Identification Of Hijaiyah Letters Image Using Extreme Learning Machine Method
ELM, digital image, Identification, hijaiyah lettersAbstract
The development of digital image processing technology has many benefits, one of which is the identification of an object, such as the identification of the image of the hijaiyah letter. Hijaiyah letters are the letters of the arabic alphabet as the original language of the Qur'an. In essence, humans have the ability to recognize and distinguish hijaiyah letter patterns from one another, but this is not the case with computers, using digital images and machine learning, in this study an identification concept was built by recognizing the image of hijaiyah letters using one of the machine learning methods. namely the extreme learning machine (ELM) method. Extreme learning machine (ELM) is a feedforward neural network with one hidden layer or better known as single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs). Therefore, the purpose of this study is that the computer can identify objects as well as human capabilities and see how accurate the results obtained in the ELM method are. The digital image identification process using the extreme learning machine (ELM) method is carried out in two stages, namely training and testing, where previously the preprocessing process was carried out first by changing the color of the RGB image to HSV and processing the color v, then segmentation was carried out with the aim of separating the objects (foreground) with the background, then to make it easier to recognize the pattern, a morphological process is carried out. From the simulation carried out on the test data, the results obtained an average accuracy of 90% with an error of 10%.Downloads
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