Journal Description
The Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Hasanuddin (JPMH) is a scientific journal managed by PKKN Universitas Hasanuddin, focusing on the publication of community service activities. JPMH is committed to being a platform for academics and practitioners to share experiences, innovations, and sustainable community empowerment models. Articles published in JPMH are expected to provide practical solutions to various social, economic, cultural, educational, health, and environmental challenges within society. JPMH aims to facilitate direct contributions to the community by prioritizing service-based activities without research as its primary focus. This journal supports the dissemination of best practices in community service that positively impact social welfare and enhance the quality of life. JPMH is published regularly with E-ISSN 2722-6662. The journal invites academics, practitioners, and stakeholders to participate in publishing articles relevant to community service.
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024)