Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
en-USradjabmansyur@gmail.com (Mansyur Radjab)suryanto.sosiologiunhas@gmail.com (Suryanto Arifin)Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000OJS Organization of Dieng Farm Woekers When Tobacco to Potato
<p>Dieng people who initially planted tobacco as a major agricultural commodity began to shift to potato commodities because of a faster, more effective harvest and offered more 'promising' results than tobacco. This new orientation by the potatoes opens up the opportunity for this change of new production organization arrangement for dieng community with two commodities namely tobacco and potato. This paper aims to provide a detailed picture of how these commodity changes affect the work structure of the agricultural system in Dieng.Methods of data collection were conducted by observation and in-depth interviews on five potato farmers and tobacco farmers who survived. This research was conducted in Campursari Village, Dieng Sub-district, Wonosobo Regency in June-July 2012. The findings of this study indicate that commodity changes from tobacco to potatoes lead to changes in production work structure and marketing chain, changes in work structure also change the economic order in each sub-performers on the production unit. Opportunities for the emergence of middlemen and skipper are increasingly prompted to create new social classes or new rich people. Nevertheless, there are rationality choices that develop in society about tobacco that still leaves room for workers to work. This rationality also encourages the existence of Dieng agriculture with two main commodities.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keyword: Economic Restructuring, Rationality, Dieng, Tobacco, Potato.</p>Godefridus Samderubun, Anis Izdiha, Arin Mamlakah
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/HJS/article/view/23512Mon, 04 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000Social Adaptation and Society Perception in the Life of Widows
<p>This research aims to reveal social adaptation and community perceptions of the lives of young widows in Lembang Mokallang Village, Bambang District, Mamasa Regency. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The research location is Lembang Mokallang Village, Bambang District, Mamasa Regency. The main informants were 5 widows, 4 assistant informants from the community and 1 village or government head as the key informant. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis consists of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. Validation of data was carried out by triangulation and extension of observations. The research results show that in the adaptation process a widow experiences a shift in function and role as a single parent. In the adaptation process, each widow receives different perceptions from society, which causes each widow to have a different way of adapting. Every widow needs a different time to adapt after the stigma of being as a widow.</p>Abdul Malik Iskandar
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/HJS/article/view/31692Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000Resiliensi Jaringan Peternakan Sapi Dalam Mengahadapi Dampak Wabah Penyakit Mulut Dan Kuku Pada Ternak Di Tanjungpinang
<p>Wabah Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) telah memberikan dampak perubahan serta tantangan baru kepada Jaringan Peternakan di Indonesia dalam menghadapinya. Salah satunya yang mengalami dampak tersebut adalah jaringan peternakan yang ada di Tanjungpinang. Meskipun demikian, tidak sedikit dari mereka yang memiliki ketahanan atau resiliensi. Mereka mampu menghadapi tantangan dan mampu berhadapan di situasi kerentanan di masa wabah PMK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran resiliensi yang dilakukan oleh jaringan peternakan di Tanjungpinang dalam menghadapi dampak yang dari wabah PMK. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah jaringan peternakan yaitu instansi pemerintahan, peternak, pejual daging sapi, dan masyarakat produksi. Pengumpulan data dan teknik yang digunakan berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi pada jaringan peternak berdasarkan pada tiga jenis kompetensi dalam memahami konsep resiliensi diantaranya adalah kapasitas beradaptasi, kapasitas penanggulangan, kapasitas berubah. Berdasarkan ketiga konsep tersebut, gambaran resiliensi pada subjek yaitu subjek memiliki kemampuan dalam merespon perubahan, kreativitas dalam beradaptasi sesuai perubahan dan inovatif dalam melakukan perubahan untuk keberlangsungan mendatang</p>Lela Nur Shahida, Siti Arieta, Nanik Rahmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/HJS/article/view/28252Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000Use of Social Media among the Elderly
<p>There are needs of using social media for elderly, remembering of its function is very helpful to develop social relation, including to access needed important information. This conceptual article aims to know the using of social media for elderly, including the advantages and the barriers felt by the elderly within using of social media. Data and information was gathered and analyzed from any sources such as articles and any relevant sources. The result of study shows that the number of the elderly using of social media in Indonesia was increase. The variety of social media used by the elderly is almost same with the youth such Whatsapp, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter. The advantages felt by the elderly from social media are improving social connectivity and relation, decreasing of depression level and increasing of happiness and social role. The barriers felt by the elderly are interpersonal, functional and structural barriers. Therefore, to improve the social role of elderly mediated by social media is suggested to run a program to teach and train elderly how to use the social media effectively. Also, we need more agronomic features of social media to reduce barriers. And the most important thing is special discount from government to cover the budget internet access cost for elderly.</p>Syamsuddin
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/HJS/article/view/23135Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000Implications of the Increase in Public Transport Tariffs Due to the Increase in Fuel Prices on the Social Conditions of Public Transport Drivers
<p>The government's decision to increase the price of fuel oil has a direct impact on increasing the operating costs of public transport. This decision was taken due to the increase in world oil prices, which prompted the government to cut fuel subsidies. This situation certainly has an impact on the income of public transport drivers, this is also exacerbated by the existence of online transportation which is an alternative transportation used by the community, so that it increasingly shifts the existence of public transportation. This study uses a qualitative method that aims to reveal the impact that occurs from the increase in public transport fares due to changes in fuel prices on the condition of public transport drivers. The results showed that the increase in fuel prices had an impact on reduced income and an increase in fuel costs incurred by public transport drivers, decreased people's purchasing power, increased poverty and unemployment, which had an impact on other social problems such as health and domestic violence. Therefore, the government implemented assistance in the form of BLT (Direct Cash Assistance) and BSU (Wage Subsidy Assistance) which are expected to be effective and right on target to reduce poverty and social inequality due to rising fuel prices.</p> <p> </p>Melphin Simaremare, Fadhilah Kusuma Wardani, F.X. Sri Sadewo
Copyright (c) 2024 Hasanuddin Journal of Sociology (HJS)
http://journal-old.unhas.ac.id/index.php/HJS/article/view/24359Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000