Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities2024-09-27T03:50:05+00:00Fathu Journal Systems<p>ELS-JISH (E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-0835</a> | P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-0843</a>) is a journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities: Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture, a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published quartely by the <strong>Faculty of Cultural Sciences Hasanuddin University</strong>, focusing on theories, methods, and materials in Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture (study and research). It provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academics, professionals, educators, consultants, practitioners and postgraduate students in the field of English Language Studies (ELS) to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on the disciplines. JISH was started in 2017 and first published in 2018. It invites original, previously unpublished, research and survey articles, plus research-in-progress reports and short research notes, on both practical and theoretical aspects of Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching, Translation, and Culture.</p> Up English Writing Skill: The Role of Gamification in Language Education2024-08-16T02:49:16+00:00Satriani Satrianisatrianitabran91@gmail.comRafi’ah Nuranriadianriadi@gmail.comSalasiah Ammadeanriadianriadi@gmail.comAmmang Latifaanriadianriadi@gmail.comSiti Hajar<p><em>Integrating game aspects into non-gaming environments, or "gamification," has become a potent technique in education that can make conventional teaching methods more engaging. Gamification has shown promise in the field of language education for improving a variety of skills, including writing. This study aimed to know whether the use of the gamification teaching method has a significant effect on the students’ writing skills and their attitudes toward the method. This study used a pre-experimental method with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. A writing test was used to determine the students’ writing skills before and after using the gamification teaching method. Meanwhile, a questionnaire was used to determine the students’ attitudes toward the method. The result of this study shows that the mean score of the pre-test was 52.5714, and the mean score of the post-test was 70.2875. The result of the questionnaire also indicates that the use of the gamification teaching method helps students write descriptive texts and engages them in the learning process. It can be inferred that students' writing skills have improved, and they exhibit a highly positive attitude when taught using the gamification teaching method.</em></p>2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Satriani Satriani, Rafi’ah Nur, Salasiah Ammade, Ammang Latifa, Siti Hajar Larekeng Grader’s Perception Regarding Tertiary Students Teaching Practices2024-08-19T01:46:44+00:00Putu Wahyu Sudewisudewiwahyu@gmail.comAdi Ismaanriadianriadi@gmail.comReski<p><em>This research investigates students' perceptions of the teaching skills of teaching assistant (TA) </em><em>tertiary </em><em>students from the English Education Study Program at the University of Sulawesi Barat, conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Majene. The study aims to assess how well these TA</em><em> tertiary </em><em>s</em><em>tudents</em><em> perform in key teaching areas, including lesson opening and closing, explaining, questioning, providing reinforcement, introducing variety, guiding small group discussions, and classroom management. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected via questionnaires based on a Likert scale, complemented by guided interviews for qualitative insights. The findings reveal that TA</em><em> tertiary </em><em>s</em><em>tudents</em><em> received high ratings in explaining (92%), questioning (84%), and classroom management (85%), with an overall average rating of 81.37%, categorized as "very good". While students appreciated the enthusiasm and clarity TA</em><em> tertiary students</em><em> brought to lessons, they identified areas for improvement, such as maintaining classroom order, enhancing reinforcement techniques, and diversifying teaching methods. The study underscores the importance of targeted support and continuous development for TA</em><em> tertiary </em><em>s</em><em>tudents</em><em> to enhance their teaching efficacy and better meet students' diverse needs.</em></p>2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Wahyu Sudewi, Adi Isma, Reski Reski and Inflectional Morphemes in Native American Winter Stories on Loe.Org Website2024-08-18T13:45:59+00:00Angelina Kusuma Jelita Mawarniangelinakusumajm@gmail.comBarli<p><em>This research identifies most of the types of derivational and inflectional morphemes. It categorizes the process of derivational and inflectional morphemes in the Native American winter stories on the website that is The data consists of 22 derivational morphemes and 57 inflectional morphemes. The method was conducted descriptive qualitative. Results showed that adjective to adverb. Most derivational types occur nine times or 40.90 per cent, followed by the suffix –ly. Meanwhile, the most inflectional type is past tense, which used the suffix –ed occurrences 20 times or 35.08 per cent. The results showed six categories of derivational processes, namely the verb to adjective (23.72%), noun to adjective and noun to adverb (13.63%), adjective to adverb (40.90%), verb to verb and adjective to adjective (4.54%). On the other hand, the six categories of inflectional processes are plural (12.05%), past tense (35.08%), progressive (28.07%), past participle (1.75%), superlative (3.50%), and comparative (10.52%).</em></p>2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Angelina Kusuma Jelita Mawarni, Barli Bram Mastering of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi Level 3 Students of Chinese Language and Culture Study Program Hasanuddin University2024-09-12T02:19:03+00:00Yuspani Amelia Jyuspaniameliaj@gmail.comWan Wen Binanriadianriadi@gmail.comFakhriawan Fathu<p><em>This research examines and contains a description of the mastery of Mandarin vocabulary at the level of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi 3 students of the Mandarin Language and Chinese Culture study program at Hasanuddin University using a psycholinguistic approach by taking a sample of 20 students from a total population of 40. The description regarding mastery of vocabulary is divided into two, namely mastery of receptive vocabulary and mastery of productive vocabulary by carrying out two types of tests, the first test is a written test which consists of six parts which all require abilities which include: knowledge, understanding and use of one character, a combination character characters that form words and vocabulary contained in a sentence based on a certain context or idea, then second test is an interview test to describe the factors that influence mastery of this vocabulary which divided into two, namely the internal factor which included the curiosity, certain positive activity, self-learning methods, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, therefore the external factor which included social environment and the availability of learning media. This research come to the conclusion of the vocabulary as essentially unmeasurable and was shown as the form of knowledge which going through mental processes, from a continuum stage of being able to receiving, absorbing and comprehend vocabulary towards a continuum stage of being able to use and producing vocabulary as known as the receptive knowledge to productive knowledge.</em></p>2024-09-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuspani Amelia J, Wan Wen Bin, Fakhriawan Fathu Rahman Influence of Environment and Family on the Development of English Language Skills in Early Childhood2024-08-20T04:16:25+00:00Nirmala Mardewi Mardewianriadianriadi@gmail.comJey Firdausanriadianriadi@gmail.comAdrian Adriananriadianriadi@gmail.comAsdar Asdaranriadianriadi@gmail.comDwi Adi<p><em>The study examined the influence of family and school environment on the English language skills of early childhood children at “TK Al-Falah Balombong”. The main objective of this research was to identify the factors hindering English language learning in that place, as well as to determine the extent of children’s interest to know, learn, understand, and master English. This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. We found that the family and school environment at “TK Al-Falah Balombong” was not optimal in supporting English language learning. This could be seen from the language they often used at home and in their community, their local language and Indonesian, as well as the gadgets provided by their parents that did not focus on English language learning. The school also lacked competent English language teachers and adequate supporting facilities. Despite these limitations, the children showed high enthusiasm when the researchers introduced English through engaging methods such as songs and animations. To optimize this potential, interactive approaches, competent teachers, and parental support are needed to facilitate their children's English learning.</em></p>2024-09-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nirmala Ayuningtyas, Mardewi Mardewi, Jey Firdaus, Adrian Adrian, Asdar Asdar, Dwi Adi Nugroho Stress and Job Satisfaction among Police Officers at Palembang Resort Police Station2024-08-18T13:43:32+00:00Choirul Alfanifan.ca14@gmail.comNuzsep<p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between work stress and job satisfaction among Indonesian National Police (Polri) officers at Polrestabes Palembang. Job satisfaction is the level of contentment or discontent an employee feels with their work, whereas work stress is the reaction a person has to demands that exceed their capability. The poll's Likert scale was used to measure how stressed and satisfied workers were with their jobs. For the sample, 155 officers of Polrestabes Palembang were selected through the technique of purposeful random selection. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality and linearity tests were used to validate the data. Using basic regression analysis, the result proved that there is a highly significant negative correlation (r = -0.933) between job stress and job satisfaction, with a significance level of p = 0.000 (p < 0.01). According to these results, 87% of the variance in job satisfaction may be attributed to job stress, with the remaining 13% being influenced by factors that are yet unclear. The results of the study demonstrate that among Palembang resort police station officers, higher job stress is substantially correlated with poorer job satisfaction, underscoring the need for management to address and mitigate stressors in order to improve job satisfaction.</em></p>2024-09-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Choirul Alfan, Nuzsep Almigo Reationship Between Toxic Parenting And Emotional Behavior of Adolescent Children in Class XI at SMAN 1 Merapi Barat2024-08-15T02:23:20+00:00Reza Nur Kholifahrezanurkholifahh@gmail.comItryah<p><em>Adolescence is a period of child development towards the adult phase where emotional behavior is still changing and a period of self-discovery. At this time adolescents must be able to control emotions and get good parenting support. The purpose of the study was to explain empirically and theoretically the relationship between toxic parenting and the emotional behavior of adolescents in class XI at SMAN 1 Merapi Barat. Researchers used quantitative methods with simple random sampling techniques with a sample population of 119 with an age range of 16-18 years. Data analysis was carried out using statistical tests, the measuring instruments used were the emotional behavior scale and the toxic parenting scale. The results showed that there is a very significant relationship between toxic parenting and emotional behavior of adolescent children with a correlation value of R = 0.759 with a Rsquare value = 0.576 P = 0.000 (P < 0.01). The amount of effective contribution given by the toxic parenting variable to emotional behavior is R2 = 0.576 (57.6%). So there are still 42.4% of the influence of other factors related to emotional behavior.</em></p>2024-09-07T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Nur Kholifah, Itryah Itryah ESL Vocabulary: The Role of Interactive Method in Language Acquisition2024-08-15T10:04:33+00:00Yuli Ari Sandyyulia.mrtwiyono@gmail.comBarli<p><em>This study investigated the effectiveness of interactive method</em><em>s</em><em> in enhancing vocabulary acquisition among English as a Second Language (ESL) students</em><em>. </em><em>Focusing on innovative teaching strategies, the research examined how interactive activities such as games, role-playing, and technology-assisted learning affect vocabulary retention and use. The research question is "What is the impact of the interactive method on the students' vocabulary enhancement?" There were 100 students of Marine Cruise Yogyakarta, Sukoharjo Branch, who were selected </em><em>for</em><em> this research. The data collection method was mixed method through open-ended questionnaire</em><em>, observation, and </em><em>interview</em><em>. </em><em>Descriptive narrative research design was used to analyze the data through triangulatio</em><em>n. </em><em>The result </em><em>showed </em><em>that interactive method significantly contribute to vocabulary enhancement in learning English as a </em><em>S</em><em>econd </em><em>L</em><em>anguage (ESL) especialy </em><em>i</em><em>n; 1) student engagement, 2) integration of technology, 3) collaborative learning. This research provides valuable insights for </em><em>educators </em><em>seeking to implement effective strategies for teaching vocabulary in ESL classrooms.</em></p>2024-09-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Ari Sandy, Barli Bram Relationship Between the Ability to Think Positively and Academic Stress in Students Who Are Working on Thesis at Bina Darma University2024-09-03T02:35:15+00:00Kartika Kartikakartikadarmo7@gmail.comSawi<p><em>Academic stress is a common problem that is usually experienced by students. The source of the problems experienced by students is academic problems. One way to reduce academic stress is by thinking positively. In this research, quantitative methods were used with simple regression analysis, the population in this research was 2828 with a sample of 280 students. Analysis of the data used in this research is by using validity and reliability tests, assumption tests, statistical tests. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the ability to think positively on the academic stress of Bina Darma University students in Palembang who are working on their thesis. Regression analysis results Simple results show that every one unit increase in positive thinking ability will reduce the level of academic stress by 0.67 units. In addition, the R-squared value of 0.45 indicates that 45% of the variability in academic stress can be explained by positive thinking skills. Validity and reliability tests also show that the instruments used, both to measure academic stress and positive thinking ability, have high validity and reliability, with Cronbach's Alpha values of 0.89 for academic stress and 0.87 for positive thinking ability respectively.</em></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Kartika Kartika, Sawi Sujarwo of Islamic Values and Modernization in Sasak Wedding Traditions in Lombok2024-08-18T13:53:58+00:00M Maulana Kurnia Pratamamaulanakurniap@gmail.comMustari Mustarianriadianriadi@gmail.comAbdul<p><em>This research aims to explore the dynamics of change and continuity in the wedding traditions of the Sasak community in Lombok from an Islamic perspective and its impact on their social structure. The Sasak community possesses a rich cultural heritage passed down through generations, with wedding traditions being one of the essential foundations of their social life. This study employs Lévi-Strauss's structuralism approach to delineate the key elements in Sasak wedding ceremonies and analyze the role and symbolic meaning of each element in the context of Islamic teachings. Sasak wedding traditions reflect traditional values highly esteemed by the community, such as togetherness, mutual cooperation, and respect for ancestors. The influence of Islam, which has permeated Sasak life, creates a unique cultural synthesis where traditional elements are integrated with Islamic practices. However, modernization and globalization bring significant changes to the wedding traditions and social structure of the Sasak community. This research finds that despite strong external influences, the Sasak community has managed to preserve key traditional elements and uphold their traditional values. Through this study, a deep understanding is gained of how the Sasak community faces social changes without losing their cultural and Islamic identity. This research also elucidates how social structure and wedding traditions function as reflections and mechanisms to face contemporary challenges, contributing to structural anthropology studies and providing a broader understanding of socio-cultural dynamics in Indonesia.</em></p>2024-09-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 M Maulana Kurnia Pratama, Mustari Mustari, Abdul Karim of English Area Program in Enhancing Teenagers’ English Skill in Majene Regency2024-09-14T02:42:31+00:00Asdar Asdaranriadianriadi@gmail.comDwi Adi Nugrohoanriadianriadi@gmail.comHustiana<p><em>This study aspired to represent the concessions of executing English Area for teenagers on their English language skills. In this case, four skills are incorporated into the enactment process. The implementation of this study was conducted at SMA 3 Majene which is a boarding school student. This study used a quantitative descriptive method where there were 28 samples from 58 populations who participated in the data collection process. The instrument used is a test consisting of a pre-test and post-test, and an observation guide. From the results of observation, the prominent skill was speaking skill which was seen from several activities, namely providing material, morning talk, talk show, talent night, and treasure hunt consisting of five activities, namely Spelling bee, Word Guessing, Constructing Sentences, Once Upon A Time, Arrange the picture. This was in line with the test results which showed that this program could improve students' speaking skills with an average score of -0.767. The researchers concluded that this program can improve speaking, but it did not have much effect on other skills. Therefore, researchers recommended that further research can construct more active activities furthermore all skills can be covered. This research can provide benefits for pre-service teachers who can use this research as a reference for carrying out activities in the classroom. It was also useful for future researchers who wanted to develop English area programs in other places or by using different indicators.</em></p>2024-09-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Asdar Asdar, Dwi Adi Nugroho, Hustiana Hustiana Rani Mehra’S Culture Shock In Queen (2014) Movie Through the Lens of Sverre Lysgaard’S U-Curve Theory2024-09-17T07:39:19+00:00Syahruni Junaidsyahrunijun01@gmail.comCitra Andinianriadianriadi@gmail.comNissa Atun Atsyaniaanriadianriadi@gmail.comAryani Nurul<p><em>This research explores the processes and underlying factors that lead to culture shock in the main character of the movie Queen (2014), employing Sverre Lysgaard's U-curve theory as the analytical framework. The U-curve model outlines various stages of adaptation that individuals undergo when exposed to a new culture. Through this lens, the study identifies six key phases experienced by the protagonist: before departure, arrival (Honeymoon), the onset of culture shock, feelings of discomfort and unhappiness, gradual adjustment, and eventual completion of the adaptation process. The analysis reveals that the main factors contributing to the character's culture shock include significant differences in cultural norms, unfamiliar food, lifestyle changes, and language barriers. Each of these elements presents unique challenges, which the character must navigate as she transitions into her new environment. This research not only highlights the emotional and psychological shifts during the adaptation process but also underscores the broader impact of intercultural encounters, offering a nuanced understanding of how cultural differences influence personal growth and adaptation in unfamiliar settings.</em></p>2024-09-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Syahruni Junaid, Citra Andini, Nissa Atun Atsyania, Aryani Nurul Rahmawati Writing in Composing Paragraph to Improve Students' Writing Skills at SMA Negeri 1 Sampolawa'S Eighth Grade2024-09-23T06:20:24+00:00Hasrida Ardinhasridaatta@gmail.comHikmawati<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not using collaborative writing to compose paragraphs improves students' writing abilities at SMA Negeri 1 Sampolawa's VIII grade students. It also sought to determine whether or not using collaborative writing sparks students' interest in writing. An experiment using a quassi design was used in this study. Cluster random sampling was utilized as the sample-taking technique, with two classes out of three being taken. 25 students from the XI IPA-2 class were separated into an experimental group by the researcher. and the XI IPA-1 class, which served as the control group, had 25 students. As a result, 50 students made up the research sample. The test and questionnaire served as the study instrument. The research tool was categorized using multiple methods. Pretest, posttest, and questionnaire were those.The results of this study demonstrated that, following treatment with the collaborative writing approach, students' English writing proficiency increased. Based on the experimental group's pretest mean score of 65.97 and posttest mean score of 77.23. The research's hyphotesis resulted in notable effects. Based on the average student perception score of 3,87—a very high level—it is determined.</em></p>2024-09-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Hasrida Ardin, Hikmawati Hikmawati Speaking Abilities of Business Management Students of Manado State Polytechnic through English as a Medium Instruction (EMI)2024-09-27T03:50:05+00:00Walangitan Melania Rutmelania.walangitan@gmail.comReski Amalia Sreskiamaliaas@gmail.comMega Fitri<p><em>This study explores the optimization of speaking abilities among Business Management students through the implementation of English as a Medium Instruction (EMI). With the increasing global demand for effective communication skills in the business environment, enhancing students' speaking proficiency is important. This study employed qualitative research in which the data was collected using an observation checklist for Business Management students, especially in the class of IV MB 6. Results indicate that EMI not only improves students' confidence in speaking but also enhances their fluency and overall communicative competence. Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of interactive teaching strategies and real-world applications in fostering an engaging learning environment. Students are encouraged to speak English in groups or respond the other speaker as they move through the material. Students practice language skills in context through discussions and projects, which improves their comprehension of the material and their ability to communicate ideas in English. The findings suggest that EMI can be an effective pedagogical tool in developing essential speaking skills for future business leaders.</em></p>2024-09-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Walangitan Melania Rut, Reski Amalia S, Mega Fitri Wulandari level of users of dating applications in Tridinanti University Students2024-08-18T13:33:58+00:00Risca Firliantyriscafirli@gmail.comNuzsep<p><em>The study aimed to examine the use of online dating apps among Tridinanti University students and its relationship with confidence levels. Based on an initial survey conducted in January 2024 with 322 respondents, it was found that students of Tridinanti University use online dating apps as a necessity in finding a partner. The majority of users have been using the app for more than a year, with an average usage of about two hours per day. The survey results show that college students who use online dating apps tend to have lower levels of self-confidence, being more comfortable dating through apps than in person. Ninety-two students were embarrassed to initiate a face-to-face encounter, 76 students lacked confidence in their physical appearance, and 29 students did not have time to seek a face-to-face partner. In addition to surveys, the study also involved observation and interviews to delve into this phenomenon. The research uses a combination method (mix method) with a quantitative and qualitative approach, adopting a sequential explanatory model. The data was collected through a Likert scale and tested for validity and reliability using SPSS version 20.0. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the impact of using online dating apps on student self-esteem.</em></p>2024-09-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Risca Firlianty, Nuzsep Almigo