JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev <p><strong>JASDev</strong> <strong>Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development</strong> includes a journal with an online system and is open access. This journal goes through a blind peer reviewed process by reviewers who are competent in their fields. Publishing this journal regularly 2 times a year, February and August.<br /><strong>JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development</strong>, is a journal that publishes research results in the field of aquaculture from Indonesia and around the world with the topics:</p> <ul> <li>Aquaculture environment</li> <li>Reproduction of aquaculture organisms</li> <li>Fish parasites and diseases</li> <li>Fish nutrition</li> <li>Aquaculture technology systems</li> </ul> Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Marine Scince and Fisheries, Hasanuddin University en-US JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 0000-0000 Physical Test of Ecoaquatic block Making Using a Mixture of PET Type Plastic Waste (Polyethylene Terephthalate) and Sand as a Layer of Sandy Soil Pond Construction http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev/article/view/13173 <p><em>Ecoaquatic</em> is a pond that consists of plastic and sand. To avoid water leakage, the pond construction is equipped with ecoaquatic block with a thickness of 6 cm and on top of plastic coated with sand 3-5 cm thick at the bottom of the pond. the purpose of this research is to analyze the press strength &nbsp;and water repellant of <em>ecoaquatic block</em> making using a mixture of PET Type Plastic Waste (<em>Polyethylene terephthalate</em>) and sand as a layer of sandy soil pond construction. Ecoaquatic blocks are made from a mixture of PET, plastics, sand and oil. The research was designed with a randomized design complete with the treatment of four compositions of plastic and sand comparison, namely 50: 50%, 60: 40%, 70: 30%, 80: 20%, controls and three repeats for each treatment. <em>Ecoaquatic block</em> testing is carried out at the age of 14 and 28 days. <em>Ecoaquatic blocks</em> are dried up to the testing period. The results showed that the highest strong press yield was found in the ratio of 50:50% which reached 20.42 ± 0.26 and 21.25 ± 0.73 Mpa. Meanwhile, water repellant test results showed in the ratio of 80:20% is a comparison that has the highest water repellant values were 94.49 ± 0.44 and 95.78 ± 0.42%. Based on the quality requirements of SNI 03-0691-1996 a ratio of 50:50% qualified and entered into the category of quality B.</p> <p>Keywords: <em>ecoaquatic block</em>, plastic type PET (<em>Polyethylene terephthalate</em>), strong press, water absorption</p> Fachrul Hamka Marlina Achmad Copyright (c) 2023 JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 2023-02-06 2023-02-06 1 9 The Use of Red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. rubrum) Extract to Control Ectoparasite Monogenean in Catfish (Clarias gariepenus Bruchell, 1822) http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev/article/view/13669 <p>Monogenea ectoparasites are one of the most pathogenic parasites in aquaculture that need to control. The use of mediciinal plants to overcome diseases related to aquaculture can be applied and. relatively have no side effect. One of the plants that can be potentially used as a treatment for curing purpose is red ginger. The effects of ethanol extracts of red ginger on the intensity of monogenetic ectoparasites in catfish were investigated in this study. About 390 experimental fish was used in the study. The experimental animals were catfish seedlings (total length of 3-5 cm). This research was conducted with 4 treatments and 3 replications consisting of 0 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 15 ppm bath treatments within 24 hours. Determination of the dose applied was based on the results of the LC50 test that has been carried out previously. Based on the research results, the monogenetic ectoparasites found were <em>Quadriacanthus clariadis</em> and <em>Gyrodactylus</em> sp. with mean intensity of 16.4 and 4.47, respectively. LC50 value of the red ginger extract on carp seeds was 27.37 ppm. Red ginger extract can be used to cure infections at a concentrations of 15 ppm for <em>Q. clariadis </em>and <em>Gyrodactylus</em> sp. Concentration of 15 ppm for <em>Q. clariadis</em> and 5 ppm for <em>Gyrodactylus</em> sp. can be used as a preventive measure and improve resistance of a catfish seed.</p> Dea Pramita Hilal Anshary Gunarto Latama Copyright (c) 2023 JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 2023-02-06 2023-02-06 10 22 The Effect of Giving Dissolved Amino Acids on the Metamorphosis Acceleration of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei. Boone, 1931) http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev/article/view/13339 <p>The high demand for shrimp exports encourages increased demand for shrimp seeds as one of the inputs in vannamei shrimp cultivation. However, the problems that are often faced in hatcheries are slow growth, non-uniform size, long time transfer stage and vulnerable to environmental changes. so that growth acceleration is needed in changing the metamorphosis rate of vaname shrimp, namely by multi amino acids. This study aims to determine the concentration of multi dissolved amino acids on the best acceleration of metamorphosis and growth of vaname shrimp seeds. The research was carried out at the Brackishwater Aquacultur Development Center, Takalar.The test animals used were vaname shrimp seeds from Zoea-1 to PL-10 stages which were stocked at a density of 40 individuals / 25 L. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications each, namely the amino acid doses of 0, 5, 10, and 15 ppm. The parameters measured were larval survival and metamorphosis of vaname shrimp. From the research results, The best survival rate was obtained at 100 ppm treatment 69.63 ± 0.82% with metamorphic rate of zoea, mysis and post larvae respectively 92.5%, 80.5% and 69.63% resulting in a uniformity level of 85.11%.</p> Sri Devi Siti Aslamyah Muh. Yusri Karim Copyright (c) 2023 JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 2023-02-06 2023-02-06 23 30 The effect of various doses vitamin B complex on the spesific weight growth rate of seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev/article/view/13865 <p>Seabass (Lates calcarifer) is one of the fishery commodities with important economic value which in its growth requires vitamin B complex that helps as nutrient intake required by larvae for maximum growth. This study aimed to determine the best dose of vitamin B complex on the growth rate of specific weight of white snapper larvae. This research was conducted from October to November 2020 at the Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The experimental animals used were white snapper larvae 4-5 days old. The number of white snapper larvae used in this study was 15,000 larvae with 1,250 for each research container. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications, namely 0, 75, 150, and 225 mg/L doses of vitamin B complex. The results showed that the administration of vitamin B complex had a significant effect on the growth rate of the specific weight of white snapper larvae. The growth of specific weight of white snapper larvae was highest at a dose of 75 mg/L, which was 21.81%/day, while the lowest was at 0 mg/L, which was 18.94%/day.</p> Moammar Faizi Zainuddin Zainuddin Haryati Tandipayuk Copyright (c) 2023 JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 2023-02-06 2023-02-06 31 36 Effect of vitomolt plus dose in feed on growth and survival of juvenile vaname shrimp (Litopenaus vannamei) http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/jasdev/article/view/13647 <p>Slow growth and mortality due to disease are major problems in shrimp farming. This study aims to determine the best vitomolt dose in feed for the growth and survival of juvenile vannamei shrimp (Litopenaus vannamei). This research was conducted from July to September 2020 at the Mini Hatchery of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The test animal used in this study was juvenile shrimp vaname <em>(Litopenaeus vannamei)</em> with an average initial weight of 1.5 g obtained from the shrimp hatcheries in Kab. Pangkep. The number of shrimp used in this study was 240 heads with details of 20 per container, with the treatment given was the addition of a different dose of vitomolt plus in artificial feed. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications each, namely A: control, B: 1.5 vitomolts plus g / kg of feed, C: 3.0 vitomolts plus g / kg of feed. and D: 4.5 vitolts plus g / kg of feed. The results showed that the vitomolt plus dose had a significant effect on the growth and survival of vannamei shrimp. The highest growth of shrimp was obtained in the treatment of 4.5 g / kg of feed, which was 5.85 g compared to only 3.5 g of control (P &lt;0.05). The highest survival rate was obtained in the 3.0 g / kg feed treatment which was 80%, while the control was only 48.33% (P &lt;0.05). The results showed that vitomolt plus with the right dose gave better growth and survival. The best vitomolt dose is 3.0 g / kg of feed - 4.5 g / kg of feed</p> Benedick Pradipta Diorent Barung Barung Zainuddin Zainuddin Yushinta Fujaya Copyright (c) 2023 JASDev Journal of Aquaculture Studies and Development 2023-02-06 2023-02-06 37 49