy uses the application services. Researcher see problems in implementing ERP-based applications so they are interested in conducting research related to its application.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Pada perkembangannya perusahaan saat ini khususna devisi atau departemen Supply Chain telah banyak yang menerapkan aplikasi yang berbasis Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), namun tidak banyak pula yang mengalami kesulitan dalam aplikasinya dan mempertanyakan kontribusi aplikasi tersebut terhadap Supply Chain Management. PLTA Poso salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembangkit listrik tenaga air yang telah menerapkan aplikasi ERP, nama aplikasi nya adalah Oracle. Aplikasi ini memiliki banyak modul aplikasi, modul aplikasi Supply Chain salah satunya. PLTA Poso – PT. Poso Energy ini menggunakan jasa aplikasi tersebut. Peneliti melihat masalah pada penerapan aplikasi yang berbasis ERP ini sehingga tertarik mengadakan penelitian terkait penerapannya.</em></p>Dedi Muhaidir
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine the optimal portfolio formation using a single index model. With the aim to know and be a material consideration for investors when making investment decisions. This type of research is quantitative. The population using in this study is the LQ-45 index stock. The sampling technique using purposive sampling, banks registered in LQ-45 with a total sample of 5 shares selected. The type of data used is secondary data with the method of analysis using a single index model.</em></p> <p><em>From the results of calculations using the single index model approach, it shows that the five banking stocks listed on LQ-45 for the period June 2020 - June 2021 can form an optimal portfolio by owning each share portion, namely BMRI 35%, BBRI 30%, BBTN 18 %, BBCA 12% and BBNI 5%. So that the stocks that make up the optimal portfolio have a return of 0.0322 or 3% and a portfolio risk of 0.0242 or 2%.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstr</em></strong><strong><em>ak</em></strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pembentukan portofolio optimal menggunakan model indeks tunggal. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan informasi dan pertimbangan bagi para investor dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah saham indeks LQ-45. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling, dengan memilih 5 saham perbankan terdaftar di LQ-45 sebagai sampel. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan metode analisis menggunakan model indeks tunggal. </em></p> <p><em>Dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan pendekatan model indeks tunggal, diperoleh bahwa lima saham perbankan yang terdaftar di LQ-45 periode Juni 2020 - Juni 2021 dapat membentuk portofolio optimal dengan kepemilikan masing-masing saham, yaitu BMRI 35%, BBRI 30%, BBTN 18%, BBCA 12%, dan BBNI 5%. Dengan demikian, saham-saham yang membentuk portofolio optimal memiliki tingkat pengembalian sebesar 0,0322 atau 3% dan risiko portofolio sebesar 0,0242 atau 2%.</em></p>Mutmainnah MuslimM. SobarsyahAndi Aswan
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of product and service quality on customer satisfaction at the KFC Pettarani branch in Makassar City. This research is descriptive and quantitative. The population in this study were all consumers of the KFC Pettarani Makassar branch, whose number could not be determined. A sample of 100 respondents were KFC customers of the Pettarani Makassar branch. Data collection is done by observation, documentation, and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that product quality and service quality significantly positively affect customer satisfaction at KFC Pettarani branches either partially or simultaneously. In this study, the most dominant influence variable is product quality because it has a higher regression coefficient value than the service quality regression value.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan KFC cabang Pettarani Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh konsumen KFC cabang Pettarani Kota Makassar yang tidak dapat ditentukan jumlahnya dan sampel sebanyak 100 responden yang merupakan pelanggan KFC cabang Pettarani Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan pada KFC cabang Pettarani baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Pada penelitian ini variabel yang paling dominan berpengaruh adalah variabel kualitas produl karena memiliki nilai koefisien regresi yang lebih tinggi daripada nilai regresi kualitas pelayanan.</em></p>Maulana NurdinAbdul KadirWahdah
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>This research examines the impact of the work environment and motivation on employee performance. The study utilizes simple linear analysis and multiple linear analysis, preceded by classic assumption tests such as normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity tests. The population consists of 30 employees from UPT Waste Management Region IV Ciampea, selected through purposive sampling based on specific criteria. The findings reveal that the work environment (X1) significantly influences employee performance (Y), as evidenced by the t-value of 9.180 and a significant value of 0.000. Similarly, motivation (X2) also exerts a significant influence on employee performance (Y), with a t-value of 12.291 and a significant value of 0.000. Moreover, when examined together, the work environment (X1) and motivation (X2) collectively exhibit a significant impact on employee performance (Y), supported by an F-value of 104.301, surpassing the critical F-table value of 3.34, with a significance level of 0.000, indicating the relationship's statistical significance.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh lingkungan kerja dan motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis linear sederhana dan analisis linear berganda, dengan uji asumsi klasik sebelumnya seperti uji normalitas, multikolonieritas, dan heterokedastisitas (uji Glesjer). Populasi terdiri dari 30 pegawai UPT Pengelolaan Sampah Wilayah IV Ciampea, dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan kerja (X1) secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t-hitung sebesar 9,180 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000. Begitu pula, motivasi (X2) juga memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t-hitung sebesar 12,291 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000. Selain itu, ketika dilihat secara bersama-sama, lingkungan kerja (X1) dan motivasi (X2) secara kolektif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai (Y), dengan nilai F-hitung sebesar 104,301 melebihi nilai F-tabel kritis 3,34, dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000, menunjukkan signifikansi statistik hubungan tersebut.</em></p>Agung WibowoMuhammad Lutfhfi NugrahaMuhamad Azis FirdausTiting Suharti
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2023-06-222023-06-2281692697ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS A PREDICTION TOOL FINANCIAL DISTRESS (Company Case Study Go Public Coal Mining)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study aimed to determine the level of bankruptcy of the Company by using Altman Z-Score and Springate Score model analysis on Coal Mining Company Listing in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Because the Coal Mining Company has a significant role in the Indonesian Economy. The data used in this study is the annual financial statements that can be in the book Indonesian Capital Market Directory. Analytical technique used is discriminant analysis by using variable from Altman Z-Score which amounted to four (4) financial ratios, that is X1 = Working Capital to Total Assets, X2 = Earning Before Interest and Tax to Total Assets, X4 = Total Equity to Total Liabilities. This research also uses variable from Springate Score which amounted to four (4) financial ratios, namely X1 = Working Capital to Total Assets, X2 = Earning Before Interest and Tax to Total Assets, X3 = Earning Before Tax to Current Liabilities, X4 = Sales to Total Assets.</em></p>Nurul Yusmia Yusuf
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281281289The Effect of Leadership Style and Motivation on Employee Performance at PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study aims to examine leadership styles and motivation toward employee performance empirically. This research is a descriptive quantitative study that uses primary data. The sample of this study is employees at PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya, which totals 55 people. The hypothesis test used is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS software version 25. The results of this study show that the influence of leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya and Leadership Style and Motivation positively and significantly affect Employee Performance at PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti secara empiris Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, yang menggunakan data primer. Yang menjadi sampel penelitian ini Pegawai Pada PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya yang berjumlah 55 Orang. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya dan bahwa Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Jaya Sakti Prasetya.</em></p> <p> </p>Muh. Abudzar A. Galigo Nuraeni KadirMuhammad Toaha
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The Effect of Work Environment on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. National Pension Savings Bank Tbk. Makassar Branch. This study aims to determine the effect of the work environment on employee job satisfaction at PT. National Pension Savings Bank Tbk. Makassar branch. The population in this study were all permanent employees, amounting to 85 people. The number of samples used was 85 people by using saturated sample theory. Data collection is done by using the method of description and questionnaire distribution. The data analysis technique used is simple linear regression analysis using Statistical Product And Service Solution (SPSS). The results of this study indicate that the work environment variable has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction variables with a significant value of 0,000, and a regression coefficient value of 0.957.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk. Cabang Makassar”, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk. Cabang Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan tetap yang berjumlah 85 orang. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 85 orang dengan dengan menggunakan teori sampel jenuh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskripsi dan penyebaran kuesioner. Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana dengan menggunakan Statistical Product And Service Solution (SPSS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kepuasan kerja karyawan dengan nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000, dan nilai koefiisien regresi sebesar 0,957. </em></p>Windi Amalia
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The research was conducted to know the effect of the marketing mix on consumer satisfaction at the Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar Coffee Business. This is motivated by the increasingly competitive world market, making the business world, especially food and beverages, demand to be professional and to be able to respond to consumer needs. The solving method determines the number of samples by incidental random sampling. Then the analytical method used in this study is the research instrument test, multiple regression test, and classical assumption test. The results of this study indicate that the Variables Product, Price, Place, and Promotion have a positive and significant impact on increasing customer satisfaction at Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. Meanwhile, physical evidence has no significant effect on customer satisfaction at Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bauran pemasaran terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada Usaha Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh</em> <em>Pasar dunia yang semakin kompetitif, membuat dunia usaha khususnya makanan dan minumam dituntut untuk profesional, serta dapat menanggapi kebutuhan konsumen. Metode slovin merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah sampel dengan insidental random sampling. Kemudian metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji instrumen penelitian, uji regresi berganda uji asumsi klasik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Variabel Product, Price, Place, Promotion memiliki pengaruh positif sekaligus signifikan terhadap peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan pada Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar. Sedangkan untuk bukti fisik tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Kopi Kenangan Mall Ratu Indah Makassar.</em></p>MuliantiAbdul Rahman KadirMuhammad Sobarsyah
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>The purpose of this study was totest</em><em> the influence of psychological capital on the employees innovative behavior with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. The sample in this study was 59 employees of the Tegal Regency Regional Revenue and Management Agency using the saturated sample technique. Data analysis and hypothesis testing using the Structural Equation-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) method with the SmartPLS 3 analysis tool. The results of this study show that directly psychological capital and job satisfaction have an effect on innovative behavior. Psychological capital has an effect on job satisfaction Similarly, job satisfaction can indirectly mediate the influence of psychological capital on employees' innovative behavior. Suggestions for future researchers should be able to develop other mediating variables such as transformational leadership and learning motivation.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh modal psikologis terhadap perilaku inovatif karyawan, dengan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel mediasi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 59 karyawan di Badan Pendapatan Daerah dan Manajemen Kabupaten Tegal menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan metode Structural Equation-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) dengan alat analisis SmartPLS 3. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara langsung, modal psikologis dan kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku inovatif. Modal psikologis memiliki pengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja. Demikian pula, kepuasan kerja dapat secara tidak langsung menjadi mediasi pengaruh modal psikologis terhadap perilaku inovatif karyawan. Saran untuk peneliti di masa depan adalah dapat mengembangkan variabel mediasi lain seperti kepemimpinan transformasional dan motivasi belajar.</em></p>Sri WartiniMuthiia FaatinVini Wiratno PutriR.R. Endang Sutrasmawati
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Abstract<br />This study examines the impact of Profitability, Equity, and Leverage on the value of<br />insurance companies listed on the Indonesian EFE exchange. Secondary data from annual reports and financial statements of insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange ( is used. The sampling technique employed is Nonprobability, specifically asaturated sample or total sampling, with 60 samples. The data analysis technique involves Multiple Linear Regression Analysis using SPSS. The findings indicate that Profitability has a non-significant ef ect on Company Value, while Liquidity has a positive and significant impact on Company Value. Leverage, on the other hand, has a positive but non-significant influence on Company Value.</p> <p>Abstrak<br />Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Profitabilitas, Ekuitas, dan Leverage terhadap<br />nilai perusahaan asuransi yang terdaftar di bursa EFE Indonesia. Data sekunder digunakan<br />dalam penelitian ini, yang diambil dari laporan tahunan dan laporan keuangan perusahaan<br />asuransi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, yaitu Teknik pengambilan<br />sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik Nonprobability, khususnya sampel jenuh atau sering disebut total sampling, dengan menggunakan 60 sampel. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Regresi Linear Berganda dengan bantuan SPSS, yang bertujuan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah atau hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan dalam penelitian ini, serta untuk menguji hubungan antara variabel Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, dan Leverage terhadap nilai perusahaan asuransi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Profitabilitas memiliki pengaruh namun tidak signifikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Sementara itu, Likuiditas memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Sedangkan Leverage memiliki pengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan.</p>Arfa ApriliantiFauzi R. RahimMursalim Nohong
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dan mengukur kinerja <em>supply</em> <em>chain</em> <em>management</em> yang diterapkan oleh PT Semen Tonasa di Pangkep. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan Metode <em>Supply Chain Operation Reference</em> (SCOR) dengan menggunakan data primer. Metode <em>Supply Chain Operation Reference</em> (SCOR) didasarkan pada lima komponen yaitu keandalan, daya tanggap, fleksibilitas, biaya, dan asset yang dinilai dan diuji apakah selaras atau tidak sesuai sebagai cara terbaik dalam mencapai tujuan bisnis. Diketahui bahwa baik <em>Perfect order fulfilment (POF), Order fulfillment cycle time (OCFT), Upside supply chain flexibility (USCF), Supply chain management cost (SCMC) </em>dan <em>Cost of good sold </em>(COGS) memiliki kinerja tingkat tinggi (posisi sangat baik) dengan nilai gap masing-masing sebesar 0%, 0%, 0%, 20% dan 3%. Sedangkan <em>Return on supply chain fixed asset </em>(ROFA) dan <em>Return on working capital</em> (ROWC) hanya berada pada level sedang dengan menunjukkan hasil (nilai gap) masing-masing sekitar 10% dan 9%. Namun demikian, <em>Cash to cash cycle time </em>(CTCCT) masih berada pada posisi rata-rata dengan nilai gap sebesar 0%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh komponen <em>supply chain</em> telah dikelola dengan baik.</p>HerlianaSumardiM. Sobarsyah
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The development of information and communication technology is currently very fast. One of the developments in information and communication technology is the internet. Indihome as one of the largest internet service provider products in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the effect of perceived value, technical satisfaction, functional satisfaction, loyalty attitudes, and loyalty behavior in forming cognitive loyalty. This type of research is a quantitative survey, with verification research methods. The sample in this study used 400 people as respondents where the respondents were users of indihome products in the city of Bandung. Data collection techniques using kueisoner and then distributed using google form. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with several respondents' criteria. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results achieved indicate that loyalty behavior has a greater positive and significant influence in forming cognitive loyalty than perceived value, technical satisfaction, functional satisfaction and loyalty attitudes.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi saat ini sangat pesat. Salah satu dari perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi ini adalah internet. Indihome sebagai salah satu produk penyedia layanan internet terbesar di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan pengaruh persepsi nilai, kepuasan teknis, kepuasan fungsional, sikap loyalitas, perilaku loyalitas dalam membentuk loyalitas kognitif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif survey, dengan metode penelitian verifikatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan 400 orang sebagai responden yang dimana responden adalah pengguna produk indihome di kota Bandung. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan kueisoner lalu disebarkan menggunakan google form. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling dengan beberapa kriteria responden. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil yang dicapai menunjukkan bahwa perilaku loyalitas lebih besar pengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam membentuk loyalitas kognitif daripada persepsi nilai, kepuasan teknis, kepuasan fungsional dan sikap loyalitas. </em></p>YUNITA ANGGREYENI
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>This study examines Crisis Management Strategy as a Crisis Control and Prevention Process (Case Study: Kodam XIV / Hasanuddin at Sopsdam XIV / Hasanuddin). Data collection involved literature review, field study, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews. Analysis employed quantitative and qualitative approaches using SWOT and Pestel methods. The findings reveal the following strategies for crisis management prevention and control, considering strengths and threats: Enhancing health facilities and infrastructure quality and availability, fostering trust and establishing a clear legal framework for KODAM XIV Hasanuddin Functional staff, improving employee performance, particularly for operational staff, boosting cooperative relationships and crisis management expertise through coordination among personnel and stakeholders.</em></p> <p><em>Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang Strategi Manajemen Krisis sebagai Proses Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Krisis (Studi Kasus: Kodam XIV/Hasanuddin di Sopsdam XIV/Hasanuddin). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi literatur, studi lapangan, kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode SWOT dan Pestel. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan strategi pencegahan dan pengendalian manajemen krisis dengan mempertimbangkan kekuatan dan ancaman: Meningkatkan kualitas dan ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana kesehatan, menumbuhkan kepercayaan dan menetapkan kerangka hukum yang jelas bagi staf fungsional KODAM XIV Hasanuddin, meningkatkan kinerja karyawan, terutama untuk staf operasional, meningkatkan hubungan kerja sama dan keahlian manajemen krisis melalui koordinasi antar personil dan pemangku kepentingan. </em></p>Marlina Zebua
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281644657Model Asesmen Berbasis Indeks dalam Pengelolaan Material Transmisi Utama pada PT PLN (Persero) UIKL Sulawesi: Mini Review
<p>Abstract</p> <p>The Government of Indonesia synergizes with PLN as the state-owned electricity company<br />through the 35,000 MW Electricity Development Program which is planned as a solution to fulfil national electricity needs. Furthermore, PLN through UIKL Sulawesi as the unit in charge for power transmission services in Sulawesi responded to this condition by developing an asset management program based on a multi-criteria assessment model. This assessment model is important and crucial because the end result of the assessment process, in the form of AHI score, will be used by the management to make strategic decisions related to the company's operational that can impact the public's livelihood regarding the availability of electricity in Sulawesi. This article will discuss in detail about the relationship between asset management, decision making, and data science used by UIKL Sulawesi in the formulation of corporate strategic policies. The conclusions obtained are: 1) good asset governance must be able to capture the technical, economic and risk aspects that accompany the assets as a whole throughout their life cycle; 2) The formulation process multi-criteria conclusions must be carried out using structured data model based on quantitative approach through mathematical methods and calculations that can be accounted for their correctness and objectivity; 3) Assessment of data quality is important to maintain the quality of the final conclusions to be made; 4) Asset management is a holistic approach within all organizational lines and cannot be localized into a division that is devoted to managing it</p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Pemerintah Indonesia bersinergi dengan PLN selaku BUMN pengelola sistem ketenagalistrikan melalui Program Pembangunan Ketenagalistrikan 35.000 MW yang dicanangkan sebagai solusi pemenuhan kebutuhan energi listrik nasional. Selanjutnya, PLN melalui UIKL Sulawesi selaku unit pengelola proses bisnis penyaluran di Sulawesi menyikapi kondisi tersebut dengan cara menyusun program pengelolaan aset berdasarkan model asesmen multikriteria. Model asesmen ini menjadi penting dan krusial karena hasil akhir dari proses asesmen tersebut, berupa skor AHI, akan digunakan oleh pihak manajemen dalam penentuan keputusan strategis terkait langkah operasional perusahaan yang dapat berdampak pada hajat hidup khalayak berkenaan dengan ketersediaan tenaga listrik di Sulawesi. Artikel ini akan membahas secara lebih rinci mengenai keterkaitan antara keilmuan manajemen aset, pengambilan keputusan, serta ilmu data yang digunakan oleh UIKL Sulawesi dalam perumusan kebijakan strategis perusahaan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah: 1) tata kelola aset yang baik harus mampu memotret aspek teknis, ekonomis, dan risiko yang melekat pada aset secara menyeluruh sepanjang siklus hidupnya; 2) Proses penarikan kesimpulan multikriteria harus dilakukan menggunakan model data terstruktur berdasarkan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode dan perhitungan matematis yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenaran dan objektivitasnya; 3) Asesmen kualitas data penting dilakukan untuk menjaga kualitas dari kesimpulan akhir yang dibuat; 4) Manajemen aset bersifat holistik pada seluruh lini organisasi dan tidak dapat dilokalisir menjadi sebuah divisi yang dikhususkan untuk mengelolanya.</p>Gora Anadi SantikaM. SobarsyahDian A.S. Parawansa
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>Intense business competition in the era of globalization demands companies to continuously innovate and monitor their competitors. Consumer purchasing decisions are crucial for the sustainability of a company. Therefore, companies must offer innovative ideas, products, and improved services to satisfy consumers. This research employed a quantitative method using SPSS 25, including descriptive statistical analysis, data quality test, classic assumption test, path analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that Brand Image, Brand Equity, Innovation, and Service Satisfaction partially have a significant influence on Purchase Decisions. However, Brand Equity and Innovation did not significantly affect Service Satisfaction. Moreover, Brand Image and Brand Equity did not significantly influence Purchase Decisions through Service Satisfaction at MS Glow Makassar. These findings provide insights for companies to understand the factors influencing consumer purchasing decisions and maintain a competitive edge.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstr</strong><strong>ak</strong></p> <p><em>Persaingan bisnis yang sengit di era globalisasi menuntut perusahaan untuk terus berinovasi dan memantau persaingan. Keputusan pembelian konsumen menjadi faktor vital bagi keberlangsungan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus menyajikan gagasan dan produk inovatif serta meningkatkan pelayanan demi memuaskan konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan program SPSS 25, meliputi analisis statistik deskriptif, uji kualitas data, uji asumsi klasik, analisis jalur, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Brand Image, Brand Equity, Inovasi, dan Kepuasan Pelayanan secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Namun, Brand Equity dan Inovasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kepuasan Pelayanan. Selain itu, Brand Image dan Brand Equity tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian melalui Kepuasan Pelayanan pada MS Glow Makassar. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan bagi perusahaan dalam memahami faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen dan menjaga keunggulan kompetitif.</em></p>Fajrah AnugrahMuhammad IsmailWardhani Hakim
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>The Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) is a Government Agency established with the task of carrying out internal supervision within the central government and / or local government. Related to the implementation of this role, APIP capability is considered an important indicator to see the extent to which APIP as an institution, has been able to define the role of internal supervision and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. For this reason, regulations on APIP capability assessment are established as a standard for professional qualifications and characteristics of capable APIP in public sector organizations in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the description of increasing APIP level 3 capability at the Makassar City Inspectorate, what obstacles are found and what strategies are carried out to overcome obstacles in increasing APIP Level 3 capability. The research approach used is qualitative with a case study research type or strategy. Researchers as key instruments with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, documentation studies and triangulation in the data collection process.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><em>Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah (APIP) adalah Instansi Pemerintah yang dibentuk dengan tugas melaksanakan pengawasan intern di lingkungan pemerintah pusat dan/atau pemerintah daerah. Terkait dengan pelaksanaan peran tersebut, kapabilitas APIP dianggap sebagai indikator penting untuk melihat sejauh mana APIP sebagai institusi, telah mampu mendefinisikan peran pengawasan intern dan berkontribusi terhadap pencapaianmtujuan organisasi. Untuk itu ditetapkan peraturan tentang penilaian kapabilitas APIP sebagai standar kualifikasi professional dan karakteristik APIP yang kapabel di organisasi sektor publik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran peningkatan kapabilitas APIP level 3 di Inspektorat Kota Makassar, kendala apa saja yang ditemukan dan strategi apa yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala dalam peningkatan kapabilitas APIP Level 3. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis atau strategi penelitian studi kasus. Peneliti sebagai instrument kunci dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan triangulasi dalam proses pengumpulan datanya. </em></p>Saa’dillahAndi ReniMuh. Asdar
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-07-142023-07-1481624639Leadership Style and Work Environment on Conflict and Employee Performance of Maros Financial and Asset Agency
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="650"> <p>This study aims to analyze leadership style that has an indirect influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in the Regional Financial and Asset Agencies of Maros Regency and to analyze the work environment that has an indirect influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in Regional Financial and Asset Agencies Mars County. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data used is primary data. A sample of 60 respondents. The respondent is a permanent employee/state civil apparatus of the Maros Regency Regional Finance and Assets Agency. Data collection was carried out through a survey using a questionnaire distributed to respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis and path analysis using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 24. The results showed that leadership style and work environment have a direct influence on employee performance through conflict that occurred in the Maros Regency Regional Financial and Asset Agency, and there was an indirect influence on employee performance through conflicts that occurred in the Maros Regency Regional Financial and Asset Agency. This shows that when the leadership style and work environment are high, the employee's performance will increase and vice versa. The results of the study show that leadership style and work environment have a direct influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in the Maros Regency Regional Finance and Asset Agency, and there is an indirect influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in the Maros Regency Regional Financial and Asset Agency . This shows that when the leadership style and work environment are high, the employee's performance will increase and vice versa. The results of the study show that leadership style and work environment have a direct influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in the Maros Regency Regional Finance and Asset Agency, and there is an indirect influence on employee performance through conflicts that occur in the Maros Regency Regional Financial and Asset Agency . This shows that when the leadership style and work environment are high, the employee's performance will increase and vice versa.</p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="633"> </td> <td width="17"> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>HasdianaRia MardianaAndi Aswan
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281Influence of Compensation, Competence, and Motivation on Employee Performance in Village Enterprises
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>This study examines the influence of compensation, competence, and work motivation on employee performance in Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) in Curio District, Enrekang Regency. The research aims to analyze (1) the impact of compensation and competence on work motivation, (2) the effect of compensation, competence, and work motivation on employee performance, and (3) the indirect influence of compensation and competence on employee performance through work motivation. The study employs a quantitative approach and includes the entire employee population of BUMDesa in Curio District, Enrekang Regency, totaling 84 individuals. A saturated sampling technique is utilized with a sample size of 84. Data analysis involves path analysis. The findings demonstrate that compensation and competence significantly influence work motivation, and collectively, compensation, competence, and work motivation contribute to employee performance. However, no direct significant influence of compensation and competence on employee performance through work motivation is observed in BUMDesa, Curio District, Enrekang Regency.</em></p>YenoSiti HaeraniFauziah Omar
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281155175Pengaruh Brand Trust dan Word of Mouth terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen Menggunakan Jasa KBIHU ISID Gontor
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Research on consumer decisions in using KBIHU services is important to do, this is because the need for Muslims for the pilgrimage is quite high because Muslims in Indonesia according to population census data in 2020, the Indonesia people is 270.20 million people, while the quota for Hajj is limited. with many Hajj and Umrah service bureaus, but consumers need to be careful in making decisions. This is because there are many cases of fraud and illegal acts that occur at the Hajj and Umrah service bureaus in Indonesia, this is something that consumers need to pay attention to before choosing a bureau in their area. Various factors that influence consumer decision to use KBIHU services include brand, service quality, price, promotion, and word of mouth. This study aims to examine the effect of Brand Trust and word of mouth on consumer decisions in using the services of KBIHU ISID Gontor. This type of research is quantitative by using a questionnaire technique. Data were obtained through a survey of 75 respondents, namely consumers who have used the services of the KBIHU. Sampling using probability sampling with a simple random sampling technique. The analytical tool used is statistical product service solution (SPSS), by conducting validity and reliability tests as well as classical assumption tests and multiple linear assumptions tests. The results showed that the Brand Trust variable had a t-value of 9.170 and a significant value of 0.000. Word of mouth has an effect with a t value of 4.141 and a significant value of 0.000. In a simultaneous test the two variables have an effect on the F value of 118,177 and a significance of 0,000.</em></p>DHIKA AMALIA KURNIAWANMuhammad Ridlo ZarkasyMuhammad Habil Likai Tanjua
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p>Abstract<br />The development of marketing communications is utilized today by various marketers by<br />utilizing various alternative new media as a platform to attract potential customers. The Digital Marketing process is an internet network-based marketing activity and information technology to improve and expand the market reach of conventional marketing functions. Various advantages of ered on social media platforms can help in this promotion and marketing process. Every business has various strategies that are applied in achieving the goals of its business. Quality strategy design certainly has a beneficial impact on the business. The research will discuss the digital marketing communication strategy of rigid food in increasing brand awareness on Instagram. In this study, researchers will use descriptive qualitative methods using data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews with sources and literature studies. Based on the results of research and discussion, it is known that the Instagram planning that Kaku Food does is by analyzing the audience, analyzing trending content on Instagram, determining goals, Editorial Plan, determining the type of content and content. In its implementation, Kaku Food utilizes the feeds, Reels and Instastory features in the form of photos, designs, comments, captions, hashtags, and also social media endorsements to social media influencers</p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Perkembangan dari komunikasi pemasaran dimanfaatkan dewasa ini oleh berbagai pemasar dengan memanfatkan berbagai alternatif media baru sebagai <em>platform </em>untuk menggait calon konsumen. Proses Pemasaran Digital merupakan aktivitas pemasaran berbasis jaringan internet dan teknologi informasi untuk meningkatkan dan memperluas jangkauan pasar dari fungsi pemasaran secara konvensional. Berbagai kelebihan yang ditawarkan pada <em>platform </em>media sosial dapat membantu dalam proses promosi dan pemasaran ini. Setiap usaha memiliki berbagai strategi yang diterapkan dalam meraih tujuan dari usahanya. Perancangan strategi yang mutu tentu memberikan dampak yang menguntungkan bagi usaha tersebut. Penelitian akan membahas strategi komunikasi pemasaran digital kaku food dalam meningkatkan <em>brand awareness</em> di instagram. Pada penelitian ini peneliti akan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, diketahui bahwa perencanaan Instagram yang Kaku Food lakukan adalah dengan menganalisis khalayak, menganalisis konten tren pada Instagram, menentukan tujuan, perancangan <em>Editorial Plan, </em>menentukan jenis konten dan isi konten. Dalam pelaksanaanya Kaku Food memanfaatkan fitur <em>feeds</em>, <em>Reels</em> dan juga Instastory yang berbentuk foto, desain, komentar, <em>caption</em>, <em>hashtag</em>, dan juga media sosial <em>endorsement </em>kepada influence media sosial. </p>AkhyarDian Anggaraece Sigit ParawansaWardhani Hakim
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>In the competitive field of English courses, businesses must improve service quality to gain an edge over competitors. Student satisfaction is greatly influenced by the quality of service, as English language courses are essentially service products. This study aimed to determine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. The sample included 80 students enrolled at Lembaga Bahasa LIA Jakarta, using a census as the calculation method. The research followed a quantitative approach, and multiple linear regression was used for data analysis. The results indicate that service quality has both a simultaneous and partial effect on customer satisfaction. Notably, the variables of empathy and assurance did not significantly impact customer satisfaction.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Dalam bidang kursus bahasa Inggris yang kompetitif, bisnis harus meningkatkan kualitas layanan untuk mendapatkan keunggulan dari pesaing. Kepuasan siswa sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas layanan, karena kursus bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya adalah produk jasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 80 siswa yang terdaftar di Lembaga Bahasa LIA Jakarta, dengan menggunakan metode sensus sebagai metode perhitungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dan regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan memiliki pengaruh secara simultan dan parsial terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Khususnya, variabel empati dan jaminan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. </em></p>Marwa Moeldya Ananda PutriDjabir HamzahMuhammad Toaha
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281128141Analisis Pemasaran Tandan Buah Segar Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Budong-Budong, Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The sale of fresh fruit bunches sub-district has variety of marketing channels from farmers to consumers. The diversity of marketing channels should result in differences in the price levels received by each channel. This study aims to identify marketing channels and compare the marketing channel efficiency of fresh fruit bunches (TBS) of palm oil formed in Kecamatan Budong-budong, Central Mammuju. Analysis model used is marketing channel analysis, marketing function, marketing margin, price spread and share margin. The results showed that there are three channels of marketing of oil palm formed first channel: Farmers sell to small genes, then RAM or large agents, and last to a palm oil processing plant, second channel: Farmers directly sell it to palm oil processing plants. The profit margin received by farmers in kilogram unions is still greater than that received by traders, both in the first marketing channel and second channel.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Penjualan tandan buah segar memiliki beragam variasi saluran pemasaran dari petani hingga konsumen. Beragam perbedaan saluran pemasaran memberikan indikasi perbedaan tingkat harga yang diterima oleh masing-masing saluran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran dan membandingkan efisiensi saluran pemasaran tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit yang terbentuk di Kecamatan Budong-budong, Mammuju Tengah. Model analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis saluran pemasaran, fungsi pemasaran, margin pemasaran, price spread dan share margin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga saluran pemasaran kelapa sawit yang terbentuk yaitu saluran pertama: Petani menjual ke agen kecil, dan agen kecil menjualnya ke RAM atau agen besar, dan saluran terakhir menjual ke pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit. Saluran kedua: Petani menjual langsung ke pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit. Profit margin yang diterima oleh petani dalam persatuan kilogram masih lebih besar daripada yang diterima oleh pedagang, baik pada saluran pemasaran pertama maupun saluran pemasaran kedua.</em></p>Muh.Ahmad Ali Syafii
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-06-222023-06-2281576586Pengaruh Online Customer Review Dan Online Customer Rating Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian.
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>The primary objective of this research is to comprehensively investigate the impact of online customer reviews and customer ratings on the intricate process of consumer purchasing decisions, specifically within the context of Bima Petshop Cirebon's operations on the Shopee platform. Employing a quantitative research approach, the study delves into the intricate interplay between online customer feedback and the decision-making tendencies of consumers. The researcher adopts a non-probability sampling technique, yielding a substantial sample size of 100 respondents, chosen meticulously to represent the target population. The collection of data is achieved through a thoughtfully designed questionnaire, allowing for a systematic extraction of relevant insights. Employing a robust multiple linear regression analysis, the data is meticulously examined, ultimately revealing a significant and positive correlation between online customer reviews, customer ratings, and the pivotal choices consumers make when engaging with the Bima Petshop Cirebon's offerings on the Shopee platform.</em></p> <p>Keywords: <em>online customer review, online customer rating, purchase decision</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><em>Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki secara komprehensif dampak dari ulasan pelanggan online dan peringkat pelanggan terhadap proses keputusan pembelian konsumen yang rumit, khususnya dalam konteks operasi Bima Petshop Cirebon di platform Shopee. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian ini mempelajari interaksi yang rumit antara umpan balik pelanggan online dan kecenderungan pengambilan keputusan konsumen. Peneliti mengadopsi teknik pengambilan sampel non-probabilitas, menghasilkan jumlah sampel yang cukup besar yaitu 100 responden, yang dipilih secara cermat untuk mewakili populasi target. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner yang dirancang dengan cermat, sehingga memungkinkan ekstraksi wawasan yang relevan secara sistematis. Dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda yang kuat, data diperiksa dengan cermat, yang pada akhirnya mengungkapkan korelasi yang signifikan dan positif antara ulasan pelanggan online, peringkat pelanggan, dan pilihan penting yang dibuat konsumen saat terlibat dengan penawaran Bima Petshop Cirebon di platform Shopee.</em></p> <p><em>Kata Kunci: </em><em>online customer review, online customer rating, keputusan pembelian</em></p>Fasya Winanda PratiwiAang CuratmanAgustina
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
2023-08-282023-08-2881Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Cappuccino Di Duajiwa Coffee Makassar
<p>Abstract </p> <p>This research aims to determine the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on the<br />Purchasing Decision of Cappuccino Cof ee at Duajiwa Cof ee Makassar. The method used in this research is data analysis which includes validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using a questionnaire. The population in this research is all consumers of Duajiwa Cof ee who made purchases during the research period. The sample data consists of consumers who purchased Cappuccino Cof ee selected through an incidental method. The results of this research partially indicate that Product Quality and Brand Image each have a positive but not significant influence on the Purchasing Decision of Cappuccino Cof ee at Duajiwa Cof ee Makassar. The simultaneous results of the research show that Product Quality and Brand Image together have an insignificant influence on the Purchasing Decision of Cappuccino Cof ee at Duajiwa Cof ee Makassar.</p> <p>Abstrak</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Brand Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Cappuccino Di Duajiwa Coffee Makassar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas dan uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan Kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua konsumen Duajiwa Coffee yang melakukan pembelian saat penelitian berlangsung. Data yang menjadi Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang melakukan pembelian kopi cappuccino yang dipilih melalui metode Insidental. hasil penelitian ini secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Produk Dan Brand Image masing- masing memiliki pengaruh positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Cappuccino Di Duajiwa Coffee Makassar. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Produk dan Brand Image secara Bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kopi Cappuccino Di Duajiwa Coffee Makassar</p>Alifqa RizkaSumardiMusran Munizu
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Keterampilan Lingkungan Kerja dan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kinerja karyawan wiraniaga pada Toyota hadji kalla cabang urip sumoharjo makassar. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari kuesioner. Adapun jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua variabel terdistribusi secara normal dalam uji Normalitas. Hasil uji t dan uji f menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari Keterampilan (X1), pengaruh positif dam tidak signifikan dari lingkungan Kerja (X2 dan pengaruh positif dan signifikan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional (X3) terhadap kinerja karyawan wiraniaga pada Toyota hadji kalla cabang urip sumoharjo makassar (Y)</em>. </p>Siti Nurhikmah Jamaluddin
Copyright (c) 2023 Management Dynamics Conference 8