Themes by ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia etnosia en-US (ETNOSIA Editorial) (Technical & Information Technology) Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Language Maintenance As Identity Construction In Jalawastu Traditional Community of Brebes Central Java <p>Studies on indigenous communities have been conducted with various results on cultural elements as their research focus. Language, as one of those elements, is an essential factor in the survival of the traditions and beliefs. This article discusses how the Jalawastu community maintains their indigenous language of Brebes Sundanese dialect in Javanese-speaking culture in Central Java. The novelty of this study was to discover how the traditional community perceived their language, why they needed to maintain it, and what obstacles they had in the process. This ethnographic research was conducted in Jalawastu Cultural Village in Desa Ciseureuh, Kecamatan Ketanggungan, Kabupaten Brebes between October 2022 and May 2023. Data was collected using in-depth interviews and observation. Those who participated in this study were <em>kuncen</em>, (cultural council chief), <em>pemangku adat </em>(traditional ruler), <em>kepala dusun</em> (the village chief), and Jalawastu community member. The study revealed that the community attempted to maintain their dialect because they viewed the importance of their language in their daily verbal interaction, both in social activities and rituals, and the need to hold their social identity as Jalawastu village members. The attempt to preserve the use of the language was based on the social belief, that is, to respect their ancestors in order to avoid misfortunes. These efforts were once hindered when the provincial government imposed the language policy to teach only Javanese in elementary schools instead of Sundanese. With Brebes Bupati's regional decrees, they could eventually teach back the language in formal elementary schools.</p> Eko Wahyu Koeshandoyo, Kunto Sofianto , Budi Gustaman Sunarya, Ayu Septiani Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Fri, 14 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Dynamics of Multi-Ethnic Communities and Farmer Mentality In Building Food Security In East Kolaka <p>This research explores the cooperation of multiethnic communities and the formation of a farmer mentality in East Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi Province, in building food security. The purpose of this study is to understand how the interaction between diverse ethnic groups in East Kolaka society affects the way farmers manage agricultural resources and shape their mentality regarding agriculture so as to realize food security. The cultural interaction among multi-ethnic communities serves as a collective strength in East Kolaka District to address food scarcity and to build a food security system, which has not been optimally examined and elucidated in previous studies. Using qualitative approach, data was collected using in-depth interview and observation. This study was conducted in East Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The total number of informants is fourteen, including rice farmers, community leaders, members of farmer groups, agricultural extension workers, and village and sub-district government officials. The study shows that various ethnic groups have unique agricultural practices, traditional techniques, and different local knowledge. The interaction between these groups has resulted in an exchange of knowledge and experience, which in turn affects the mentality of farmers positively in the face of environmental and social changes, and can build their food security and even surplus. These findings have important implications in efforts to improve food security and agricultural sustainability in East Kolaka, as well as encourage inter-ethnic cooperation in the context of agriculture. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities of multi-ethnic societies and how interactions between these groups can shape peasant mentalities. The findings of this study can be an input for policymakers in designing more inclusive and sustainable strategies in agricultural resource management in similar regions.</p> Yevita Nurti, La Ode Topo Jers, Putu Arimbawa, Efriani Efriani, Alias Alias, Akhmad Marhadi, Syahrun Syahrun, Ashmarita Ashmarita Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Sat, 15 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Battle for Urban Space: Dynamics of Spatial Change In Siak, Riau, Indonesia <p>This study aims to examine the implications of changes in urban space as a result of the implementation of government policies in the development and expansion of the city of Siak on the existence of community space and how the community seizes and utilizes spaces of the industry and government to maintain their subsistence economic life. This study uses a rapid ethnography approach. Researchers conduct a desk study before fieldwork to obtain an initial research report. Researchers stayed in Siak District for 40 days to conduct observations, in-depth interviews, informal conversations, and stakeholder discussions. We conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGD) in the four research villages. The event was attended by 28 participants from four villages, comprising village heads, homemakers, peasants, small traders/street vendors, freelance workers, and NGOs at the district level. The study shows that the four research villages have changed from subsistence community spaces to industrial and government spaces. In this research, the community space is becoming increasingly limited, so people carry out two strategies in seizing industrial and government spaces, namely using government spaces to become places for work and business and controlling industrial spaces, Even though this can give rise to latent and manifest tenure conflicts, corporate and society's urban space becomes an arena for struggling for the means of production represented through control and ownership of space. Society must adapt to these conditions to obtain space for them. Government policies in developing and expanding the city of Siak have not taken the community's interests as the primary goal.</p> M. Rawa El Amady, Dadang Hikmah Purnama, Yosi Arianti Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Variety of Lengger Banyumas’ Performances <p>This article aims to center on the variety of styles of <em>lengger</em> - a traditional art found in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. The article offers a new approach towards understanding <em>lengger</em> by indicating the development that underwent in the performance structure. The study was conducted in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia for the period of over a year, between 2022 and early 2024. Using qualitative approach, this study is aimed to explore the variety of the dance practiced by local actors. By using qualitative approach, data was collected using in-depth and semi-structured interviews and participatory observation. There are 13 participants that participated in this study, consisting of local figures engaged in various <em>lengger </em>activities, such as dancers, teachers, and owners of dance studios. The study indicates that <em>lengger</em> evolved greatly in terms of its dance performance. In order to demonstrate this, I use “dance fragments” – a specific moments of performance, time and space to indicate the development of the art’s structure, based on personal etnographic study. Nine varieties of <em>lengger </em>were identified – <em>lengger klasik</em>, <em>lengger barangan</em>, <em>lengger resmi</em>, <em>lengger muslimah</em>, <em>lengger garapan, lengger calung barasai, lengger selingan, lengger campursari,</em> and <em>lengger modern</em>. Pointing out the various styles of <em>lengger</em> helps further understand the cultural processes and current trends of the society in Banyumas. Having these changes in its structure where dominant trends overshadow the traditional understanding is a way of keeping the art alive, while <em>lengger</em>’s peaceful cohabitation with other arts speaks about the tolerant nature of people in Banyumas. </p> Dobrin Tsvetanov Bugov Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Semanda, Metudau, and Tekhang: Marriage and Construction of Ethnic Identity among Belunguh People’s in Tanggamus, Lampung <p>The Reformation era in Indonesia has resulted in changes in local politics, particularly in relation to ethnic-based groups or <em>adat</em> politics. However, previous studies that have focused on the rise of <em>adat</em> or tradition in local politics have paid limited attention to the dynamics of cultural expression and representation. This article aims to shed light on the reconstruction of ethnic identity among the Belunguh people in Lampung within multiethnic society. To achieve this, an ethnographic inquiry was conducted with the Belunguh people of the Lampung Sai Batin sub-ethnic group, specifically exploring their marriage patterns and rituals. The data collection methods consisted of interview, focus group discussions (FGD), and observation involving twelve informants from traditional leaders (<em>penyimbang adat</em>). The findings of the study highlight the significance of marriage systems and rituals in the construction of Belunguh ethnic identity. While intra-ethnic relations are shaped by marriage practices and rituals of <em>semanda</em> and <em>metudau</em>, the practice of <em>tekhang</em> emerges to facilitate inter-ethnic marriages, particularly with the Javanese. The Belunguh people strive to enhance their awareness of identity by modifying marriage rituals, which reflect their social status, hierarchy, and cultural adaptation in a multiethnic society.</p> Bartoven Vivit Nurdin, Fuad Abdulgani Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptation of Farmers in Bengawan Solo Watershed in Facing Climate Change <p>Currently, climate change poses a threat to agriculture, including in the Bengawan Solo watershed. This study aims to explore farmers' perceptions of climate change and understand the adaptations they undertake. The study was conducted in Mejuwet Village, Sumberrejo Subdistrict, Bojonegoro Regency, using qualitative. This study involved six informants, consisting of three farmers and three farm laborers. The selection of informants was based on the criterion of having more than ten years of experience in farming. Data was collected using in-depth interview and observation. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using an interactive model. The study indicates that farmers have knowledge of and can articulate the climate changes they have encountered, albeit with some limitations in understanding, and they actively participate in adaptation efforts. Farmer adaptation encompasses technical modifications like establishing planting schedules and methods, and choosing high-quality varieties. Cultural adaptation encompasses traditions like the wiwitan ceremony. Social adaptation involves using social connections and prioritizing investments in children's schooling. Lastly, economic adaptation involves broadening job opportunities and liquidating assets. </p> Shintiya Isnaeny, Slamet Widodo, Sri Ratna Triyasari, Elys Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Craftsmen Group in Increasing Potential Tourism of Paksebali Village <p>By exploiting the potential of art and culture that exists in Paksebali Village, this can be a prominent and sustainable tourist destination. The synergy between the craftsmen group and the tourism sector will not only boost the local economy, but also ensure that this rich cultural heritage is preserved and appreciated by future generations. Innovation in craft products that combines local cultural elements with modern trends. While previous research mostly deals with Although previous research mostly discussed the tourism potential in Paksebali Village, this article focuses on craftsmen who can create various types of products that are attractive to tourists, such as <em>Endek</em> Cloth Weaving Craft, <em>Tedung</em>, Prada Bludru Craft, <em>Lontek </em>Craft, <em>Gambelan</em> Bali Craft, <em>Topeng</em> Bali Craft. This diversification helps attract tourists who have a variety of preferences. This qualitative research was conducted in Paksebali village, Dawan Subdistrict, Klungkung Regency, Bali. Data was collected using the combination between in-depth interview and observations. The informants who participated in this research are craftsmen in Paksebali village, as my case studies. The findings show that through synergies between the craftsmen group and the tourism sector, there is a mutually beneficial exchange of value. Tourists gain experience and quality products, while the craftsmen gain the opportunity to increase their income and expand their market. In addition to economic benefits, these collaborations also have an impact on the preservation of local culture. Craftsmen products often reflect the history, tradition, and identity of a region. With increasing tourist interest in these products, the group of craftsmen is encouraged to continue to preserve and develop their expertise. Craftsmen in Paksebali Village can help increase the village's attractiveness as a tourist destination, while maintaining and preserving local cultural heritage. It is recommended that Craftsmen in Paksebali Village is expected to improve quality and innovation in craft products, setting up a craft centre or gallery, working with tourism agencies, conducting digital marketing and promotion, improving the packaging of craft products to make them more attractive, actively participating in exhibitions and festivals as well as cultural preservation and education.</p> Mutria Farhaeni, Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Dyah Prami, Sri Martini Copyright (c) 2024 ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000